What We're Reading

We'll use this page to recommend articles and podcasts that we think our class and the Poly community should pay attention to!

Why Read?

So that you're not surprised when the election isn't decided on election night!

Recommender: Ms. Moslander

Why Read?

It is important to consider how some immigrants and their families in the U.S. have not received adequate financial assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recommender(s): Mati, Emily, and Tyson

Why Read?

This impartial read describes both candidates' stances on immigration in detail, outlining their similarities and differences.

Recommender(s): Mati, Emily, and Tyson

Why Read?

This article references the fundamental commitments of Trump's evangelical support base, which demonstrate that he is merely a means towards achieving a Christian, conservative nation rather than a candidate with whom these voters identify.

Recommender(s): Caitlin, Max, and Shepherd

Why Read?

The article points out a possible flaw in the Democrats' election plan that could be very damaging to their chance of winning the Presidency.

Recommender(s): Caitlin, Max, and Shepherd

Why Read?

Even though Trump left the Paris Agreement, rolled back restrictions on toxic air pollution, refers to climate change as a hoax and removed it from the list of national security threats, he has claimed that he is "the number one environmental president since Teddy Roosevelt."

Recommender(s): Bailie and Daisy

Why Read?

Climate is playing a larger role in the upcoming election. Brownstein of The Atlantic observes that it has become an immediate concern, not just a future one. He questions whether young climate voters, who witness and experience the effects of climate change, could lead to Trump's downfall in November.

Recommender(s): Bailie and Daisy

Why Read?

The recent wildfires in California show the undeniable deadly effect of climate change, yet the right wing still continue to deny it.

Recommender(s): Bailie and Daisy

"Does Trump Want to Save His Economy?"

Jim Tankersly explains that Trump's response to the Covid-19 pandemic has been modest, upsetting a large percentage of the population who claim that Trump hasn't done enough to support them.

Why Read?

Has Trump's limited response to the pandemic met voters' expectations? Only the election will say.

Recommender(s): Keller, Izzy, and Josh

"Trump and Biden on Trade: Same Diagnosis, Different Prescription."

Don Lee' article showcases the differences between Biden and Trump's policies on trade which both convey a need for American based operations but differ in their guidelines to how much America should be involved in international relations.

Why Read?

The article compares the similarities and differences between Biden's and Trump's international trade policies.

Recommender(s): Keller, Izzy, and Josh

"Despite Widespread Pain, Economy Remains Strong Selling Point for Trump"

In 2016, President Trump promised his supporters that he would rebuild America's economy. Scott Horsely explains why Trump is still focused on rebuilding the economy amidst pandemic.

Why Read?

President Trump may be able to bounce back from an economic downfall unlike any other President in history up for reelection.

Recommender(s): Keller, Izzy, and Josh

Disenchanted Seniors for Biden

The pandemic is particularly dangerous for older Americans, and Trump is losing their support.

Why Read?

In the midst of the pandemic, seniors, who are not only the group most vulnerable to the virus but also one of the key voting demographics, have been increasingly moving away from the Trump administration and towards Democratic candidate Biden. This shift is particularly striking, as seniors played a key role in Trump's win in the previous election, and if current trends continue into November, they may cost him the win in the upcoming election.

Recommender(s): Kahaliah, Matthew, Liam

Why Read?

Just as the youth vote is becoming vital for politicians to win, young voters are facing hurdles. The authors suggest that the 26th Amendment is the answer to widespread voter suppression.

Recommender(s): Kahaliah, Matthew, Liam

Why Read?

Conversations among politicians regarding a potential COVID-19 vaccine should not even be a topic of debate in the 2020 election.

Recommender(s): Avery and Luke

Why Read?

Female voters, especially independent white ones, have recently gotten a lot of media and political coverage. It is important to understand the attention that Biden and Harris are giving these voters, who feel isolated from the Trump campaign, and the power they may wield.

Recommender(s): Mariana and Talia

Why Read?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was attempting to change policy as a Supreme Court Justice, a clear abuse of power. If you want to change policy, vote or run for Congress.

Recommender(s): Mariana and Talia

Why Read?

In the wake of Ruth Bader Ginsberg's death, it is important to look at the impact she had on women's issues and the inspiration that she provided for the growth of women's involvement in politics.

Recommender(s): Mariana and Talia

Why Read?

Since the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected the Latinx community, Latinx voters are prioritizing candidates who stress economic recovery and healthcare benefits.

Recommender(s): Daniela, Helen, Jordan, and Rasmus

Why Read?

Despite historical favoritism for the Democratic party, Asian-American voters are split over Trump because of his emphasis on jobs, but the majority of Asian-American voters still support Democratic policy.

Recommender(s): Daniela, Helen, Jordan, and Rasmus

Why Read?

Although Biden has 62% of support among Latinos compared with Trump's 26%, there are some warning signs for Biden as 56% of Latino voters today have a negative view of him compared with 78% in 2016.

Recommender(s): Daniela, Helen, Jordan, and Rasmus

Why Read?

Steps forward for voting rights are often not as progressive as they seem; Florida GOP politicians continue to impose strict restrictions and regulations on felon voting to counteract new legislation aimed at restoring voting rights to felons.

Recommender(s): Makieda, Abby, and Etta

Why Read?

America prides itself on being a country in which all citizens have the right to vote and be represented by their government yet millions of citizens lose their vote yearly because of felon disenfranchisement. It's important to look at not only who will be voting and why, but also who will not be voting and why not.

Recommender(s): Makieda, Abby, and Etta

Why Listen?

By the People? a new podcast miniseries from Vox's The Weeds, explores the issue of voting rights in the 2020 election. Episode One explores the history of voter suppression both nationally and internationally.

Recommender(s): Makieda, Abby, and Etta

Why Read?

Following the death of Justice Ginsberg, A'Shanti Gholar, the head of an organization that seeks to help more Democratic women get elected, discusses the importance of choosing the next Justice and Biden's promise to appoint the first African American woman to the Supreme Court, having already made history by choosing the first woman of color to be a Vice Presidential candidate on a major party's ticket.

Recommender(s): Brianna and Calliope

Why Read?

This episode of the New York Times' The Daily follows the protests in Louisville, Kentucky after one of the officers in the Breonna Taylor case was charged with "wanton endangerment" rather than second degree murder. It includes firsthand accounts of protesters who have been active for over 100 days.

Recommender(s): Brianna, Calliope

Why Read?

This is a very well written and comprehensive account of systemic racism towards African Americans in the United States, and what the Black Lives Matter movement has accomplished since 2013.

Recommender: Brianna