Pirates! The Musical


Nightingale students will be coming together to sing songs from the fun, energetic Pirates! The Musical by John Jacobson and Roger Emerson.

There will be scenes acted in between the songs featuring a variety of students from many grade levels.

This show has been cast and features 26 students in speaking/singing roles!


Pirates! Rehearsals

TUESDAY LUNCH: SCENE 1/2 Pirates, Bluebeard, Yellowbeard and Stowaways

WEDNESDAY LUNCH: SCENE 3-5 Pirates, Bluebeard, Yellowbeard, Stowaways and Queen of the High "C"s

THURSDAY LUNCH: Scene 7/8 Pirates, Queen of the High "C"s, Bluebeard, Yellowbeard, and Stowaways

FRIDAY LUNCH: Scene 6 Pirate/Prisoners in Brig and Stowaways

Stowaway Audition Material

Stowaway Pirate Scene

This is the scene that students who wish to audition for the main roles of the STOWAWAYS or BLUEBEARD/PIRATES will read from.


Dreams of being a pirate! Hopeful, excited and determined. Needs to be an excellent singer!


Pirate Captain. Tough, cynical and cranky.

Stowaway Audition Song

Sing the first verse and chorus.

From "Shining star..." to "'cause I'm lost, I'm lost at sea"

Find a practice video to the left. First half is for STOWAWAY.

King of the High "C"s Audition Material

King/Pirate Audition

This is the scene that students who wish to audition for the main role of the KING OF THE HIGH "C"s or BLUEBEARD/PIRATES will read from.

King of the High “C”s

Leader of all the Pirates. Showy, confident, larger-than-life. Needs to be an excellent singer!


Pirate captain. Looks up to the King.

King Audition Song

Sing the first verse. Watch the second half of the video to your left for practice. It is short, but try your best to put lots of character into it!

NOTE: This audition will also have a short call and response portion (C major scale arpeggio up and down). We will also practice this in class with everyone during warm ups.


Pirates All Are We!

The opening (and closing) number. Divisions 1-4 will be singing this song. Watch the lyric video to the left to sing along and practice!


Arr! There be stowaways aboard! This fun number will be sung by Divisions 1-4. Watch the lyric video to the left to practice!

*This features a short solo from the Stowaways.

Queen of the High "C"s

This song introduces us to the great Queen of the High "C"s! It will be sung by students from Divisions 8-10. There are 4 pirate-y solo lines!

Watch the lyric video on the left to practice. Keep in mind that our version substitutes "Queen" for "King" as we have cast a Queen of the High "C"s in the part.* This song features a small solo from the Queen!

*Hint: go to settings at the bottom right of the youtube video and change the speed from normal to 0.75

You Wanna Be A Pirate

This song will be sung by students from Divisions 5-7. It opens with a solo from the QUEEN, and features dialogue between the Stowaways and 4 pirates! Watch the lyric video on the left to practice!

Lost at Sea

This song is sung at a low point for the Stowaways -- they're locked in the brig for stowing away on board and are questioning their dreams. The major solo singing for the Stowaways happens during this song.

They will be joined at the chorus (the part in this video credited to the grade 5s) by the kindergarten students from Divisions 11-13.

Watch this lyric video and sing along for practice!

Singin' a Pirate Song

This quick and fun number will be sung by students from Divisions 5-7! Watch this lyric video and sing along for practice.

This song features a singing warm up solo led by the Queen!


Jambo Bwana

Jambo Bwana is a greeting song from Kenya. Sung in Swahili, this song consists of a single refrain and will include an orff-style arrangement for ukulele, marimba, xylophone and percussion. Watch the video to the left for practice with both singing and instrumental parts!