Chen WANG, PhD


College of Electronic Science and Engineering

Jilin University

2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012


Tel: +86-16634162511

Research Interests

The design and optimization of the chemical sensor and sensing system

The understanding of chemical interaction between molecules and material surface via spectrometry

Emerging applications in the detection of exhaled breath for disease diagnosis and environmental monitoring   



Our paper "Biomimetic olfactory chips based on large-scale monolithically integrated nanotube sensor arrays" has been accepted by Nature Electronics!


We seek highly motivated graduate students to join the group as PhD student. Candidates with a solid background in materials science, electronics, semiconductors, and other related areas are encouraged to email me with your CV. 

2023. 11. 01

As the Guest Editor, I am inviting you to contribute to a Special Issue entitled "Nanostructured Metals and Metal Oxides-Based Gas Sensors". Welcome ~