Buy Cable Crossover Machine

Buy the Best Affordable Cable Crossover Machine for Home Gym

You’re in the market for an affordable Cable Crossover Machine? We’re guessing that you want to develop strong and well-defined legs that look great in a pair of shorts, and you want to do it in the comfort and convenience of your home.

Fitness is an important part of our life and we have several tools to help us achieve our fitness goals. As when it comes to fitness, we all want durable fitness machines to promote our fitness regimen and live healthy lives. A cable crossover machine can be one of the most versatile pieces of equipment in your home gym, as long as you know what to look for.

All of this information tells you that picking up a Cable Crossover Machine for your home gym is a very worthwhile investment. In this article we take a good look at the most affordable Cable Crossover Machines you can pick up for your home gym that will deliver the best results.

Cable crossover machines are incredibly versatile fitness tools. While they have lots of usefulness, it can be really tough to pick the right one for your needs. However, whether you’re a beginner setting up your first home gym or an elite athlete looking to take it to the next level, there’s something for you here.

This article will serve as a guide to a potential home gym owner, who not only wants the best Cable Crossover Machine but also wants a guide on how to choose the perfect one.

What is a Cable Crossover Machine?

Cable crossover machines are among the most popular pieces of workout equipment in any gym. They are just as suitable for beginners who want to perform safe exercises without the worry of dropping anything, as they are for heavy lifters looking to carve a few more lines into their bodies. The cable crossover machine can be used for dozens of exercises, utilizing constant tension to get a great pump and build muscle effectively.

It’s easy to get confused by a cable machine. It has multiple settings and stations, and high end machines can get even more confusing with all of their extra bells and whistles.

The Benefit of Cable Crossover Machine

Let’s take a closer look at the different types of benefits that you can get by working with a cable crossover machine.

  • Muscle Group Isolation – The massive number of different exercises you can do with one of these machines means it’s easy to isolate a single muscle group for targeted gains.
  • Workout Form- Once you learn the basics, a cable machine is very easy use, making it easier to keep your form correct while you’re lifting. This makes it less likely that you will injure yourself during your workout.
  • Safety – Again, once you’ve learned how to use the machine, it’s much safer than using free weights or traditional weight lifting equipment. You can also complete you workout without the need of a spotter.
  • Versatility – You can exercise nearly every muscle group in your body with a cable machine in your home, making it perfect if you only want to buy one piece of gym equipment, or you only have the space for one.
  • Interval Training – If interval training is part of your regimen, a cable machine can allow you to switch between muscle groups without resting, or having to change anything on your machine. It’s simple to switch between a lat pulldown, a tricep extension, anda bicep curl, all without switching machines, just as an example.
  • Time-Saver – If you can work all of your muscles without having to switch machines, it makes it easier to get you workout in without having to spend a whole bunch of time loading and unloading weights or setting up a bunch of different machines.
  • Unilateral Exercises – Instead of working both sides of your body at the same time, like a leg press or bicep curl machine might, a cable cross machine allows you to work unilaterally. If one side is weaker than the other, due to injury or other circumstance, it’s easy to change the weight so you can continue to work out – potentially rehabilitating the injured side in the process.
  • Core Engagement – Even if you’re not doing core exercises, a cable machine requires you to engage your core while doing your workout, resulting in a stronger core overall.
  • Keeps Your Workout Fresh – If you’re having a hard time having fun with your workout, a cable crossover machine can be a great way to make your old exercises new again.

Why Your Home Gym Needs a Cable Machine

There’s a reason that the cable machine has been so popular with gyms – both home gyms and commercially – over the past few decades. It’s because these machines, with their ability to hold constant tension, fill a niche in your training that you might not have noticed.

  1. Great organization. The weight-training benefits of free weights without all of the clutter. Cable machines have a smaller footprint than most weight racks and other exercise machines. This leads to a more efficient use of workout space.
  2. Targeted conditioning. Home cable workout systems offer a focused muscle workout. This makes it easier to tone specific muscle groups and individual muscles. They can help you be more deliberate with your workouts than with free weights, giving you the results you want more quickly. The constant tension you get from a cable machine is a great way to train muscles and joints for greater strength. The challenge of movement on a cable pulley machine is relatively consistent, meaning you’re going to get a full-range exercise that comes with great pumps and the opportunity to do slow-eccentric training for better joint and muscle development.
  3. Quick switches. Moving a pin versus picking up a whole new set of dumbbells. It’s a no-brainer. Quick-sliding pins easily move between weighted plates on the pulley, giving you the ability to change increments quickly. This can help you make the most of your workout time, especially when doing supersets or fast-paced exercises.
  4. Comfort. Comfortable, ergonomic handles and bars replace the unforgiving feel of traditional weights. This can go a long way in helping you to push your limits. Hand pain is the last thing you want holding you back during an intense muscle workout.
  5. Upper/lower body balance. Most cable machines can handle workouts for both the upper and lower body, a benefit you may not get with free weights. This means a cable machine has the potential to be a complete home gym. Versatility is a major perk. the design of the machine makes a whole variety of pulling motions possible to strengthen the often-neglected muscles around the shoulders and upper back. This means exercises like face pulls, external rotations, and different rowing varieties are all possible. With the right attachments, you can even use them to perform lat pulldowns and other common exercises.

The Best Cable-Machine Exercises

  • Chest – A cable machine is probably one of the best machines for a chest exercise – and you can do so many different exercises on just one machine. Cable crossovers, chest flys, and chest presses from different angles allow you to work and strengthen all of the muscles in your chest. Many of these exercises can be done from both sides of the machine at once, ensuring even muscle growth.
  • Forearms – Wrist curls are great for strengthening your forearms and you can complete them easily with one of these versatile machines.
  • Lats – Lat pulldowns, with one one arm or both, are a great way to strengthen your latissimus dorsi muscles. With a bench, row exercises are also a great way to work those same muscles. Pull downs, where you are beneath the cable machine on the highest setting and pull the bar down behind your neck, are also fantastic lat exercises that you can do with this machine.
  • Middle Back – Those same row exercises that we mentioned for the lat exercises will help to exercises and strengthen your middle back as well.
  • Quadriceps – Deadlifts are great exercises for improving upper and lower body strength, and you can do the same exercise with a cable machine that you can with a barbell and free weights.
  • Triceps – A cable machine is perfect for tricep pushdowns, extensions, and pulldowns. The nice thing about a cable machine is that these exercises can be completed standing, kneeling, inclined or flat, depending on how you prefer to exercise your triceps.
  • Traps – We’re back to the rows again for your trapezius muscles. Position a bench beneath your cable machine and row away.
  • Shoulders – Shoulder presses, cable rows, and side pulls are all ideal for toning and strengthening those shoulder muscles.
  • Abs – Almost all of the exercises that you’ll do with a cable machine will engage and strengthen your core, but there are plenty of assisted crunches, twists and flips that you can do to actively exercise your abdominal muscles as well.
  • Glutes – There aren’t a whole lot of glute-friendly exercises that you can do on a cable cross machine, but one legged kickbacks, where you pull the cable backward with your leg, can target those muscles beautifully.
  • Biceps – All sorts of bicep curls with all sorts of bars and handles make this a perfect machine for strengthening your biceps. One arm curls, two arms curls, curls with rope attachments, curls with bars – you’re only limited by the amount of weight you can lift and your imagination.

The Best Affordable Cable Crossover Machine Buyer’s Guide

  • Budget Is Necessary. Being fit is good for the health, but your pocket has to be considered when setting up your personal gym. There are a lot of expensive fitness equipment out there, as well as cheap ones. However, the fact remains that, to get the best or something close, you would have to spend more than pocket change. Look at how much you are able to afford before making a choice. Thankfully, one or two of the above machines are quite affordable.
  • Take Note of Space. It would not feel good to buy a machine that takes up space meant for other equipment. If you have a small garage or home gym space, either go for a narrow or compact machine, or one like the Powerline Home Gym that has other inbuilt equipment.
  • Reviews Are Important. That is the reason why this review was created; to help you make a good choice. With reviews, you will get a feel of what you want to buy, consider the pros and cons, and check out their specifications. Also, knowing which ones have the best reviews would help narrow down your choice.

What Makes a Great Cable Crossover Machine?

With a product like the cable machine, it’s often hard to determine which products are going to be the best choice. There’s a great deal of similarity and the cable machine has been around for long enough for the design to be refined.

We’re going to work through a few key variables to figure out which product is best for your money:

  • This is crucial because of the amount of use a cable crossover machine is going to see, as well as the size of the purchase. A good home gym cable machine has a solid construction and isn’t just going to fall apart halfway through your workout.
  • It does everything. The crossover machine is the most versatile piece of equipment in the gym. There is no muscle group that can’t be trained on the cable machine. An Adjustable Cable Crossover can attack any muscle from multiple angles and direction for endless variety.
  • The Cable cross machine gives you the “best of both worlds.” It’s a sort of hybrid that provides the feel of free weights and the safety of weight stack machines, while following your natural motion instead of a defined path. Allows working the body unilaterally even in a bilateral movement. This method of isolation ensures balanced muscular development.
  • A Cable Crossover’s functionality can be enhanced exponentially as simply as changing cable handles and attachments. This is probably less important than you think here, since a good cable machine will last forever with minor repairs, while a poor-quality one will need replacing. This piece of equipment is definitely an investment, but we’ll be discussing value-for-money and how it affects each product.
  • If you’re going to be using it for a dozen exercises a week with different attachments, and relying on it for your training, you need something that’s easy to use. This ranges from the “smoothness” of the cable to the grip quality and a dozen other things
  • The cable crossover machine is a well-known design but there are some great features out there, and a product that comes with a real, helpful feature can make a strong candidate for your cash. We’ll be looking through the best features – and how they’re integrated into the whole product – to see if they justify giving a product top-spot!

Well, there you have it: Buy the Best Affordable Cable Crossover Machine for Home Gym. Pick up any of the above recommendations and you’ll be well on your way to consistently excellent full-body workouts in the comfort of your own home.

All of the cable crossover machines on our list feature smooth action and are suited to both beginners and experienced fitness enthusiasts.

As always, best of luck with your home workouts.

Remember: When it comes to our health and fitness, we can make the effort or make excuses, but we can’t make both.