

As everyone knows, every mathematical adventure must start with a set of axioms. It is often difficult to agree on the precise content and formulation of these axioms. Here is a set of axioms that I include in my standard toolbox, which has been laid out for the notices of the AMS by Federico Ardila-Mantilla.

Missing truths

Science is about truth. Which is missing from the unjust treatment of Azat Miftakhov, Giulio Regeni and many other academics in the world, who were jailed or murdered for their views, their identity or their acts of resistence.

The cost of knowledge

Knowledge costs too much, as explained here and here. Therefore, I support diamond open access journals, like the ones listed on this page, as well as initiatives such as arXiv, Gallica, Sci-Hub, Library Genesis or Anna's Archive. I also believe that, as scientists, we should all thank those who fought for open knowledge, such as Alexandra Elbakyan and Aaron Swartz.

These websites are crucial for the development of science in the global south. Other ways to foster mathematical exchanges with developing countries are provided by associations such as SAMI, CIMPA and GANDA.


Nowadays, one can find many mathematical talks online. I put together a playlist containing some of them, strongly influenced by my personal mathematical interests. Moreover, you can find interesting list of documentaries about math and mathematicians on Abakcus and ZalaFilms. I also find the Abel Prize, CIRM and Math-Life Balance interviews particularly well made.

Digitalized papers

Some of these are extracted from the works digitalized by the Bibliothèque nationale de France. A similar list of scanned papers can be found on Dino Lorenzini's webpage.