Kontakt - Contact



This Website is a german OpenBVE-Website.

If you are an creator and want do add your content to this site, we are glad about it! We won't offer some Content from our servers. If you haven't uploaded your content yet, you can do this for example on mediafire. It would be nice, if your E-Mail contains: route name, (good picture), (description), creators name, (creator year), (route lenght in km), (route length in minutes), (number of stations), download link, source-link (maybe to your website).

If you are an creator seeing your content on this website, and don't want it? No Problem! Feel free to send us an short e-mail wich contains the route name, your creators name, and maybe some reason, why you don't want seeing your content on our website.

Please read this text before you write us an E-Mail. Thank you!

(Diese Seite ist vorwiegend für Englischsprachige Leute gedacht, die auf DOBA stoßen, und mit uns Kontakt aufnehmen wollen)