Request for Funds

Training Funds Available for School Districts

Montana's Comprehensive System Of Personnel Development (CSPD) Region IV

Request For Proposals (RFP) Funding For In-service Training


Montana Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) is dedicated to providing the coordination and support needed to ensure comprehensive, quality and integrated education and services for Montana's youth. CSPD works through state and regional committees to assist schools in providing quality professional development opportunities. A major goal of CSPD is to ensure quality, coordinated in-service programs that lead to trained personnel with the skills and competencies necessary to provide quality educational and related services to children with disabilities.

Focus Areas...

The training must support the major priority goals established by Region IV CSPD; Building Partnerships Between School/Home/Community: and Promoting Access to the General Curriculum for All Children. Specific areas subsumed under the larger goals include but are not limited to the following: Assistive Technology: Emotionally Disturbed Children; Working with Children with Challenging Behaviors; Transition for Children with Disabilities: Part C to Part B Transition: and Para-educator Training.

Proposal Criteria...

These funds are to be used by public schools or other public agencies to provide opportunities for professional development activities targeting the focus areas specified above with an emphasis on enhancing education for children with disabilities. Special consideration will be afforded to professional development activities which are made available to all stakeholders including general and special educators, administrators, parents related service personnel and public agencies working with school.

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