
I am a Computer Science Ph.D. student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. My research blends program analysis, software repository mining, and ML/DL tools to understand the syntactic and semantic behavior of vulnerabilities and the fixes implemented to repair/mitigate them

My interests are also with initiatives to engage youth and minorities in computational thinking skills, support women-lead local business and lately, poem writing to open space for human vulnerable experiences. I also enjoy the outdoors and making art!

Before, I was a data science instructor for local business and a lecturer at ESPOL University in Ecuador. Between 2015 and 2017  I was a Fulbright Scholar at Northeastern University, Boston working on my MSc. in Signal Processing and Machine Learning. My bachelor's degree is in Electronics and Telecom. Engineering from the Armed Forces University, Ecuador.

PhD Advisors: 

Prof. Witawas Srisa-an 

&  Prof. Robert Dyer