tenure Process

faculty contract

All requirements and timelines for the tenure process are outlined in the Faculty Contract. The evaluation process is outlined in Article 14, beginning on page 123.


If you have any questions about the evaluation process do not hesitate to contact a union representative. The current list of Faculty Association Officers is available on the Faculty Association website.

important dates

  • Checklist
  • First semester
    • Training on the tenure evaluation process.
    • Professional Review due October 1st.
    • Three observations should be completed by the end of the fall semester.
    • Final committee meeting held before the end of the fall semester.
  • Second semester
    • At least one observation should be completed in the Spring semester (after March 15th).
      • A total of three observations need to be made between Spring of the first year and the end of the Fall semester the second year with at least one observation held in Spring.