Humanized Online Teaching Showcase

 Sanjay Dev, Educator at  Butte College

This site provides examples of instructional resources created in the Humanizing Online Teaching Academy, a professional development program at Butte College, funded by the Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Practices grant from the California Community College Chancellor's Office.


Where I was.

I have always wanted to be a teacher who is very current with the new technology. For the past ten years or so, I have showcased my teaching to the villagers of Nepal  so that they could have the opportunity to learn at no cost, but I was never quite satisfied with the way I presented. It felt like a showcase in a suitcase. The pandemic forced me into becoming an online teacher. During the lockdown due to the pandemic, I learned to adapt to online teaching, However, I knew there was more I could do to be an efficient teacher and reach out to my students almost at the same level as if I were in a face-to-face class.  I enrolled in the Humanizing STEM Academy hoping what I learned would help me, 

Where I am.

This academy course has taught me more than I imagined. I am a teacher by profession but a student at heart. I am always eager to learn. Even though I am at the end of my teaching career as I will be retiring in a year, I never once felt like this was a waste of my time. In fact, now I can help others in the village of Nepal in their teaching career as we all can see that the trend is changing more towards the adaptation of online courses. Nepal  is a few years behind, but my aim now is to bring the country up to date with my expertise.

Where I am going.

I will be retiring in a year. Not only I will be adding so much more of humanizing in my online courses at Butte College, but I look forward to being a facilitator once I retire and settle in Nepal. I have opened up a computer classroom for the poor in the village already. I grew up in a remote part of Nepal, and now I feel like I can actually teach the future teachers there in a more efficient manner. I can be part of helping the people so that the country is never far behind in technology and education. It gives me a purpose in life and I will embrace my new beginning.

Liquid Syllabus

The first introduction to "Sanjay Dev" will be through my liquid syllabus, a friendly overview of the course. The syllabus aims to tell the students in advance that there exists a very kind and loving teacher in their journey. There are several elements including a welcome video, a list of expectations for both the student and myself, my teaching philosophy, a week #1 to do list, and several resources where to get help. This should help the student orient themselves even before the course begins. 

Course Card

The photo I selected on my course card was to show a connection between math and music, and to embrace as we all know that everyone loves music. There is a stereotype for math teachers that are not that positive, and I want to show my students that the stereotypes are quite the contrary. I want this stereotype to end as more often than not, it is far from the truth.


I wanted to make my homepage filled with kindness, and the only way to do so effectively would be to first open my own heart and let my students know more about me. I want them to know also the reason why I became a teacher and why it is such a rewarding profession. Since the course is for future teachers, it is important that I let them know that we are in this together with one aim and one destiny.

Getting to Know You 

I designed my 10 questions survey in a way that I get to know my students at a much deeper level than the ordinary.  I very much want my students to get out of their comfort zone, therefore I even included questions such as their desire to teach abroad in a marginalized place or not. I want to encourage my students to change lives of many and not just American students in a very comfortable place.

Ice Breaker

This is an ice breaker activity designed to share the students values which shape their lives and gives a little of of their backgrounds. By speaking about their lives and learning experience, especially values, they will begin to get more comfortable with this course and theirclassmates. I ask them to submit a video reflecting on their values . I even recorded a video with my values.  The students are asked to find some commanalities with their peers and connect. I also use this as .a way to introduce them to the external tool Flipgrid.

Bumper Video

When you are asked if you'd rather have a million dollars today or penny a day doubled every day for 30 days, finding the right solution first is a must. A Course Bumper is a brief, visually-oriented video (1-3 minutes) that serves an instructional purpose in a course. I chose the concept of problem solving technique of finding a pattern which many students are unaware of. Here is a video showing the strategy and the solution.  Problem solving strategies is a tool they will use to solve many challenging problems. 


This is a short recorded audio/video presentation of a topic regarding geometry, where a student learns to create a flag of Nepal. The flag uses quite an elaborate steps into constructing using geometric rules and formulas. The fascinating part of this assignment is that it is suitable for even to someone with limited math skills.