1671 Gold Star Drive, Raleigh NC 27607 

Includes: Prairie Ridge Ecostation, Herpetology Collections and Lab, Malacology Collections and Lab, Ichthyology Collections and Lab, and Non-Molluscan Invertebrates Collections and Lab

Expand each opportunity to learn more! Interest forms are reviewed regularly throughout the year, and not all opportunities are available year-round. A link to the interest form is at the bottom of the page.

Nature PlaySpace Education 

Nature PlaySpace Education Volunteers will help plan and facilitate programs in our Nature PlaySpace, an outdoor play area designed to let children ages 7 and under be creative and try new things in nature. Volunteers will help set up, facilitate, and clean up programs, with programs ranging from bringing out extra materials and toys for kids to play with (Nature Play Days) to a nature-themed storytime and activity (Nature Stories) to a pond-exploration designed for toddlers (special monthly program) and more. 


Currently Recruiting for... Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays 9:30AM - 12:30PM. Volunteers must commit to at least two shifts per month.


Major Responsibilities 



All volunteers are expected to interact positively with children, families, and other visitors and communicate updates about the Nature PlaySpace and its maintenance needs to staff. Additional volunteer expectations include: 

Nature PlaySpace Gardening and Maintenance 

Nature PlaySpace Gardening and Maintenance Volunteers will assist with the gardening and maintenance needs of the Nature PlaySpace, an outdoor play area designed to let children ages 7 and under be creative and try new things in nature. This may include weeding gardens, designing and planting new garden areas, helping repair materials, removing invasive and dangerous plants, mulching area, and more. This is an opportunity to help keep up the Nature PlaySpace as a wonderful outdoor area for families, and continue to make it better moving forward! 


Currently Recruiting for... Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays for any 2-3 hour shift from 9:00AM-4:00PM. Volunteers must commit to at least 6 hours per month.


Major Responsibilities 



We expect all volunteers to interact positively with children, families, and other visitors and communicate updates about the Nature PlaySpace and its maintenance needs to staff. Additional volunteer expectations include: 

Prairie Ridge Field Trip Educator

Prairie Ridge Ecostation is seeking volunteers to assist with the preparation, delivery, and clean up of outdoor experiential field trips for school groups. Field trips generally include guided hikes of roughly 1 mile through uneven terrain on natural wooded trails as well as exploration of aquatic organisms that live in our pond. Prairie Ridge is a nature preserve with about 40 acres of created prairie, bottomland hardwoods, ponds and streams. We share our love of nature with students to help foster their love and respect of nature,  so that they grow up to continue to respect and care for our precious planet as adults.  Programs are offered for PreK through High School groups. Descriptions of programs can be found here.


Currently Recruiting for... Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Friday 8:30AM - 12:30PM during the traditional school year.


Major Responsibilities 

