Road Runner Email server error 501.

Road Runner Email is an outstanding email service that is frequently used by people. Roadrunner email has numerous features that mark it different from other emails services. But apart from this every email has some common issues and errors. Consequently, the majority of the users encounter Roadrunner email error code 501. In case you also encounter this error, you don’t need to worry. It is a very common error, but don’t take it easy. The error occurs when you try to access your account through Roadrunner Login credentials.

Reasons for the occurrence of Error 501:

In order to fix this error, you must know the reasons behind the occurrence of a particular error. Here are few reasons for the occurrence of error 501.

  • The chief reason for error 501 is networking. In case your system is not connected with a network, you may face this error.

  • In case the login credentials are not accessible or you put in the wrong email address and password.

  • The error arises when SMTP is not functioning appropriately with your email server.

  • If the operating system is not allowing the Roadrunner service on your system.

How to fix Road Runner Email Error 501?

To solve this error, you just need to perform the best troubleshooting steps as soon as possible and for that you can easily apply the below mentioned solutions without any delay.

  • Check onto the internet connection.

  • If network service is functioning appropriately move to next step.

  • Update your system and application, in case any updates are available.

  • Open the web browser on your system

  • Visit in the URL section.

  • Log in to the Roadrunner email account through the username and password.

  • On the account, click on the tool icon.

  • Go to the setting

  • Choose the outgoing mail server settings.

  • In the SMTP setting, insert the following details.

  1. Server error: 501

  2. Server Response: 501 5.5.2 RCPT to a syntax error

  3. Windows live mail error Id: 0x800CCC79

  4. Server: ‘’

  5. Protocol: SMTP

  6. Port: 25

  7. Secure (SSL): No

  • Press the Save button.

Following the above mentioned procedure will resolve the error. In case of any issues or if error persists feel free to get in touch with the Roadrunner Technical Support team with the help of a toll free Roadrunner Helpline Number mentioned on the site.