
Grant Application Information for 2023-24

Grant Application Open: January 2024

Grant Submission Deadline: Monday, February 2024

Grant Recipients will be Notified: March 2024

NREF Annual Reception to Announce Recipients to the Public: April 2024

Deadline for Purchasing Grant Items: May 2024

The NREF would like to congratulate our

2022-2023 grant recipients!

North Royalton Educational Foundation Grants

Kathleen Filippelli - North Royalton Elementary School

Power Pen Math - During math centers, students will be engaged in hands-on activities that help strengthen skills as well as promote independence.  Power Pen Math will allow students to practice a variety of math skills as well as math fact fluency using a multi-sensory tool.

Don Filips - North Royalton Middle School

Esports Initiative - Switch bundle and extra controllers for the Esports Initiative, will provide an excellent opportunity to introduce eighth-grade Gaming, Animation and Design (GAD) students to this competitive ESport team sport, allowing students to collaborate with St. Albert's existing Esports team. 

Don Filips - North Royalton Middle School

Eye in the Sky - Drones will allow video and photos to be taken outside, giving students experience in flying and exploring careers in drone photography and videography.

Don Filips - North Royalton Middle School

Game of Drones - This project will augment the seventh-grade STEM curriculum by adding obstacles to hone the students' drone piloting and programming skills.

Michael Hemery - North Royalton High School

Drones for Broadcast Journalism - The drones will allow for elevated technology in the broadcasting curriculum. Students will experience drone flying, photography and videography.

Leigh Johnson - North Royalton Middle School

Early Engagement - A structured morning routine will include problem solving/STEM type activities organized into group bins to encourage team building and collaboration, build social skills, and help students make the transition to focused learning.

Liz Kannel - North Royalton Elementary School

Stories to Support the BEAR Way - The kindergarten team will work together to create 12 BEAR Way stories to help our young students learn subjects such as riding the school bus, lunchroom behavior, using the BEAR Way throughout the day, and having a safe body.

Liz Kannel, Kelly Puleo, and Jennifer Strazzo - North Royalton Elementary School

Sensory Table Materials - Themed materials, including letters, numbers and sight words will be purchased for bins at the kindergarten sensory tables. These materials will make practicing their kindergarten learning standards engaging and also allow for differentiation.

Nick Lapsevich - North Royalton High School

Trap Bars for Athletic Training - Trap bars will be used for students participating in the new Speed, Strength and Wellness classes. They will help our student athletes be more prepared physically, mentally, and socially for their teams and healthy living lifestyles. 

Alyssa McNickle - North Royalton Elementary School

Adaptive Music Resources - The addition of boomwhackers will allow elementary students in adaptive music classes consistent access to musical materials, and the introduction of scarves will provide students an outlet to express themselves through music non-verbally.

Sharon Merritt and Amy Vance - North Royalton High School

Bears Swag Shop - The new Bears Swag Shop will feature student designed and produced items that represent and support North Royalton City Schools, utilizing the funded Cricut, and will be sold to fellow students, staff members, and community members.

Sarah Michael - North Royalton Elementary School

Jammin’ on Steel Drums - Steel drums are a pitched percussion instrument, creating a variety of percussion instruments for the elementary students to experience for them to in turn play in a percussion ensemble on a variety of instruments to be videoed and shared on the internal school TV system.

Jeff Rhodes - North Royalton High School

Coding in Virtual Reality - Virtual Reality (VR) is a rapidly growing technology that has the potential to change the way we live, work and interact with the world around us. As VR becomes more mainstream, it is increasingly important to have a basic understanding of the technology, its capabilities and limitations. Students will install a programming language onto a VR headset, enabling them to see their code in virtual reality.

Laura Whitehead - North Royalton Elementary School

USB Webcams - USB webcams, with stands, will allow elementary school instructors to project a book and record the reading. All students will be able to view the book as it is being read to increase student engagement. 

Dr. Kasey Spirakus Memorial Fund for Special Education

Kate West - North Royalton Elementary School

Thematic Sensory Bins - Bins of sensory materials will be assembled. These will be reusable throughout the years, and students will have access to them daily as part of their program. 

Ellie Rechkemmer Memorial Literacy Fund

Katie Bober - North Royalton Elementary School

Whole School Book Club - Copies of a selected book will be purchased for every family from preschool to fourth grade  next school year. 

NREF encourages the submission of proposals that promote:



Increased Student Achievement

Community Collaboration

Strategic Planning Goals 

     “Project-driven” technologies

(We cannot fund computers, laptops, chromebooks, iPads, furniture, or renewable annual subscriptions)