
艺术家 档案

Anlun Huang - Composer 黄安伦 - 作曲家



黄安伦 (1949— )旅加中国作曲家 Memberof CMC, CLC, Canadian–Chinese composer

“His accomplishments rivals Masters in the West” and “ reflect the great country of China”-- - with such many of the comments internationally, An-lun Huang’s compositions have been widely performed and warmly received globally. Lang Lang won the 1 st prize of the International Tchaikovsky youth Piano Competition by playing his “Chinese Rhapsody #2” in 1995. Along with his more that 40 symphonic compositions, his Chinese-Wagnerian opera “YueFei” has been admired “Fully deserve as the master work of the modern Chinese Operas”. Many of his works have been chosen as the official-final pieces of many music competitions, including the International Rubinstein Piano Competition, Israel. His ballet “Dream of Dunhuang” has been selected as one of the “Master Pieces of the Chinese Compositions in 20 th Century”. Numerous of his CDs, LPs and scores have been published and released. More than 20 of his works have been chosen as the collections of “National Musical 100 Years”, the China’s official music publishing project.

The winners of the China National Arts Funds (Twice), the New Pioneer Arts Award of Canada(2004) and as the composer-in- residence of the Shenzhen Symphony orchestra, China, An-lun Huang graduated from the attached Middle School of the Central Conservatory of Music, China, in late sixties of the last century. As the composer-in- residence of the Central Opera House of China, he became a member of the China Musician’s Association in 1979. He then received the MM of Yale with the Alumni’s prize in 1986. With many of awards, he has also been invited as the guest professor of several Universities and Tianjin Conservatory of Music in China recently.

Critical Acclaim:

  • “As great as the masters’ works” -- -- Sound Tech, Hong Kong, 1999.
  • “Signal New Era” -- -- Music Magazine, Canada, 1981.
  • “Not only does it show an enormous amount of talent, excitement and maturity…. But it also reflects the great country of China.” -- -- the Chairman of the Van Cribern, U.S.A. J. Giordano, 1983.
  • “East truly meets West in An-lun Huang’s …. Extraordinarily demand score…. It’s a synthesis of latest Western compositional techniques and classically- based Chinese ideas.”-- -- Dalas Morning News, Texas, U.S.A., 1983
  • “The most important Chinese composer of our age.” -- - Ming Pao, HK., 1996.
  • “Huang An-lun is one of the very few great Chinese contemporary composers who combine the oriental tradition with the updated Western technique perfectly, today.” -- - Beijing Music Weekly, Dec. 2005


美国乐界评他的作品说:“不仅作者的成熟技巧与巨大才能跃然纸上,吾人更从中看到了中国的伟大”;加拿大《音乐》杂志更以“一个音乐的新时代”来强调其作品的意义。台湾指挥大师陈澄雄曾说:“在管弦乐法上,黄安伦乃中国作曲家第一人”;香港乐评进而肯定其“水准媲美西方大师”、“ 成就媲美西方同类曲目” ;我国评论指出他“将传统及现代理念完美结合在一起,将东西方文化融会贯通并具有非凡作为”;而《人民音乐》则把他的《岳飞》定位为近代中国歌剧“当之无愧的代表作”。



美国最大的《克里伯恩》音乐比赛主席乔达诺评论他的作品说:“不仅作者的成熟技巧与巨大才能跃然纸上,吾人更从中看到了中国的伟大”;英国芭蕾舞大师玛克芳婷则盛赞其芭蕾舞剧《卖火柴的小女孩》“非常`非常`非常的好”,并立即将该剧摄制成电影;加拿大《音乐》杂志更以“一个音乐的新时代”来强调其作品的意义。台湾指挥大师陈澄雄曾说:“在管弦乐法上,黄安伦乃中国作曲家第一人”;香港乐评进而肯定其“水准媲美西方大师”`“ 成就媲美西方同类曲目” ;而《北京音乐周报》的近期评论则指出他“将传统及现代理念完美结合在一起,将东西方文化融会贯通并具有非凡作为”。




Liqian Liu - Lyricist 刘力前 (过客) - 词作者

Rui Zhang - Conductor 张锐 - 指挥家


1983年上音毕业后即任中国人民解放军总政治部歌舞团指挥,成为当时最活跃的青年指挥家之一。张锐于1987年赴美国留学,先后就读于【威斯敏斯特】合唱学院和【印蒂安纳】大学音乐学院,师从德国指挥家汤姆斯.伯特纳学习乐队指挥; 以及英国指挥家维廉姆斯. 鲍科威尔学习歌剧指挥 。1990年获印蒂安纳大学乐队指挥硕士学位。在校期间, 作为指挥助理同纽约爱乐交响乐团和费城交响乐团进行过合作。硕士毕业不久便被弗吉尼亚瑞奇蒙市爱乐交响乐团聘为音乐总监兼常任指挥,同年获得弗吉尼亚州瑞奇蒙交响乐团的驻团指挥,成为中国留学生中,最早几位站立在美国职业交响乐团指挥台上的指挥。在美期间曾任弗吉尼亚大学教授并兼交响乐团的音乐总监和首席指挥,纽约汉普顿交响乐团的音乐总监和首席指挥,长岛罗斯学院的乐团指挥等。张锐先生指挥过的交响乐团遍及欧美,包括美国,意大利,俄国,奥地利,匈牙利,瑞典等国,艺术领域包括交响乐,歌剧,芭蕾舞剧,清唱剧,大合唱等,并同美国众多重量级音乐家进行过合作。


Mr. Rui Zhang began his conducting career at age of 19. In the year of 1978 he was admitted to conducting Department of Shanghai Conservatory Of Music.

Mr. Zhang got his BA Degree in 1983, and was immediately appointed as Principal Conductor of the Beijing Zong-Zheng Symphony Orchestra. He frequently appeared on national television as a conductor and his performances were also recorded extensively for broadcast on Chinese National Radio. Seeking an environment favorable to Western music, Rui Zhang traveled to the United States where he was awarded an M.A. in Orchestral Conducting from Indiana University in 1991. In 1993, he was elected as the Music Director of the Richmond Philharmonic, VA. In 1995, he became Associate Conductor with the Richmond Symphony as well as the Orchestra Director at Virginia Commonwealth University. In 1999, he accepted the positions as orchestra director at Ross Institute and music director at Hampton Symphony in NY.

Mr. Rui Zhang had guest appearances with orchestras not only in USA, but also in China and Europe. The artistic field including symphony, opera, ballet, oratorios, chorus, and have worked with many heavyweight Jazz stars the United States of America like Billie Joe, Quincy Jones, etc.

In 2011, Mr. Zhang returned to the conducting Department of Shanghai Conservatory Of Music and he has worked and conducted the domestic orchestras include: former Central Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, the Central Ballet Symphony Orchestra, and Choir, the Central Opera Symphony Orchestra, Beijing Symphony Orchestra, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Opera Symphony Orchestra, and Choir, Shanghai Philharmonic, Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra, etc.

邓文博 - 合唱指挥 Wenbo Deng - Choir Conductor

邓文博,青年指挥家,美国ACDA合唱指挥家协会会员。毕业于上海音乐学院指挥系,硕士。曾先后师从于多位著名指挥家,如:马革顺、闵乐康、张锐等。现担任美国“Spring Choir”常任指挥及艺术总监和A-Sharp现任指挥及艺术总监。曾任教于上海音乐学院、上海戏剧学院和上海市艺术团等单位。出访过欧洲、澳洲、美国、台湾等国家和地区。



Wenbo Deng, a young choral conductor, member of American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). He is currently the permanent conductor and music director of Spring Choir, and A-Sharp Chorus, both based in San Francisco Bay Area. Before moving to US, he had many years of teaching experience in Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Shanghai Theatre Academy, and Shanghai Performing Arts Troupe.

In recent years, he has led his choirs and performed successfully in many countries across the world, including USA, Europe, Australia, and Asia. He was named many times as "The Best Conductor". In the 2014 World Choir Games at Riga, Latvia, he led his choir and won 1st prize in the category of Children's Choirs. A well-known choir conductor, Professor Katalin Kortvesi from Franz Liszt Academy of Music (Hungary), quoted him as "an outstanding young conductor with great potentials".

He graduated with a master's degree of choral conducting from Shanghai Conservatory of Music. He co-authored many choral textbooks and song books, including dozens of digital song books led by himself.

Wenbo Deng - Choir Conductor 邓文博 - 合唱指挥

Shu-ying Li - Soprano 李秀英 - 女高音

女高音歌唱家李秀英任教于上海音乐学院声歌系,她曾获得美国林肯中心纽约歌剧院最佳女主角奖(Diva Award);2008年由她主演的歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》由美国公共电视台(PBS)现场直播,荣获第60届艾美奖 ( Emmy Award); 美国《纽约时报》评论说:“李秀英是一位非常惊人的演员,具有嘹亮的歌声,她饰演少女巧巧桑精致细腻同时声音非常具有表现力;中国女高音李秀英的演绎令人信服,她的声音令人印象深刻。她那强壮清晰,富有表现力的声音很容易穿透普契尼庞大的乐队”。2007年由于她出色的主演了普契尼歌剧《绣花女》获美国林肯中心纽约歌剧院斯坦利·托森 (The Stanley Tausend Award)杰出演员奖。

李秀英活跃于国际和国内歌剧舞台,曾出演的国家包括美国,意大利,西班牙,法国,加拿大,新西兰,以色列,韩国,日本,印度尼西亚,香港,澳门等,并在歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》《玛侬列斯库》《艺术家生涯》《托斯 卡》《图兰朵》《修女安杰丽卡》《唐·卡洛》《浮士德》《爱的甘 醇》《费加罗的婚礼》《茶花女》《纳和埽斯的阿里亚德奈》《蔡文 姬》《茶》和《一江春水》等多部歌剧中担任女主角 ;她所演唱的曲目非常广泛,涉足了中外作曲家现代音乐作品的演唱领域;她曾多次在贝多芬第九交响乐,马勒第二和第四交响曲,本杰明-布理顿的《战争安魂曲》中担任女高音独唱。近年来她在国内举办多场个人独唱音乐会和声乐学术交流活动,特聘为国内几所音乐学院的客座和兼职教授及歌剧院的声乐艺术指导;她所教授的学生多人在国际国内声乐比赛中取得了优秀成绩。

Chinese Soprano Shu-ying Li is one America’s leading Puccini Soprano, sought after for roles such as Cio-cio San in Madama Butterfly, Liu in Turandot. Following the performance of Madama Butterfly with New York City Opera, which was simulcast on PBS’ Live from Lincoln Center telecast, New York Times critic acclaim “A really striking performer, offered big, clear singing with dramatic nuance as Butterfly; …was convincing and vocally impressive. Her strong, clear, expressive voice easily penetrated Puccini’s lush orchestration” The performance went on to win an Emmy Award. She also went on to win the Diva Award, as well as the Stanley Tausend Award for outstanding performer of New York City Opera.

She just had a great success to sing the tile role of Tosca in May 2016 in Japan and she will sing the title role of Turandot in Oct in Macau.

She has sung in multiple concerts as a soloist of G.Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 and No. 4, as well as Beethoven’s symphony No 9. She had glowing success in her performance of Benjamin Britten’s “War Requiem” with the Tokyo Metropolitan symphony.

She has performed the major roles include: Madama Butterfly as Cio-cio San, Tosca as Tosca, La Boheme as Mimi, Manon Lescaut as Manon, Turandot as Liu and Turandot ,Suor Angelica as Angelica; Don Carlo as Elisabetta, La Traviata as Violetta; Ariadne auf Naxos as Ariadne, Faust as Marguerite, L'Elisir d'amore as Adina, Le Nozze di Figaro as Contessa,Carmen as Micaela , Tea as Princess, WenJi as the title role of world premiere opera in New York and The River of Spring as Sufen of world premiere opera in Shanghai. She has sung with many different opera companies through China to Europe and USA.

王歌群于1990年考入山东艺术学院音乐系演唱专业,师从张庆朗教授,1994毕业后考入上海音乐学院周小燕歌剧中心,两次作为中国唯一入选歌手于1995和1996年考入美国旧金山歌剧院歌剧中心,1996年至1999年以全额奖学金应邀入美国柯蒂斯音乐学院攻读并获得歌剧表演硕士研究生学位,师从纽约朱丽娅音乐学院声乐系Marlena Malas 教授。2001年获得美国旧金山音乐学院的歌剧表演硕士后学位。

王歌群曾两次荣获旧金山歌剧院的职业奖金,美国李氏基金会奖学金和柯蒂斯音乐学院优秀毕业生奖金。在校期间及毕业后,王歌群曾在美国,中国,南亚举行过多场独唱音乐会,并多次与美国旧金山歌剧院,洛杉矶歌剧院、费城歌剧院、康乃狄克州立歌剧院等合作演出.主要演唱过普契尼,莫扎特,贝利尼,唐尼采蒂,柴可夫斯基,威尔第的多部歌剧,并应歌唱家多明戈的邀请在洛杉矶歌剧院出品的新创歌剧(在金山上)担任第一男高音。王歌群还演唱过莫扎特、罗西尼、海顿、亨德尔、贝多芬、门德尔松、舒伯特、威尔第,马勒等作曲家的清唱剧和圣乐。他曾与当代著名好莱坞电影作曲家Nathan Wang合作在洛杉矶演出他的声乐作品,在纽约的林肯中心演出中国作曲家金湘的歌剧作品(原野)和(楚霸王),担任男高音领唱。

由于他的出色表演,他曾被纽约时报,洛杉矶时报、世界日报、费城日报、美国之音,美国国家广播电台,福克思电视网(洛杉矶) 等媒体进行过专访或报道.说 “他的声音清澈,音乐分句自然”,是 “华人的骄傲,明日之星”。他的奖项包括:全国海科杯声乐比赛一等奖(1996),美国康乃帝科特州歌剧比赛二等奖(1998),美国马里奥兰扎国家声乐比赛三等奖(1998). 美国费城的Giargiari国际美声声乐比赛一等奖(1999)。他参加了庆祝联合国50周年活动中的贝多芬第九交响乐男高音的演出,2002 和2003年他应旧金山市政府和加利福尼亚州政府的邀请为江泽民,胡锦涛主席演出。2008年他应旧金山市长纽森的邀请为他的就职仪式演出。王歌群于2009年应钢琴家郎朗的邀请在纽约卡内基音乐厅和洛杉矶音乐厅同台演出,并多次与女高音歌唱家安娜.奈瑞贝科,男高音歌唱家维拉松合作演出。

王歌群于2012至2014年在意大利佩鲁贾音乐学院作为访问学者跟随意大利著名女高音歌唱家Michela Sburlati 深造,期间为纪念威尔第诞辰二百周年在罗马与Coro E Orchestra Internazionale Di Roma 合作演出威尔第安魂曲担任男高音领唱。

Professor Ge Qun Wang made his Kennedy Center debut in August 2017, where he performed selections from Verdi’s La Traviata. In June 2017, he performed the leading tenor role in the opera Tan Xiang Xing, written by the Nobel Laureate in Literature, Yan Mo, and composer Yun Tao Li, the production was underwritten by the China National Endowment for the Arts. He has performed the leading role in Los Angeles Opera's production of On Gold Mountain, and covered Rodolfo in Philadelphia Opera's production of La Boheme. He also performed the roles of Ottavio (Don Giovanni), Lensky (Eugene Onegin), Idomeneo (Idomeneo), Vaudemont (Iolantha), Nemorino (L'Elisir d'Amore), Hoffmann (Tales of Hoffmann), and Don Carlo (Don Carlo). In addition to his operatic roles, he also has sung many tenor solo in Oratorio concerts, including Handel’s Messiah and Mendelssohn’s Elijah. He further sang Verdi’s Requiem in Rome, under the baton of Maestro Carlo Paleschi and Antonio Pateneschi , in celebration of the 200th year of Verdi’s birth.

1994 he received his B.A. in Vocal Performance at the Shan Dong University of the Arts and had advanced training at Madam Zhou's Opera Center at the Shanghai Conservatory. He twice received the Merola Fellowship with San Francisco Opera Center. Masters Degree in Music, Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, PA. San Francisco Institute of Music, Post Graduate of Program. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Perugia Conservatory of Music, Perugia, Italy, under the direction of Professor Michela Sburati.

Ge Qun Wang has given recitals in China, South Asia, and the United States of America, and has appeared in interviews on Fox 11 in Los Angeles, and on NPR’s Voices of America, and has received outstanding reviews by both the LA Times, and the World Journal.

His concert with Lang Lang in the Orange County Performing Arts Center in that same year also received rave reviews. He sang the 50th anniversary memorial concert of the Beethoven 9th symphony for the United Nations in San Francisco Opera.

Among his many awards, he was the first prize winner of Chinese national voice competition, he was also the recipient of Merola's prestigious career grant and the Li Foundation Grant in 2000 and 2001.

Gequn Wang - Tenor 王歌群 - 男高音

Liya Fang - Mezzo-Soprano 方丽娅 - 女中音


女中音歌唱家方丽娅来自中国中央歌剧院,在不同中外歌剧中演译过许多角色。并曾以独唱演员身份随团出访日本,芬兰,香港,澳门等地。方丽娅曾获中国文化部梅花表演艺术奖提名。移民美国后与多家美国剧院签约角色,包括圣荷西歌剧院(Opera San Jose),南加州太平洋歌剧院(Opera Pacific),旧金山Pocket Opera,圣塔克拉拉Mission City Opera,圣荷西交响乐团等。作为主角及次主角在美参演了:《卡门》,《蝴蝶夫人》,《凯撒大帝》,《浮士德》,《魔笛》,《土尔其人在意大利》等。并在中国原创清唱剧《海外游子吟》,《禹王治水》和《大风歌》担任独唱,参见了北京国家大剧院的演出多场演出。并现任硅谷合唱艺术联盟副主席及艺委会委员。方丽娅曾就读中央音乐学院,师从著名声乐教育家李维渤教授,来美后进修於旧金山音乐学院和圣荷西州大声乐系。

1999 年方丽娅成立了丽娅声乐坊,学员们多次在各类比赛中获大奖,在北加州中国音乐教师协会声乐比赛中,获年龄组独唱、重唱的前三名奖项。有的学员们获得了英国皇家音乐学会五级~八级证书,最优生曾获Golden Voice of America金奖及 Rondo Yong Artist 歌唱大奖并参加了卡内基音乐厅举办的优胜者独唱音乐会。

Ms. Liya Fang is an accomplished mezzo-soprano who sang the title role in “Carmen”, and the role of the 3rd Lady in Mozart’s “Magic Flute” with the Mission City Opera in Santa Clara during the 2006 season. The following year, Ms. Fang sang the mezzo solo part in Mozart’s “Requiem” with The Silicon Valley Philharmonic Chorus. During 2008-09, she was a mezzo soloist in“Song of a Traveling Son”,“King Yu” and “Song of the Wind” with A Sharp Choir. She was also a soloist with A Sharp in “Song of the wind” on tour in China in 2012. Other operatic roles she has sung in the US include: Cornelia in Handel’s “Giulio Ceasare”, Suzuki in Puccini’s “Madam Butterfly”, Zaida in Rossini’s “Il Turco in Italia”, Siebel in Gounod’s “Faust and Alisa in Donizetti’s “Lucia di Larmmermoor”. She also sang with the San Jose Symphony in its Opera in the Park production for 1998. The US opera companies she has performed with include: Opera San Jose, Opera Pacific, Pocket Opera, Golden Gate Opera, Bay Shore Lyric Opera, Opera Guild of Southern California, and Aspen Music Festival.

Ms. Liya Fang served as a resident artist for nine seasons with the Central Opera Theater (China’s National Opera) in Beijing, China. She was educated in the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. She was also trained in voice and opera by Professor Timothy W. Lee and Professor Helen Zhao. She participated in post-graduate voice and opera programs at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and at San Jose State University. She currently owns and operates Liya’s Voice Studio in San Jose.



党伟光教授在音乐学院任教多年,具有丰富的声乐教学经验,他是中国声乐教育协会会员,并多次担任电视台声乐比赛评委。曾任吉林省青年音乐家协会副主席。1997年被纳入中国当代音乐名人大词典。 他曾担任中央电视台青年歌手大赛海外区评委,江西卫视海外区评委,中国湖南卫视海外评委。


Dang was admitted to Shenyang Conservatory of Music of China in 1983 and followed instruction from renowned vocal instructor and tenor Hongbin Li. Dang ranked the first when he graduated after four years. He was admitted to the Department of Opera of the Central Conservatory of Music the following year where he learned from Professor Weibo Li and was admitted to the vocal master class in France. Dang has many years of teaching experience in the Conservatory. Many of his students are outstanding performers and won awards in national vocal competitions. Dang is a member of the Association of Vocal Education of China. He has been the judge for several TV vocal competitions and was the vice chair of the Youth Vocalist Association at the province level. In 1997, he was recorded as one of the famous musicians of China. Dang is active in performing stage. He was awarded in the National Vocal Competition for the Professional category. He organized several solo concerts and was invited several times to take part in Changchun International Movie Festival, China Central TV and many other national cultural performances. He has also been to Russia for academic exchange and performance.

Weiguang Dang - Baritone 党伟光 - 男中音

Amanda Kingston - Soprano

Amanda Kingston, Soprano

Praised for her “soaring soprano voice” and “impressive dramatic versatility,” Amanda made her professional debut as Josephine in HMS Pinafore with Nevada Opera. Other favorite operatic roles include Mimì in La bohème, Adina in L’elisir d’amore, Gilda in Rigoletto, Lucia in Lucia di Lammermoor, Violetta in La Traviata, Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni, Miss Pinkerton in Menotti's The Old Maid and the Thief, Rosalba in Catan's Florencia en el Amazonas, and Hannah in The Merry Widow. She has performed roles with Madison Opera, Opera Columbus, Opera in the Heights, The Lakes Area Music Festival, Candid Concert Opera, The Ohio Light Opera, The Brevard Music Center, and Pacific Opera Project. This season, Amanda will make her debut with Opera San Jose as Fiordiligi in Cosi fan tutte.

On the concert stage, highlights include Handel's Messiah with Houston Ars Lyrica, Rossini's Stabat Mater with the Houston Camerata, and the role of the Countess in excerpts from Le nozze di Figaro with the Ann Arbor Symphony. Amanda performed the role of Katharina Cavalieri in Amadeus with the prestigious Alley Theatre in Houston. She also frequently travels the country to sing the work of composer Eric Genuis. Amanda’s awards include First Place in the Lois Alba Aria Competition, Lucy Morgan Award at the Shreveport Singer of the Year Competition, Finalist in the McCammon Competition and Dallas Opera Competition, and District Winner and Regional Finalist in the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions.

Mason Gates - Tenor

Bay Area native Mason Gates received his Bachelor's of Music from Brigham Young University, and his Master's of Music from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Two-time recipient of the encouragement award from the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, Mason was a festival artist at Utah Festival Artist, as well as a vocal fellow at the esteemed Music Academy of the West.

Recent operatic roles include Jonathan Dale (Silent Night), Alfred (Die fledermaus), The Steuermann (Der fliegende Holländer), Nanki-Poo (The Mikado) the title role of Albert Herring, Basilio/Don Curzio (Le nozze di Figaro), El Remendado (Carmen), The Man with Old Luggage (Postcard from Morocco), Spoletta (Tosca), Grigori (Boris Godunov), Rodolfo (La Boheme), Ferrando (Cosi fan tutte), Monostatos (Die Zauberflöte), and Edwin the Defendant (Trial by Jury). He has most recently been seen performing with Lamplighters, Livermore Valley Opera, Opera San Jose, and Utah Opera. He is currently a resident artist with Opera San Jose.

Equally comfortable on the concert and recital stage, Mason has been a featured soloist with the Sacramento Philharmonic, the Mount Diablo Symphony, the Masterworks Chorale, and Utah Symphony Orchestra, performing such concert works as Handel's Messiah, Berlioz Roméo et Juliette, Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Mozart's C Minor Mass, and Mozart's Requiem.

Shrlin Chan - Soprano 林艷雲 - 女高音

女高音 - 林艷雲 Sherlin Chan, Soprano

畢業於香港浸會大學,主修音樂教育;後獲加州聖母大學聲樂演唱碩士。林艷雲曾多次在音樂會上演唱《茶花女》 、《蝙蝠》 、《弄臣》等西洋歌劇中女主角的詠嘆調,均獲好評。林女士曾在歌劇《淑女第一》中演貝連娜、《弄臣》中演吉兒達、《費加羅的婚禮》 中演蘇珊娜及伯爵夫人。


Sherlin completed her Bachelor of Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring in Music Education. She received her Master's Degree in Voice Performance from the Notre Dame de Namur University of California.

Sherlin’s repertoire includes arias of Violetta in “La Traviata”, arias of Gilda in “Rigoletto”, arias of Adele in “Die Fiedermaus” and many others. In opera “The Prima Donna”, Sherlin was cast as Bellina, in “Rigoletto” cast as Gilda, in “The Marriage of Figaro” cast as Susanna and Countess.

Sherlin has actively involved in music activities in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has been frequently invited to perform in concerts as soloist. Her performances in the United States, China, Hong Kong and Vancouver enchanted the audience in recent years. She is the director and one of the conductors of Star Valley Children’s Choir, artistic director of the Harmonic Chorus.