My research interests  are primarily in graph theory, but I'm also interested in most areas of discrete math. In particular, I like thinking about problems motivated by scientific applications. Graph theory and discrete mathematics provide mathematical models of road, utility, and social networks; they model the structure of chemical compounds and the tree of life. I am involved in projects that traverse the fields of mathematics, chemistry, biology, and network science. If this sounds interesting to you, then stop by my office to chat or send me an email! 

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7. X. Liu, M. Santana, and T. Short. Every subcubic multigraph is (1, 2^7)-packing edge-colorable,  J. Graph Theory 104(4) (2023), 851-885. (link to paper)

6. J. Engbers, L. Keough, T. Short. Independent sets in n-vertex k-chromatic l-connected graphs, Discrete Math 344(7) (2021).  (link to paper)

5. T. Došlić, T. Short. Maximal matchings in polyspiro and benzenoid chains, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 15 (2021), 179-200. (link to paper)

4. Z. Ash, T. Short. The number of maximal matchings in polyphenylene chains, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 10(4) (2019), 343-360. (link to paper)

3. T. Short. The saturation number of carbon nanocones and nanotubes, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 82 (2019), 181-201. (link to paper)

2. É. Czabarka, J. Rauh, K. Sadeghi, T. Short, L. A. Székely. On the number of non-zero elements of joint degree vectors,  Electron. J. Combin.  24(1) (2017), #P1.55.  (link to paper)

1. T. Short. On some conjectures concerning critical independent sets of a graph, Electron. J. Combin. 23(2) (2016), #P2.43.  (link to paper)

Other Papers

2. T. Short. Some Extremal and Structural Problems in Graph Theory, University of South Carolina, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing (2016).

1. T. Short. KE Theory & the Number of Vertices Belonging to All Maximum Independent Sets in a Graph (2011). VCU Theses and Dissertations. Paper 2353.