Introduction To Probability

Homework Policy

    • Students should submit the homework in PDF format before the due time, to my e-mail: omran(underscore)kouba(at)hiast(d0t)edu(d0t)sy

    • Students may collaborate on a homework and submit just one document but it should be indicated in the document the percentage of contribution of each of the collaborators.

    • Each homework paper must have at least 6 completely solved problems from the problem list,

    • The harder the chosen problems are, the more marks the student gets.

Chapter 1. Events and Probability

1-1 Events Algebra

1-2 Probability Measure

1-3 Conditional Probability

Chapter 2. Random Variables

2-1 General Definitions

2-2 Types of Random Variables

2-3 First Encounter with the Law of Large numbers

Chapter 3. Discrete Random Variables

3-1 Probability Mass Function

3-2 Expectation

3-3 Examples of Discrete Random Variables

3-4 Common Probability Mass Function

3-5 Conditional Expectation

Chapter 4. Continuous Random Variables

4-1 Probability Density Function

4-2 Expectation

4-3 Examples of Continuous Random Variables

4-4 Common Probability Density Functions of Random Vectors

4-5 Conditional Expectation

4-6 Functions of Random Variables

Chapter 5. Generating Functions and Their Applications

5-1 Generating Functions (1)

5-2 Generating Functions (2)

5-3 Characteristic Functions

5-4 Characteristic Functions of Well-known Random Variables

5-5 Weak Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem

Past Exams
