Assessment: the RPPF (Reflection)

Reflection is now a key component of the Extended Essay. Criterion E: Engagement of the EE rubric is used to evaluate your RPPF.

Criterion E assesses your engagement with your research focus and the research process. It will be applied by the examiner at the end of the assessment of the essay, and is based solely on the candidate’s reflections as detailed on the RPPF, with the supervisory comments and extended essay itself as context.

The rubric/markbands of Criterion E:

What are the different types of reflection?

Each of the three markbands references a different level of reflection. In critically reviewing your engagement in the research process, it might help to think in terms of three levels of reflection: descriptive, analytical and evaluative reflection. The table below gives examples of guiding questions to help with this.

Level of reflection: Descriptive

Example of the kinds of questions you may have asked and answered of yourself:

● What did I do?

● How did I undertake my research?

● What were the problems I faced?

● Did my approach or strategies change throughout the process?

● What have been the high and the low points of the research and writing process?

Level of reflection: Analytical

Example of the kinds of questions you may have asked and answered of yourself:

● Was my research successful?

● If I changed my approach or strategies during the process, why did I do this?

● What did I learn from the experience in terms of my understanding of the subject area and/or the skills needed to undertake research?

● How has my understanding of the topic and research process developed throughout the task?

Level of reflection: Evaluative

Example of the kinds of questions you may have asked and answered of yourself:

● If I were to undertake this research again, would I do it differently—if so, why or why not?

● What has affected this?

● If I did do the research again, would I change the theories applied or the methodological approach? Would this have led to a different outcome?

● What can I conclude from this?

● Were the strategies I used for undertaking my research the most appropriate for achieving my outcomes?

● What, if any, questions emerged as a result of my research that I was not expecting? Would these questions influence my approach if I were to undertake the research again?

These levels correspond to the attainment levels of the rubric for criterion E (engagement) above. To get the highest score, work toward EVALUATIVE reflection.