Share your news!

Your input is valuable! We want to build a community of educators and advocates who spread the impact of World Languages in the curriculum. Share with me news about your programs, events, professional development and more. Thank you very much!

I have a new colleague!

If a new teacher has joined your department, please, feel free to add his/her information and email in this Google Form. We want to be in touch with our new members!

Shout it out!

Here you can share with me information about your language programs. As soon as I receive your info, I will post it in our Monthly News.

Feel free to complete the Google Form attached to this link.

I appreciate your support! Remember we are advocates for language learning and it is awesome that we share the great things that are happening in our classrooms.

Please, share, share, share! It will be fantastic to hear about your students' journeys!

Do you know about Professional Development Opportunities?

If you hear about professional development opportunities for World Languages teachers, please, send me an email to I would love to hear about them.

Do you want to post a job?

FLAM can help you spread the word about a vacancy in your school district. Please, fill in this form: