
About Me

Hello and welcome! I am Shubham Ramkisan Jathar, currently serving as a Researcher at LUT University in Finland, with the esteemed Prof. Jesse Railo as my mentor.  I am a part of the vibrant research group on Uncertainty Quantification and Inverse Problems at LUT University. My research primarily explores inverse problems related to nonlinear equations and integral geometry.

I have recently submitted my Ph.D. thesis at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal (IISER-B) under the guideance of Dr. Manas Kar and am eagerly awaiting its assessment. While my work now primarily aligns with LUT University, I maintain a cherished affiliation with IISER Bhopal, reflecting a journey filled with invaluable experiences and ongoing collaborations.

My Erdős number is 4. Paul Erdős -> Svante Janson -> Jan Boman -> Vladimir A. Sharafutdinov -> Shubham Jathar.

I also hold membership of Inverse Problems International Association and Finnish Inverse Problems Society. Feel free to explore my work and get in touch!

What's New

My research interests are:


Selected Grants, Fellowship

Coinvestigator of Project: Stability and Statistical Theory of Indirect Imaging Methods

Principal Investigator: Prof. Jesse Railo

Funding: €68,000 (out of total €75,000) 

Received a fellowship to attend the special programme "Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a Multidisciplinary Approach"

Academic Achievements


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