mines in amsterdam 2024

Still pondering options for the summer? Why not embark on a thrilling adventure with your fellow Mines students in the vibrant cultural capital of the Netherlands – Amsterdam!

Whether you're interested in the engineering of the iconic windmills or leisurely strolls along the canals, or a trip to the beach with friends or a solo trek to the Van Gogh museum, Amsterdam offers something for everyone!

The Mines in Amsterdam program, July 1 to July 31, promises an immersive experience in Dutch culture while learning Statics with Prof. Susan Reynolds or Thermodynamics I with Dr. Derrick Rodriguez.

Don't let this opportunity slip away! Secure your spot before March 1 through abroad.mines.edu. Why not get ahead of next year's courseload while building friendships and memories that last a lifetime! And apple pie. Did we forget to mention the apple pie?

Apply by March 1st for full consideration! We will keep the application open until March 15th, so be sure to apply if you're interested in going!

Amsterdam 2024 - Info Session Slides.pdf