Why is there something rather than nothing?

Rong Gu, Ph.D.

Postdoc at Mälardalen University, Sweden

Office: U2-201, Västerås Campus

Work phone: +46(0)736621483

Email: rong.gu at mdu.se

Official page: http://www.es.mdh.se/staff/3552-Rong_Gu

CV: download

Selected Presentations

LiVe'24 - Integrating the Power of Machine Learning and Model Checking in Safety-Critical Systems

FM'21 - Model Checking Collision Avoidance of Nonlinear Autonomous Vehicles

FMICS 2020 - Verifiable and Scalable Mission-Plan Synthesis for Autonomous Agents

Selected Publications

Selected Tools

MALTA: mission planning of autonomous agents 

Research Profile

Research Description

My research fields are formal methods, software engineering, and machine learning. I have been studying the combination of machine learning with formal methods in the domain of autonomous systems. Autonomous systems can move and execute tasks within a confined environment, without or with a little human intervention. As they often work alongside humans, e.g., self-driving cars, the guarantee of their safety requirement is highly evaluated. Machine learning bears the promise of letting machines learn by themselves given enough training data. However, machine learning has no guarantee of correctness, safety, and security. My research aims at solving these problems with the support of formal methods, which are based on mathematics and well-known for providing rigorous analysis of complex systems.

Specifically, I use reinforcement learning for training autonomous systems, such as motion planning, and model checking (e.g., UPPAAL) for verification. I also explore the usage of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, in facilitating the work of requirement engineering.

Academic Activities

Community service as a reviewer/sub-reviewer: FM Symposium, AST, NFM, FMICS, SERENE, ISEC, Journal of Robotics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Journal of Supercomputing, etc.

Organizing conferences/workshops: ICST 2018 (Volunteer), ECBS 2023 (Tool Demo Chair), MODELS 2023 (Volunteer).

Collaborations with Industry

My doctoral study is problem-oriented and strongly connected to the industry. My project, DPAC (Dependable Platforms for Autonomous Systems and Control), involves several import industry players in Sweden, including VOLVO Construction Equipment, ABB, etc. We have annual summits to communicate our thoughts, and workshops every once in a while to let us, the academic researchers, introduce the state-of-the-art methodologies and seek effective combinations with their technologies. 

Teaching Profile


Teaching assistant: 

