Stochastic & Rough Analysis

Berlin, 2022, August 22 - 26

This meeting is devoted to recent progress on stochastic & rough analysis and its applications.

It is also a welcome opportunity to congratulate our colleague Michael Scheutzow (FOR 2402) on his retirement.

  • Organisers: Peter Bank, Peter Friz, Ulrich Horst, Sylvie Paycha, Nicolas Perkowski and Wilhelm Stannat

  • The organising Institutions are: FU, HU, and TU Berlin, U Potsdam and WIAS Berlin

  • We kindly acknowledge the financial support from funding institutions via the following grants and programmes:

    1. DFG Forschungsgruppe FOR 2402: "Rough paths, stochastic partial differential equations and related topics"

    2. ERC GPSART 683164: "Geometric aspects in pathwise analysis and related topics"

    3. Berlin-Oxford International Reserach Training Group (IRTG) 2544: "Stochastic Analysis in Interaction"

  • Invited Speakers: Economic travel and accommodation costs can be covered.

  • The conference will be held in the following location: Harnack-Haus, directly at the U3 stop "Freie Universität (Thielplatz)", see the following link and screenshot:

  • Non-speaker attendance: Because the Harnack Haus is a commercial venue (full lunch provided) there is a strict upper limit on the number of participants. That said, we are confident that there will be enough space to accommodate a significant number of interested colleagues, postdoctoral researchers and (advanced) students. Please sign up by August 9th. We shall then confirm participations asap.

SRA2022 Non-speaker Signup

(Last update; 8-Aug-2022)

Please see the following preliminary timetable (direct link )


Please click here for Book of Abstracts .

Wednesday afternoon: Depart 14:30 (sharp, front door Harnack Haus)

Following this route (pic below), including a possible break around 16:00 at this lovely beach) we should arrive at / after 17:00

at Paulsborn Biergarten.

Return: ~20 min walk to Clayallee (115, X10, X83), another ~20 min to Harnack Haus, directions (pic below)

Dinner from 19:00 onwards @ Alter Krug, see pic!