Peer Reviewed Publications:

Amiri, S. S., do Prado, J.C., Karim, F. R. B., Gerum, P. C. L. (2023, June). Participation of Electric Vehicle Aggregators in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Recent Works and Future Directions. In 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech (pp. 1-6). IEEE. 

Valizadegan, H., Martinho, M.J., Wilkens, L.S., Jenkins, J.M., Smith, J.C., Caldwell, D.A., Twicken, J.D., Gerum, P.C.L., Walia, N., Hausknecht, K. and Lubin, N.Y., 2022. ExoMiner: A Highly Accurate and Explainable Deep Learning Classifier That Validates 301 New Exoplanets.The Astrophysical Journal, 926(2), p.120. 

Gerum, P.C.L. and Baykal-Gürsoy, M., 2022. How incidents impact congestion on roadways: A queuing network approach. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 11, p.100067. 

Baykal-Gürsoy, M., Benton, A.R., Gerum, P.C.L. and Candia, M.F., 2021. How Random Incidents Affect Travel-Time Distributions. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 

Gerum, P. C. L., Altay, A., & Baykal-Gürsoy, M. (2019). Data-driven predictive maintenance scheduling policies for railways. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 107, 137-154. 

Gerum, P.C.L., Benton, A.R. and Baykal-Gürsoy, M., 2019. Traffic density on corridors subject to incidents: models for long-term congestion management. EURO journal on transportation and logistics, 8(5), pp.795-831. 

Book Chapters:

Aspelund, K., Gerum, P.C.L., Uberoi, M.N. and Lieber, P., The Basics of Big Data Terminology. Big Data for Generals... and Everyone over 40, p.13. 

Aspelund, K., Gerum, P.C.L., Uberoi, M.N. and Lieber, P., The Basics of Big Data Modeling. Big Data for Generals... and Everyone over 40, p.33.