Information from the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau


In these challenging times, when parish facilities are closed, the Church is still alive in our homes and communities! Please share the resource sheet, "The Domestic Church" with all parishioners in your prospective parishes. You will find helpful suggestions and tools for keeping Christ at the center of the home and for helping families to continue the journey of faith. We are also inviting families to send in video clips of their family being the Domestic Church which will then be shared on the diocesan social media outlets. Please distribute the "Invitation to Families" flier, which details the parameters for filming and submitting video clips.


Late last week, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, along with 20 healthcare, bioethics, and pro-life organizations, sent a letter urging the Food and Drug Administration to ensure that any vaccine for COVID-19 be developed ethically and with no connection to abortion. Among the dozen vaccines being developed, some are being produced using old cell lines from the cells of aborted babies. As the bishops point out, no one should be forced to choose between being vaccinated against this virus and his or her conscience, especially as there are other cell lines that have no connection to abortion that can be used. Please contact the Trump Administration using the following link to ensure that vaccines for COVID-19 are developed ethically and with no connection to abortion: