Organizers and Presenters


Juanita Hicks (American Institutes for Research): Juanita is a researcher in the Process Data Center at AIR. She has extensive experience in educational research and measurement pertaining to K-12 education. She is also involved in several community-building initiatives focused on increasing the awareness and knowledge of process data from large-scale assessments.

Ruhan Circi (American Institutes for Research): Ruhan is a senior researcher and the project di-rector of the Process Data Center at AIR. She conducts studies exploring nonresponse items, noise detection, students’ computer familiarity, problem-solving behavior, and text-to-speech universal design using data mining and machine learning techniques.

Burhan Ogut (American Institutes for Research): Burhan is a principal researcher with an extensive experience leading policy and intervention evaluations in education with a focus on data mining and machine learning methods along with quasi-experimental methods in his work.

Darrick Yee (American Institutes for Research): Darrick is a senior researcher with more than half a decade of professional experience in quantitative analysis of educational interventions and policy issues, with a focus on methods related to causal inference and educational measurement.

Michelle Yin (Northwestern University): Michelle is a director and assistant professor at Northwestern University School of Education and Social Policy. She has extensive experience leading research at the nexus of education and labor economics, with a focus on special populations that include people with disabilities, youth at risk of not graduating from high school, and adult literacy learners.

Presenters: TBA