Q.D. Jiang (CV)

Pounding the Rock

In chiral superconductors, rotation looks like voltage, and geometric curvature looks like magnetic field.

Symmetry breaking effect can be transmitted to nearby atom due to quantum fluctuations. By measuring spectra of the nearby atom, one can reveal what kind of symmetry is broken in materials.

Link: What is quantum atmospheres?

Phys. Rev. B 99, 201104 (R) (2019)

Repulsive, enhanced, tunable Casimir forces can arise in vaccum filled with gyrotropic materials.

Vacuum can exert a dissipationless force along the rotation axis of a spinning particle.

Phys. Rev. B 99, 165402 (2019)

About me (CV) Learn the world like a baby: Learn, think, play, and repeat...