Kraków Guide

Here is a short list of places to see in Kraków. Bolded names indicate places within walking distance of Collegium Brescianum. More remote places are also included with tips on how to commute. In case you need more information or perhaps want someone to show you around please contact the volonteers.

Places to eat and drink

Niebieskie Migdały - plac Wszystkich Świętych 20 - cafe/restaurant

Pod Aniołami - Grodzka 35 - Polish cuisine

De Revolutionibus - Bracka 14 - cafe and bookstore

Wierzynek - Rynek Główny 16 - restaurant

Piwnica Pod Baranami - Rynek Główny 27 - bar, sometimes hosts concerts and other performances

Pizzatopia - Szewska 22 - Subway-style pizza place with vegan options

Pizzeria Vicenti - Szewska 27 - traditional Italian pizzeria with cheap prices

Betel - plac Szczepański 3 - bar

Krowarzywa - Sławkowska 8 - vegan burgers

Tytano - Dolnych Młynów 10 - lifestyle complex with many good places to eat (Veganic, Mr. Pancake) and drink (Hala Główna, Międzymiastowa, Lastriko), still quite close to the centre, about 15 minutes from Grodzka on foot

Massolit Books - Felicjanek 4 - cafe and bookstore, books mostly in English

Alchemia - Estery 5 - bar, sometimes hosts concerts

Eszeweria - Józefa 9 - bar, both Eszeweria and Alchemia are located in Kazimierz District, best to take trams 6, 18, 73, 78 from Plac Wszystkich Świętych to Stradom or 1 to Starowiślna


Wawel Castle

Main Square - Saint Mary's Church, Cloth Hall, St. Adalbert's Church, also many churches and buildings around Main Square

Barbican and the remains of medieval city fortifications

Kazimierz - old Jewish district, churches, synagogues and cemetaries

Podgórze - old square and beautiful neo-Gothic St. Joseph's church, also many good bars and restaurants around; best to take trams 6, 73, 78 from Plac Wszystkich Świętych to Korona

Museums, cinemas, etc.

National Museum - aleja 3. Maja 1 - about 15-minute walk from Grodzka, art and history exhibitions

MCK - Rynek Główny 25 - International Culture Center, art and history exhibitions concerning mostly European nations

Kino ARS - Św. Tomasza 11 - independent cinema

Kino pod Baranami - Rynek Główny 27 - independent cinema

MOCAK - Lipowa 4 - Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków, best to take tram 78 from Plac Wszystkich Świętych to Zabłocie
