
As a requirement for the final semester of my Master’s in STEM Teaching program at FSU, in the Spring 2024 semester I have been instructor of record for a section of the second semester Bio intro course for majors. I am responsible for course decision-making and design, developing lessons and assessments (with guidance of other faculty) and creating materials, teaching interactive lessons and facilitating activities together with an instructional team of learning assistants who I supervised, and grading and assigning final grades.

Classes I've TAed for:

I have also been a research assistant supervisor for 6 students in Florida State University's Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP), and 4 students in FSU's free Young Scholars Program for Florida high school students, all of whom I worked with to do original research and develop research posters. For this work, I was nominated in 2023 for the Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement Graduate Student Mentor Award.