Winter Banquet

Winter Banquet

Camp Phillips 

January 4th

5:00pm check-in / social


Name: ​​Unit Type & Number: ​


Telephone: ​​Email: ​





Are you under 21 years of age: (circle one) Yes / No

Are you male or female: (circle one) Male / Female


Member at large / Guests​____ x $15 = ____

   (Please list all OA members names)


Golden Ticket Holder​____ x $0 = ____ (Included in golden ticket cost)



Artic Fox & Polar Adventure:  The Otyokwa Lodge plans to help staff the cub scout event at camp the Saturday morning.  If your unit does not plan to attend this event and you are interested in joining our contingent, please let us know.  There is room to stay at camp a Friday night if you are interested.  We will be holding our LEC at 8:00pm at camp on Friday.


Would you like to help with Arctic Fox & Polar Adventure: (circle one) Yes / No


Do you plan to stay overnight on Friday: (circle one) Yes / No



CP! Camp Philips CarPool.  To ensure everyone can easily make it to all the lodge events we would like to invite you participate in the Camp Philips Carpool.  This is an attempt to match up people in the same area to travel together following the guide to safe scouting.  If you are interested, please provide the following.


Are you available to drive: (circle one) Yes / No

Are you looking for a ride: (circle one) Yes / No


When would you like to, or do you plan to arrive: _______________________________

(Friday night, Saturday morning for Arctic Fox & Polar Adventure, Saturday for the Banquet?)

When would you like to, or do you plan to depart: _______________________________

(Saturday after the Banquet?)



Please register by December 27th. To register return this form and your payment to the Chippewa Valley Council Service Center 710 South Hastings Way Eau Claire, WI 54701. Checks payable to Chippewa Valley Council, BSA

Winter Banquet Registration 2020.docx