Dental Health

Options to Deal with the Cavity Pain

Cavity pain is something majority of people are pretty familiar with. The root causes of this pain may take time to develop but the pain can occur all of a sudden. So this condition can happen without you even expecting something like it. It cannot get worse when you are on a trip you start feeling such kind of pain. In this scenario, you may wonder what to do when you are 1000 miles away from your dentist.

Fortunately, there are some quick fixes which can help you contain the pain until you are able to reach your dentist’s office. These quick fixes work well when you are waiting for the date of appointment with your dentist.

  • If you have pain due to cavity, you have to make sure that you are not consuming sugary foods and beverages.
  • You have to brush your teeth carefully because cavity pain is usually due to exposed nerves in the teeth. You don’t want the bristles of toothbrush to interact with those nerves.
  • When you have cavity, you have to make sure that you are eating soft foods only. You will have to avoid chewing as much as you can.
  • After every meal, you need to clean your oral cavity with a high quality antibacterial mouth rinse.

When you have cavity, you may feel pain in the infected tooth or surrounding gums. Now, the treatment for relief of pain depends upon the extent of tooth decay. No matter what the severity of tooth decay is, you need to visit the dentist to get the problem fully analyzed. The most common treatment for relieving cavity pain is the cavity filling. A basic overview of the filling process is worth mentioning here.

  • First, the dentist will numb the area of the infected tooth.
  • After the area is numbed, the dentist will removed decayed part of the tooth.
  • Finally, the dentist will fill the cavity with the material of your choice.

Preventing cavity pain

It is very simple and easy to prevent cavity and its resultant discomfort. There are a few simple steps that you can follow in order to prevent this condition.

  • Brushing and flossing of the teeth is mandatory to ensure better dental health. You can reduce the prospects of cavities if you brush and floss your teeth on daily basis.
  • Using a fluoride product is important when you know that you are at the risk of developing cavities. The basic advantage of fluoride is that it provides ample support to tooth enamel which is the first line of defense against cavities and other infectious germs.
  • It is important to be careful about what you choose as snacks. If the snacks you choose are not the healthy ones, they can cause damage to your teeth and gums. Consider having raw vegetables and fruits as snacking options.
  • It is important to visit your dentist after every 6 months. This dental visit will help you in keep your oral health in good condition.