Parish Groups

Participation is the voluntary and generous engagement of a person in social interchange. It is necessary that all participate, each according to his position and role, in promoting the common good. This obligation is inherent in the dignity of the human person. 

There are a number of active groups within the parish which meet regularly throughout the year. The times and places each group meets are normally printed in the parish newsletter, or advertised on Facebook.

All of the groups rely on volunteers. If you could spend a few hours each month and would like to help please contact the Parish Administrator.


Catechists are members of the parish, who along with the Parish Priest, help to teach the faith. They especially aid candidates who are preparing to receive sacraments i.e. First Holy Communion, First Reconciliation, Baptism (for Adults) and Confirmation, through formal religious instruction.  If you would like to become a Catechist please speak with Father.

The current parish catechists are:

Children's Liturgy

An act of worship specifically for children during Sunday Mass - which lasts between 15 - 20 minutes (roughly just before the start of the readings and up until the offertory procession). All adult volunteers are DBS checked.

Confirmation Group

Please contact the Parish Administrator for more information.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Lay members (i.e. from the congregation) of the church, who commissioned by the Bishop, may distribute Holy Communion.

Franciscan Companions

A group led by the Franciscan Sisters Minoress (FSM) for lay people. The aim is to introduce people to the life of Saint Francis and the gift of Franciscan spirituality which is his legacy to the church.

For more information please click here.

Mother's Prayers

Everyone is welcome at this fortnightly prayer group, where prayers are said for our families, our community and other intentions.

For more information and to see when Mother's Prayers are meeting please see the Newsletter.

Silver Circle

Please contact the Parish Administrator for more information.

Other Groups

The following local group(s) are independent of the Parish, but may be of interest:

The Friends of St.John’s Church is an independent charity that has been formed to support the upkeep and use of St. John’s Catholic Church and its grounds.   For more information please visit the FOSJ's website here.

Leicestershire Active Catholic Youth (LACY)

Leicestershire Active Catholic Youth (LACY) is a group for young Catholic teenagers and young people. To ask to join the LACY Facebook Group click here.

The Catenians are an association of Catholic laymen who are committed to their Faith, their families, to those in need and to each other.  Loughborough Circle is the 173rd Circle, inaugurated back in 1955. For more information please visit: 

The local branch of the Pro-Life Charity. For more information please visit their website.