Gmail - No Civic meeting this Tuesday.pdf
Gmail - Tuesday night's meeting - Links and information.pdf
letter to mayor 9-29-22.pdf
Gmail - Blood drive, letter, and ravens.pdf
Gmail - Civic Meeting in May, Blood Drive, Tree Giveaway.pdf
Gmail - Blood drive on April 11, Septa's plans to change routes and take over lanes, Injection-site litigation.pdf
Gmail - Illegal-drug injection sites.pdf
Gmail - Update Concerning Illegal-Drug Injection Site and Protest & 10201 Clark Street Zoning Appeal.pdf
Gmail - 10201 Clark Street - Answers to Questions, Deadline to Ask Questions and to Vote.pdf
Gmail - New zoning matter at 10201 Clark Street; voting deadline for 626-630 Byberry.pdf
Gmail - New zoning matter - 626-630 Byberry Road.pdf
Gmail - Blood drive - January 27.pdf