
  • Numerical Calculation Toolbox;
    • As a final project for the Numerical Methods, I implemented, Bisection, Newton-Raphson, Gradient descent regression methods using C++ and equipped the toolbox with additional auxiliary functions to read data from Excel and visualize the result.
  • Line follower Robot, odometry Robot- Microprocessor 1 and Mechatronic Lab (MRL Summer Camp Hackathon)
    • As the final project in the Microprocessor course using Atmega16, a TCS230 sensor and a breadboard, I prototyped a line follower Robot. I demonstrated almost every features of the microprocessor; I/O, Interrupts, ADC, LCD, PWM. Moreover, in the Mechatronic Lab I replaced my initial beard board with a PCB exercised Altium designer . I upgraded my design with 5 additional sonar sensors to avoid obstacles. Via a serial port, my micro could interact with Matlab where I could find out an adequate transfer function for the motor and further design a PID controller. Eventually, I optimized the PID parameters using Matlab’s genetic algorithm toolbox, namely GATOOL in order to synchronize both motors to verify the squaric odometry test
  • Glucose meter in non-invasive method and heart rate counter- Instrumentation and Control Engineering
  • The Instrumentation and Control systems class made me motivated to have a search on the usage of it in the class conference about usage of this science in every aspects of life. (I faced the title about estimating rate of glucose and it raised the question of HOW in my brain and when I found out) I dedicated to make my smart personal Glucose-heart rate meter. My device counts the cycle of transferring and receiving the IR signal passing our finger and measuring the changes for finding the heartbeat and then by using the table glucose-heart. Furthermore, it gives some advices given to user’s glucose-heart rate.
  • I assisted Master students to learn, implement and debug their homeworks at various course.



Qazvin Mechatronic Lab Events

PYCON 2015 - Tehran

University Swimming Team

(Photography is prohibited even in men's competition)