
The Procedure of Root Canal Treatment

Many of you would have heard about root canal treatment but it is quite unfortunate that majority of people associate this procedure with an immense amount of pain and nothing else. The matter of fact is that this procedure is carried out for the purpose of saving a severely infected tooth. During this procedure, the bacteria and/or dying or dead nerves are removed from the inner part of the tooth. Surely this treatment tends to be painful due to the procedure it is based on but modern dentistry has made things pretty comfortable with the help of recent developments. The number of dental visits required for procedure is also reduced with this improved technology.

When does the need for this treatment arise?

When an infection occurs in the depth of a tooth, the need for root canal treatment arises. This infection may be due to an injury or a severe kind of cavity. If you are still ignoring the treatment, you may have to get your infected tooth removed entirely. However, a timely visit to dentist may save you from losing your tooth. The dentist may suggest a root canal treatment.

Procedure of root canal treatment

There are a few steps involved in a root canal treatment. Those steps are mentioned as under.

  • The dentist administers anesthesia using a needle. This is for the purpose of numbing the tooth. When the tooth and area around it is numb, the dentist may place a dental dam, which is made of rubber sheet, around the tooth in order to keep the area clean and dry.
  • In this step, the dentist will try to access the inner part of the tooth with the help of small tools such as small drill. The opening is created on the top of the tooth. The small files are used to clear away the infected part of the pulp. The files are also used to shape tooth’s inner chamber. At this stage, the dentist may use water irrigator to wash away any remnants of infected pulp. In order to kill any remaining bacteria in the tooth, antimicrobial solution may also be used.
  • After thorough cleaning and drying of the chamber, the endodontist or dentist will fill it. The material used in this regard is usually a rubber-like substance which is also known as gutta percha. It is used to fill the tooth temporarily because you will need a crown for ultimate filling.
  • After a few weeks, you will get a crown by your dentist. This would be the end of the treatment.

After the treatment is finished, you will need to make sure that you are taking good care of your oral hygiene. Moreover, you will have to be more careful about visiting your dentist according to schedule.

Keto Diet and Your Oral Health

There has been a lot of discussion about keto diet. When you decide to finally lose extra pounds with the help of your diet, the type of diet, many people would suggest you, is the keto-diet. This diet mainly focuses on low carbs, high fats and strictly no sugar. As far as the sugar is concerned, you will surely need less sugar in order to avoid cavities. Keto diet surely seems beneficial for your oral health in this regard. But then, there is another oral health-concerned factor which you may not like about this diet. It’s the keto breath.

Keto breath can be described as fruity smell from the perspective of how it feels. However, it can be worse if there is a cavity or any other odor producing problem with your oral cavity. Now, the bad breath solely due to keto-diet may be a sign that the diet is working but you may not like the idea of openly talking to someone because of the bad breath even though you are losing weight.

Causes of keto-breath

Keto-breath is mainly a response of the body when it is not fully using the ketones produced by the liver. Your body will start using the ketones with the passage of time and it will power the muscles and brain with these ketones. The bad breath will be gone when your body will become keto-adapted. Good news is that you will not have to wait for too long for your body to become keto adapted.

Preventing keto breath

Good thing is that you can prevent keto-breath with the help of simple steps. These are the simple oral health care techniques that always work.

  • First, you have to make sure that you drink plenty of water. When you do not eat, your mouth doesn’t get a lot of saliva. And in case of keto-diet, you aim at eating less. It means that you are going to get your mouth dried more in the process. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that you drink plenty of water.
  • You need to keep up with your oral hygiene routine. For this purpose, you need to pay attention to proper brushing and flossing of your teeth. Proper brushing mainly involves use of a good quality toothbrush and proper brushing technique. You need to floss your teeth at least once in every day to keep the interdental spaces of your teeth clean.
  • You need avoid having a lot of stress about anything. Stress can reduce the flow of saliva in your mouth. Moreover, it slows down the digestion of proteins. Another side effect of stress is the acid reflux which is can be one of the worst reasons for bad breath.