
March 3 - 2022: We are getting ready for the APS March Meeting 2022 ! CQuIC will be contributing many presentations this year. Here is a rundown of talks by folks in Deutsch group (+ affiliates :P)

July 15, 2021: We have a new paper out, this time with Steve Campbell and Sebastian Deffner!. We developed a quantum speed limit (QSL) formalism for continuous variable quantum systems undergoing Gaussian evolution. With this handy new tool we tackle a fundamental question about QSLs: When are they really quantum? What is the precise notion of classicality that leads to the absence of a speed limit? If interested, check it out on arxiv! Also, see Steve's Twitter thread about the paper!

June 1 - 2021: It's been a while without updates! Nevertheless it has been a productive year so far. We've had three preprints out:

Dec 3 - 2020: Today marks the last edition of QChaos2020. It has been a great experience to host these seminars. Lots of thanks to the great Pieter Claeys who joined me in this enterprise! 

Nov 1 - 2020: Today I start my new position as a Research Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of New Mexico. Exciting times ahead!

Jul 6 - 2020: I'm very excited that our latest preprint with the Arizona team is out: "Quantifying the sensitivity to errors in analog quantum simulation" (link to arxiv). You can see my summary about it on Twitter

May 25 - 2020: We had two papers out recently where we show how to apply quantum feedback control to simulate nonlinear dynamics. First has been published in PRL, and the latest one is available on the arXiv.

Mar19 - 2019: New paper on information backflow as resource for entanglement with Nicolás Mirkin and Diego Wisniacki is now online!. You can see it on the arXiv.

Feb9 - 2019: Our paper on control and non-Markovian dynamics with Nicolás Mirkin and Diego Wisniacki has been published in Phys. Rev. A Rapid Communications. Here is a link to it.

Jan15 - 2019: I am currently attending the QIP conference in Boulder. I presented a poster about my recent work, which you can find in the Research page.

Jan8 - 2019: New paper on quantum speed limits and optimal control times is now online! You can check it out on arXiv.