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Recent News and Updates

Reduce End of Year Waste 

Have extra supplies to clean out? Don’t throw them out! We’re partnering with Materials for the Arts (MFTA) on two ways to keep classroom supplies out of landfills:

Host Your Own Classroom Supply Swap

Have your own supply swap at your school to trade excess supplies with your colleagues. This is a great option you can put together with your colleagues or PA/PTA.

Donate Classroom Supplies to Materials for the Arts (MFTA)

Come to MFTA’s warehouse in Long Island City to donate excess supplies. 

*On Thursday, June 20, you can also come shop MFTA’s Reuse Center!

Learn more about reducing end of year waste!

Join the 2024-25 Climate Education Leadership Team (CELT) - Apply by June 26 

Teachers and administrators, want to join the Climate Education Leadership Team (CELT) next year? This is an exciting opportunity to advance climate education in NYC Public Schools! CELT Members receive per session. Check out the eligibility requirements and application for teachers and for administrators. 

Congratulations to the winners of the plastic free lunch day artwork contest!

We are absolutely blown away by the 450+ submissions we received from D75 and K-8th grade students for our inaugural Plastic Free Lunch Day Artwork Contest! Each submission was reviewed based on the design's subject relevance, call-to-action/message, overall design, and artwork quality.  

Congratulations to all the winners!

Click here to see all of the winning artwork. 

2022-23 annual report

Our 2022-23 Annual Report is here! The 2022-23 school year was a busy one! We:

We couldn't have done this without our students, staff, families, and partners - thank you! 

Click here to read the full report!

Climate Education in PlaNYC

For the first time, climate education is in NYC’s strategic climate plan! 

Alongside reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our school buildings, PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done formalizes climate education and green workforce training goals. 

Key commitments include: 

NYC Public Schools are also expanding green workforce education, with a focus on climate sustainability, resilience, and the green economy.

We owe our Climate Education Leadership Team gratitude - this group of educators directly contributed to these goals!

We could not do it without our partner organizations, and our partnerships within NYC Public Schools and other City agencies! 

Access the full PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done, and check PDF pages 59-60 and 64 for climate education commitments.

PlaNYC: Getting Sustainability Done cover image. Background photo of Jamaica Bay.