What are the negatives of a pool cover?

What are the negatives of a pool cover?

Deciding to cover your pool can seem like a smart choice for maintenance. However, it's important to know that pool covers can hold very little weight. This article will explore the various downsides of using a pool cover, offering insights and solutions to common problems.

Keep reading; you might be surprised.

Key Takeaways

The Drawbacks of Pool Covers

Pool covers can detract from the aesthetic appeal of a pool and its surroundings. They require regular installation and maintenance, adding to the workload of pool owners. Despite their utility, they necessitate additional space for storage when not in use.

Finding suitable covers for irregularly shaped pools can be challenging and often comes with added costs.


Aesthetics and Appearance

Many people worry about how a pool cover will look in their outdoor space. The heart of the issue is that some covers might spoil the visual appeal of an otherwise beautiful area. Imagine having a sleek, modern landscape—only for it to be thrown off by a pool cover that doesn't quite fit in.

Different materials and styles can either blend perfectly or clash horribly with your existing décor.

Mesh security covers, while practical for safety, let water through and can make the pool look uninviting. It's tricky; you want the safety features but might not love how they alter your pool's appearance.

Not every cover complements the surrounding landscape, affecting the overall aesthetic impact negatively. Deciding on a material or style requires careful thought about its visual effect on your outdoor living area.

Installation and Maintenance Hassles

Installing a pool cover seems straightforward, but it brings its set of challenges. Maintenance is another area where effort increases significantly.

Requirement of Additional Space

Pool covers, especially the roll-able pool blankets, demand extra room around the pool area. This means you need dedicated space for storage that doesn't interfere with your enjoyment or use of the garden.

Think about where you'll keep it when not in use – perhaps you’ll need a special box or shed, adding to pool shelter considerations.

Automatic pool covers come with their own set of requirements; they require a pump on top which also eats into precious space around your swimming area. Planning for this can lead to looking into various pool storage solutions or even considering alternatives that avoid these spatial constraints altogether.

Effective management and organisation of your pool area become key in ensuring that these additions don't detract from your outdoor experience.

Difficulty in Finding Suitable Covers for Unusual Pool Shapes

Unusual pool shapes bring character to a garden, but they also present a challenge--finding the right cover. Many off-the-shelf options only fit conventional designs. This means owners of nonstandard pools often have to look for tailored solutions.

Customfit covers, designed specifically for unique contours and atypical configurations, become necessary.

Opting for customised pool covers isn't just about aesthetics; it's about ensuring safety and efficiency too. However, this route often leads to higher costs and longer wait times.

Specialty solutions require precise measurements and meticulous crafting to match each irregular shape or unique design perfectly. For those with unconventional pools, the journey towards perfect protection involves extra steps and expense.

Understanding the Costs of Pool Covers

Pool covers come with a price tag that can vary widely. Some options are relatively affordable, starting at just a few hundred dollars. However, for those seeking the convenience of automation, motorised pool covers present an alluring yet costly solution.

These high-end models streamline the process of securing your pool but expect to invest anywhere from $6,000 to $15,000.

On one hand, vinyl security covers offer a solid middle ground in terms of both protection and expense. With prices ranging between $1,200 and $3,000, these durable covers promise longevity—typically lasting 6 to 10 years.

Meanwhile, automatic pool cover costs fluctuate but always prioritise ease for owners. Investing in any type of pool cover is not just about mitigating physical drawbacks; it's about weighing up financial commitments against the undeniable perks they bring to table—security, cleanliness and energy savings among them.


Covering a swimming pool does come with its drawbacks, from spoiling your garden's look to the hassle of maintenance. Not every cover fits all pool shapes, and getting one that does can hit your wallet hard.

Also, they're not foolproof—safety concerns linger for pets and little ones who might venture too close. Despite their intent to protect and maintain, covers often require more work and investment than anticipated.


1. Why should I be cautious about using a pool cover?

Using a pool cover requires careful consideration as it can pose safety risks, especially for unsupervised children and pets.

2. Will a pool cover affect the water quality?

Yes, covering a pool for prolonged periods can lead to decreased water circulation and sunlight exposure, potentially causing algae growth and chemical imbalance.

3. Are there any drawbacks to using a pool cover in terms of maintenance?

Indeed, debris accumulation on the cover may increase cleaning efforts whilst also necessitating proper drainage procedures.

4. Can a pool cover lead to structural issues?

Potential strain on the pool's structure due to excessive weight or improper installation is among the concerns associated with using a cover.

5. What are the environmental impacts of utilising a pool cover?

The use of certain materials in covers and their disposal at the end of their lifespan may raise ecological considerations such as waste generation and environmental footprint.

--- Article End ---

Default Meta Title: The Surprising Drawbacks of Using a Pool Cover: What are the Negatives?

Default Meta Description: Uncover the drawbacks of a pool cover and learn how to address common issues in our insightful article. What are the negatives of a pool cover?

URL: https://designerpoolcoverskzn.co.za/what-are-negatives-pool-cover/

Catchy Title:

1. The Surprising Drawbacks of Using a Pool Cover: What are the Negatives?

2. Shocking Disadvantages of Pool Covers Revealed! Find out the Negatives Now

3. Don't Use a Pool Cover Until You See These Downsides! What are the Negatives?

4. Uncovering the Truth: The Hidden Dangers of Using a Pool Cover

5. Think Twice Before Using a Pool Cover: Discover the Negatives Here!

Meta Description:

1. Uncover the drawbacks of a pool cover and learn how to address common issues in our insightful article. What are the negatives of a pool cover?

2. Discover the downsides of using a pool cover and find solutions to potential problems. Dive into our article on What are the negatives of a pool cover?

3. Learn about the limitations of a pool cover and how to overcome them in our informative piece on What are the negatives of a pool cover?

Factual Data (Not all will be added to articles depending on the article's outline):

General Facts

1. Pool covers can prevent direct contact with pool water, impacting the rate of water evaporation.

2. They hold very little weight and may not be able to withstand the pressure of an animal or person attempting to walk on it.

3. Pool covers can impact the overall aesthetics of the outdoor space.

4. Debris can accumulate on the cover, affecting its performance and requiring time-consuming cleaning.

5. Some covers don't last very long and deteriorate within a few years.

6. Mesh security covers for swimming pools let water pass through, potentially leading to dirty pool water.

7. Pool covers can result in the loss of water, heat, and chemicals if they float on the water.

8. They may require frequent maintenance and replacement.

9. Pool covers can be an additional cost and investment for pool owners.

10. Some covers, such as automatic pool covers, may have mechanical or technical issues, causing inconvenience for the pool owner.

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Facts about -Aesthetics and Appearance, The Drawbacks of Pool Covers

1. The main drawback of some pool covers is their impact on the overall aesthetics of the outdoor space.

2. Mesh security covers allow water to pass through, which can affect the appearance of the pool.

3. Some pool covers may not provide a visually appealing look for the pool area.

4. The choice of pool cover material can impact the overall aesthetic of the pool area.

5. Pool covers may not always blend seamlessly with the surrounding landscape or décor.

6. The aesthetic impact of a pool cover is a key consideration for those looking to maintain the visual appeal of their outdoor space.

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Facts about -Installation and Maintenance Hassles, The Drawbacks of Pool Covers

1. Pool covers can be unsightly unless custom-made.

2. Standard pool covers can be a hassle to manage.

3. Mesh security covers allow water to pass through, which can be a drawback for some people.

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Facts about -Requirement of Additional Space, The Drawbacks of Pool Covers

1. Pool covers, particularly roll-able pool blankets, can restrict the amount of free room in the pool area, requiring additional space for storage.

2. An automatic pool cover requires a pump on top, which may take up additional space in the pool area.

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Facts about -Difficulty in Finding Suitable Covers for Unusual Pool Shapes, The Drawbacks of Pool Covers

1. Finding suitable pool covers for unusual pool shapes can be challenging due to the limited availability of standard-sized covers.

2. Custom pool covers may need to be ordered to ensure a proper fit for unique pool shapes, which can be more expensive and time-consuming.

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Facts about -Understanding the Costs of Pool Covers, The Drawbacks of Pool Covers

1. Pool covers can range in price, with some starting as low as a few hundred dollars.

2. Motorized pool covers can be expensive but eliminate the hassle of manual covers.

3. The cost of purchasing a pool cover is a significant drawback, with prices ranging from $6,000 to $15,000.

4. A solid (vinyl) security cover for a pool can cost $1,200–$3,000 and lasts 6–10 years.

5. Automatic pool covers can range in cost and provide added convenience for pool owners.

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