Physics Education

Bridgewater State University

Bridgewater, Massachusetts

Physics Education Concentration offered by the Department of Physics at BSU

Did you know teachers in the U.S. rate their lives better than all other occupation groups, trailing only physicians?

Physics Education Concentration

With our new Physics Education concentration, you can complete a double major in both Physics and Secondary Education and graduate with your license to teach high school physics in just four years.

Did you know school districts consistently rate physics as one of the hardest to fill jobs?

100% of our physics education graduates have been offered high school teaching jobs upon graduation.

Did you know most teaching jobs have better retirement benefits than other jobs you can get with the same degree?

Did you know that we have scholarships available just for students who are studying to become high school science teachers?

About Dr. Jeff Williams

Jeff earned a Ph.D. in Physics from Clark University and his B.S. in Physics from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. Jeff enjoys working with pre- and in-service physics teachers, teaching the introductory physics sequence and quantum mechanics. He especially enjoys supporting future physics teachers with grants and scholarships. Jeff also likes to break rules for his students and gets stuff done.

About Prof. Allison Daubert

Allison earned a M.Ed. in Physics Education and her B.S. in Physics and Meteorology from Rutgers University. Before coming to BSU, she was a high school physics teacher who taught conceptual, college prep, and honors level physics. As Teacher in Residence, Allison brings her experience and enthusiasm for high school physics education to our physics pedagogy classes.