Trowbridge & District Amateur Radio Club

Up Coming Meetings & Events

Click the chevron far right, to expand or collapse the list of scheduled meetings!


Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th July VHF NFD takes place.

Wednesday 17th July will be our BBQ, as usual free food for paid up members and partners. Lets hope the WX is on our side in 2024! Please note...just like the AGM our BBQ takes place on the third Wednesday in July.  

August- TBC

September-Talk by G3VMZ Amateur Radio but not as you know it.

October- TBC

Wednesday 6th November will be our Constructors Cup evening, as always Club members compete for our 2 Construction trophies.

Wednesday 4th December- Christmas Social. 

That's it for the remainder of the year and 2024 plans so far!


To The Trowbridge & District Amateur Radio Club - G2BQY - M1BQY

Club net Sunday evenings 145.375MHz from 20:00 and try 28.375Mhz USB from 20:30

Early morning natter every morning at 10:30am on 145.350Mhz Please note this frequency has been changed from the usual because of frequent  QRM.

CW Practice Net 145.250MHz Sunday 19:30 - 20:00 & Thursday 19:30 -20:00

New members and enquiries for foundation & intermediate license training welcome.

Club membership is £10 a year.  Please note that, when joining the club you agree to the club maintaining a record of your contact details. These details are kept for correspondence with you only.  TDARC take the privacy of our members data seriously and will only use your personal information for club administration and membership communication purposes. Only the Secretary, Treasurer and Chairman will be able to access your details. More information about how we look after your data can be found in the TDARC GDPR policy.  By taking out membership of TDARC you accept that TDARC can keep your contact details in accordance with our GDPR policy

If you would like to join TDARC please contact either the Treasurer - or the Secretary - who will email the clubs bank details to you. Members are requested that subs are paid by bank transfer. This greatly simplifies administration for the treasurer, Thank you.

Please note, if you wish to use the bar, a membership to the Southwick  social club is also required at £7.50 a year.

If you have any items for sales or wanted then please send details of the item by emailing 

Items for the club website required: articles, reports etc please send to

More about Trowbridge & District Amateur Radio Club - G2BQY & M1BQY

Club officers:

Frank Lake G4YXS Chairman

David Millard M0GHZ Treasurer

Shaun Coles - G0BKU  Secretary

Roy Bailey G0VFS Webmaster

David Birch G0GKH

Ray Fox M0RFX 

Gerry Callaghan G4SPE

Ian  Bultitude G6KHW

Meeting Catch up

If you wish to view again or catch up on talks and presentations held on Zoom or at the hall, please visit the the meeting catchup page here. or click on the most resent talk below.

MB6TB: -Frequency 144.8250 (TX/RX)

Modes: - Yaesu Fusion, DMR

DMR: - cc5, Time Slot 2 Only, Brandmeister Network, Master Server BM_2341 United Kingdom, Static TalkGroup 2350, (Any BM Dynamic TG can be dialled)

Yaesu Fusion: - YSF Gateway, call any active reflector using wires X

On DMR, please disconnect from any dynamic TalkGroup(s) using TG4000 when you’ve finished using it.

On YSF, please disconnect from reflector when you’ve finished using it.

MB6TB Dashboard

(i) Do you have an article you would like to share with our members? Please email it to: webmaster.tdarc@

Public Group

About Amateur Radio

Amateur radio is one of the world's most popular hobbies with more than 80,000 active hams in Britain alone.  Amateur radio is enjoyed by people all over the world and by all walks of life.  For more info about amateur radio, visit the Radio Society of Great Britain's website -

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