
The Blogs in this Section Explain More About Milites Dei Academy

Take a Gap Year, Sort Out YOUR Life or Make an Action Career

At Milites Dei Academy the courses on offer have different advantages and in all of the options, the person that will benefit is YOU. Most importantly, is that whatever you choose, YOU will walk out a different person that will be able to take on any challenge that may come your way in life. In addition, you will walk out with accredited and registered qualifications for the private security industry as well as firearm competencies. To list a few skills that you will be able to apply and on which you will outsmart anyone are:

  • Survival;
  • Fitness and Strength;
  • Close Quarter Combat;
  • Fire and Movement Defensive and Offensive Techniques;
  • Camouflage and Concealment;
  • Personal Safety and Security;
  • Community Safety and Security;
  • Urban and Rural Security; and
  • Much More.

Milites Dei Academy openly and proudly announce that we are the BEST Exclusive Military Style Education Academy and are better than similar academies in South Africa because of the following reasons:

1. Accommodation is in Bungalows On Site;

2. Students Receive Three Healthy Meals per Day and Regular Coffee Breaks;

3. Assistance and Traveling is Provided to Students to Register Competencies at the Relevant Authorities (PSIRA and SAPS);

4. There is a Cafeteria on Campus;

5. Students Receive Exclusive and Appropriate Uniform that Remains the Property of the Students When Done with Studies, Including the Beret;

6. Ammunition and Firearms are on Loan from Accredited Shooting Ranges and Firearm Trainers;

7. Instructors have Years of Experience and Accredited Qualifications;

8. Students Receive PSIRA, SASSETA and (PFTC) – Professional Firearm Trainers Council Accredited Qualifications;

9. Students Gain Real Life Work Experience at Businesses, Lodges, Farms and APU’s in the Academy’s Area;

10. Staff Actively Assist Each Student to Get Employed After Studies and the Academy have Numerous Working Relationships with Companies in South Africa and Outside South Africa that Continuously Employ Successful Students;

11. Staff Mentor and Guide Students after Completion of the Courses;

12. Staff Continuously Monitor Students’ Succession in the Work Places; and

13. The Academy is a Registered Company and with All the Legal Training Authorities – Milites Dei Security Services (Pty) Ltd t/a Milites Dei Academy, Business Registration No. 2015/273691/07, PSIRA No. 2758028, PSIRA Training Centre No. T1564, SASSETA Accreditation No. 171999692736.

The Importance of Accredited Qualifications - 30 April 2019

When deciding to get qualifications and skills it is always of the utmost importance to be sure that the qualifications are accredited. Needless to state, accredited qualifications is only available from accredited training providers.

The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is a statutory body, regulated in terms of the National Qualifications Framework Act No. 67 of 2008, thus SAQA ensure that all qualifications are aligned to international and national standards. On the SAQA website one will find everything about education in South Africa from basic education to higher education. [Also refer to].

The functions of SAQA, and the ambit of its authority, are set out in Section 13 of the National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008. The National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008 provides for the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The NQF is a comprehensive system, approved by the Minister of Higher Education and Training, for the classification, registration and publication of articulated and quality-assured national qualifications and part-qualifications. The NQF is organised as a series of levels of learning achievement, arranged in ascending order from one to ten.

Milites Dei Academy is accredited by both PSIRA and SASSETA. PSIRA is the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority and SASSETA is the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority. Both these bodies also have to adhere to the stipulations of the NQF and SAQA. The Mandate of PSIRA derives from the Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001.

PSIRA explains that 'The primary objective of the Authority is to regulate the private security industry and to exercise effective control over the practice of the occupation of security service provider in the public and national interest and in the interest of the private security industry itself'. [Also refer to].

SASSETA explains 'SASSETA promotes a culture of ongoing learning, which facilitates opportunities of skills transfer and development for all South Africans in the safety and security sector seeking recognised industry qualifications.' [Also refer to].

Gloria Castrillón, executive manager: quality assurance and regulatory affairs of Milpark Business School, explains in BizCommunity (2013):

'In other countries where an NQF is in place (for example, in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and most Scandinavian countries), the authorities will assess a South African qualification on the NQF against a qualification on their own NQF and determine whether they are equivalent or not. In this way, qualifications registered on the SA NQF are portable (from country to country) and transferable (from institution to institution)...In countries that do not have an NQF, the process is similar, although it may be more complex. This is the case in the US, which does not have an NQF, but does have equivalent authorities in place in the various states or groups of states to determine whether a qualification from outside the US is similar to those inside the US...' [Also refer to].



PSIRA No. 2758028

PSIRA Training Centre No. T1564

SASSETA Accreditation No. 171999692736

PHYSICAL ADDRESS Part 51 Peebles; White River; 1240

POSTAL ADDRESS Postnet Suite # 396; Private Bag X 9910 White River 1240

Achieve Career Excellence at Milites Dei Academy – 12 March 2019

Lowvelder Newspaper (2019) writes “Milites Dei Academy (MDA) specialises in educating students in a military-style environment. This enables the students to work in Anti-Poaching as well as Cruise- and Cargo ships as security or in Private Investigations and the Specialised Private security industry…Students are required to live at the academy while completing their studies. On a daily basis, students will participate in expertly guided military simulated activities, training and education. They will learn to master bungalow inspections, a drill routine, raising the flag, physical exercises, close quarter combat and many military style skills subjects such as map work, fire and movement and ambushing.” [You can read more on]


  • One Year Risk Solutions Specialist Operative (Vast number of qualifications included VIP, SWAT, Diving, Parachuting, Dog Handling, PSIRA, Etc.)
  • Three Months Specialist Operative (PSIRA, Fire Arms, Military Style, Business, Etc.); This is the most popular course because it leads to good employment
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Specialist Security Practices (Suitable for people already in the security industry that wants to progress into supervisory positions and it is a part-time course)
  • National Certificate: General Security Practices (Suitable for people already working in security but who does not have a grade12; also it is a part-time option.)
  • One Month Anti-Poaching Special Forces Ranger (If you love wildlife and love to protect animals at game lodges and reserves.)
  • PSIRA Grades E to A, CIT, Armed Response, Hotel – and Retail Security, Private Investigations, Etc.

You can also look at the promotional video on

You can also look at the Facebook Page on

Milites Dei Academy – The Safest Place to Be – 26 February 2019

Milites Dei Academy is probably the safest place you can be…because students are taught to keep senior citizens, babies and children safe…society in general.

Staff and students must adhere to the legal requirements of the Private Security Regulatory Authority of South Africa (PSIRA). PSIRA explains that “The Mandate of PSIRA derives from the Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001. The primary objective of the Authority is to regulate the private security industry and to exercise effective control over the practice of the occupation of security service provider in the public and national interest and in the interest of the private security industry itself.” [Read more on]

Thus, staff are officers of the law because they are registered with PSIRA. The PSIRA Act continues “A security service provider may not act in any manner that threatens or poses an unreasonable risk to the public order or safety.’ PSIRA is very specific about this and explains “Every security service provider must endeavour to prevent crime, effectively protect persons and property and refrain from conducting himself or herself in a manner which will or may in any manner whatsoever further or encourage the commission of an offence or which may unlawfully endanger the safety or security of any person or property.” [See]

Students obtain their PSIRA status within the 1st month of studies.

PSIRA is very specific to the adherence of officers regarding crime, narcotics, and all unlawful practices. Hence at Milites Dei Academy, none such activities are allowed and staff and students are guided by this daily.

Furthermore, staff and students are guided by an internal Code of Conduct and Creed. A section from the Milites Dei Academy Creed states: “…Safety is my way of life. Nothing is worth its compromise. No fight is so important, no actions is so essential, and no activity that pressing…All shall look to me for the standard of Precision-Honour-Toughness…Always will I keep myself mentally alert, substance free, physically fit, and morally straight. I represent the image of Milites Dei Academy. I cannot lose the confidence entrusted in me as a Person and I will not tolerate those who do…Professionalism is my trademark…”

In conclusion, at the academy, you will find staff and students with honesty, integrity and they serve as proud examples of fair and just behaviour. They are the proud bearers of PSIRA’s Mandate.

These same students are employed by the security industry and thus they just continue to protect, serve and abide as ethical members of society…looking after young and old…after all members of society.

Critical Mission: Taking Out Snares – 12 November 208

On Sunday 10 October 2018, staff at Milites Dei Academy saw a beautiful Rooiduiker or Red Duiker, scientifically known as Cephalophus Natalensis. The Red Duiker is smaller than the Common Duiker. Standing, it is 420mm at the shoulders and has a mass of 12 Kg. The upper parts are a deep chestnut-red and the lower parts of the flanks and under parts are a pale chestnut colour. The nape and throat turn ash-grey as the animal ages. Both sexes carry short, straight horns. The horns have coarse basal rings and longitudinal striations, but are smooth towards the tips. In South Africa the Red Duiker is classified as rare.

Students, thus, had the mission to track the animal’s spoor in an attempt to also find snares so that the animal do not get hunted by poachers. The picture above shows how small the spoor is. Farmers Weekly ( explains that “tracking is the art of following a spoor, which may include tracks, scents, blood spatter, scat and broken foliage.”

Fight for Rhinos writes “Patience and a eye for detail is required not only to find this spoor but also to find snares. Poaching, an ongoing global threat to wildlife, usually brings to mind bad guys with guns and machetes intent on stealing rhino horns and elephant tusks. But another poaching method, silent, yet just as deadly are snares. Relatively easy to come by telephone or cable wire is used to trap whatever comes into its path. While some animals caught in snares will end up in the cooking pot, as many as an estimated 90% will be left to rot in the bush -Nick Tucker: Horror of Snares, Africa Geographic”. [Read more on].

At Milites Dei Academy, students learn this skill and much more. Once qualified they are able to get a job in any of the following fields:

  • On cruise ships, private yachts and cargo ships;
  • As private investigators;
  • Anti-poaching units;
  • Security at mines, lodges and 5-star hotels;
  • Farm security;
  • Under-cover agents;
  • Assets in transit;
  • At big international security companies based in SA and Africa;
  • As trackers;
  • Students can also start their own security companies and complete freelance risk solutions.

You can also see in picture format (and 1000’s of pictures) on the Facebook Page what students learn and master at this exclusive Military Style Academy that offers Education, Training and Accredited Qualifications:

Life Changing Experiences 18 October 2018

Success Magazine explains (2018) “If you desire something greater for yourself, don’t put off your plans to change until some later date.“

Do it now, enroll now at Milites Dei Academy. At the academy your life will change. You will become strong, tough and precise.

Open the doors to your success through military style training and accredited qualifications.

The qualifications and skills that you will obtain at MDA will lead you into a very exiting career as a specialist operative. An added benefit is that you earn a salary while you study the three months course at MDA. Already after the three months, students are actively assisted to find employment in the following areas:

· On cruise ships, private yachts and cargo ships;

· As private investigators;

· Anti-poaching units;

· Security at mines, lodges and 5-star hotels;

· Farm security;

· Under-cover agents;

· Assets in transit;

· At big international security companies based in SA and Africa;

· As trackers;

· Start your own security company; and complete freelance risk solutions.

You can also visit the Facebook page on

The Place – 25 August 2018

The Place or the area of Milites Dei Academy is very special because of the following reasons:

  1. It is in a big conservancy called Jock of the Bushveld;
  2. A Jock of the Bushveld Statue is situated on the academy premises and a Historical Society recently visited the academy – see the photograph below;
  3. The academy is situated on a 84 hectare property;
  4. The students do training in the Peebles Valley which is more than 8000 hectare;
  5. Various farm dams are available;
  6. There are two accredited shooting ranges.
  7. The academy is surrounded by various macadamia farmers, such as Khuvuka, Mukwa and Deon Kotzee;
  8. Close to the academy, guests can find various guest houses such as Loerieskloof Boskamp, Near2Numbi, Petra Luxury Lodge and Conference Centre, umSisi House; and Mukwa Farm.
  9. Part of the valley are various community outreach companies such as Hands at Work, African School of Missions (ASM) and Petra; and
  10. A macadamia processing plant, called Khuvuka Max.

Khuvuka Max is an on farm Macadamia Processing Facility in the well developed macadamia production region of South Africa: Mpumalanga. Khuvuka translated from SiSwati means “awakening” or “rising up”. Macs is a household abbreviation for macadamias and we chose to attach to our brand the homophone abbreviation; Max (pushing the limits), to indicate the energy and effort we muster in bringing about something new and exciting to the market of macadamias, and the development thereof. We are not just another “Mac” – we do things differently than most “Macs”. [Read more on].

The Joe Winter Memorial Shooting Range was built and is operated by Ryan Winter who has a strong background in Law enforcement and the security milieu in South Africa. The range has been constructed in accordance with the specifications & standards set by the NRCS (previously SABS). They cater for responsible, licenced fire arms owners and provide a venue where they can enjoy using their firearms at a recreational level. There is a 25 meter handgun/shotgun range, a 100m rifle range, a 200 meter sighting range and a sporting clay pigeon range. They are in the process of constructing a second handgun / small-arms range for the security companies and trainers out there who need an accredited range on which their students can be put through their paces. [Read more on].

ASM has 30 years training experience to get YOU into the mission field of your choice, whether it be a foreign country or your own community and workplace. ASM graduates have served in over 55 countries and many visit ASM regularly to share their experience with students. [Read more on].

Hands at Work, envision the local Church in Africa effectively caring for the dying, orphaned children and widows, and unified in this mission with the Church outside Africa. Their mission is to, through relationship with the local Church in Africa, challenge, encourage, develop and support the ministry of servant hood among those in need in their community through holistic care. They believe the Biblical mandate to care for the dying, widows and orphaned is not only for the Church in Africa, but also elsewhere. Hands at Work will be a prophetic voice to churches outside Africa, challenging them to fulfil their mandate. [Read more on].

Loerieskloof Boskamp is a self-catering facility set in a beautiful bush camp surrounded with wildlife. [Read more on].

Mukwa (Wild Teak) “Pterocarpus Angolensis” native to Southern Africa and Mukwa is situated in the heart of the “Jock of the Bushveld” nature conservancy within 20 minutes from the famous Kruger National Park, Numbi Gate, in Mpumalanga. Only 23km from the new Kruger Park International Airport and 18km from the town of White River, Mukwa Farm Lodge offers the ideal location to experience the beautiful and exciting Lowveld of South Africa. [Read more on].

Petra Mountain Retreat and Conference Centre is a Christian resort nestled on the ridge of Legogote Mountain in the scenic Mpumalanga Lowveld. We offer the perfect retreat for individuals who want to escape the pressure of everyday life; relax, unwind and take the time to cultivate your relationship with God.

Petra’s unique position, tranquil setting and spectacular views make it the ideal place to refresh the body and uplift the spirit. A place of Christian worship and prayer, Petra provides church groups and ministry teams with the ideal venue for Christian Retreats and the opportunity to engage with one another and with God. Although primarily a Christian centre, it also provides an ideal stop over for the many tourists who visit our beautiful part of God’s creation, and is a short 15 minute drive from the Kruger Park. [Read more on].

Near2Numbi – Founded in 1985 the establishment is a delightful fusion of a hospitality establishment cum theological college whose vision it is “to equip Christ-followers to take the gospel to the nations”. N2N also serves as a ‘base of operations’ for many church groups, outreach programmes and Biblical training programmes run by prominent international ministry groups such as The Emmaus Walk Group, World Outreach, Trinity College USA and others. [Read more on].

umSisi House is set in 60 hectares of pristine bush, within the Jock of the Bushveld Conservancy, umSisi House is strategically located in the Peebles Valley between the town of White River and the Numbi Gate entrance to the southern Kruger National Park (20 minutes away). Here we offer a personal service that only a small, privately owned and managed, five-star, country house villa and gourmet getaway can provide. umSisi House is the perfect destination for groups of friends and family wishing to visit South Africa’s Kruger Lowveld region, the Panorama Route and enjoy the many adventure activities available in the immediate area. The house only caters for private groups (between 2 and 10 people) on an exclusive-use basis offering a choice of rates to include dinner, bed and breakfast, fully inclusive or self-catering. [Read more on].

Milites Dei Academy is outside White River, Mpumalanga (close to the Kruger National Park) in Jock of the Bushveld Conservancy and students stay in residence when they study. You will see us on Google Maps…just type in Milites Dei Academy. Students come from all over SA. So you just need to travel to Nelspruit or White River or Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport and there the instructors will pick you up and take you to the academy. Alternatively, you can come with your own car or parents/family can drop the student. The Map available on 25°11’36.2″S 31°03’27.8″E.

You can also visit the Milites Dei Academy Facebook Page on

A Reflection from Dubai by Asad Khan an ex-Milites Dei Student – 2 August 2018

Asad enrolled at the academy and for the staff and students Asad is a remarkable young man. The letter below is written by Asad and the letter is a testimonial of Asad’s abilities and strengths.

My Experience at MDA:

If I had to describe my experience at MDA in one word, I would say it was Incredible! It’s been just over a week since I left the camp and I still feel so attached to the place, the people and the routines.

Over the past 12 months I’ve travelled to Asia, Europe and Africa on a quest to broaden my understanding of wildlife conservation, from rescuing and rehabilitating Seals in the Netherlands to working with various Primates in Thailand. I’ve walked through marshlands, mangrove swamps, ancient rainforests, vast deserts and through the African bush trying to figure out what the most efficient way to protect our wildlife would be.

One common problem kept reoccurring. The human-animal conflict.

By definition the Human-Animal conflict is ‘any interaction between animals and humans that causes harm, whether it is to the human (and their resources) or the animal (and their habitat).

From my observation and research its usually the animals that get the short end of the stick in these exchanges. The more I delved into the human animal conflict the more I heard about poaching and the more I understood the implications of what poaching actually meant.

While on this journey I got accepted to a Masters course in Wildlife Conservation and Drone Technology at Liverpool John Moores University. With my mind on poaching I realised that’s what I wanted my main focus to be on so I scoured the internet looking for anywhere I could go and learn more about poaching and what is being done to stop it and that’s when I came across the Milites Dei Anti-poaching Special forces course. I immediately emailed Amareza and she responded just as quick, I had a few questions and concerns which she helped clarify and before I knew it I was sat in the back of a bakkie (pickup truck) making my way up a dirt road to the Academy.

I could go on about what we did all day at MDA or how it was challenging but that isn’t the point of this post, I want to share what I left MDA with.

For one, a huge misconception I had about ‘discipline’ and ‘freedom’ was cleared up; Let me explain, Inspection was the worst part of the day for me, I saw no point in arranging my cutlery on my bed in a certain OCD-esque manner day after day but it was something we had to do everyday regardless. What that instills in you is a sense of ‘you got to do what you got to do’ (for a lack of a better way of phrasing that) now small chores around the house which I would ponder over and would usually put off till later, I do them immediately and that in turn gives me a sense of freedom as its another small thing that I don’t have to worry about anymore.

I learnt how to push my limits at MDA. I thought I was pushing myself previously but I learnt I could push myself a lot further and deal with things in a better manner, I don’t just mean physically but mentally too, It is hard to explain in words but there is a certain calm you reach after you pass your threshold its an almost meditative state.

I could go on about all the things I learnt about my self while I was at MDA but I’m going to skip to my favourite part about the Academy; The people, I got to experience pretty much every culture of South Africa under one roof and what made the experience even more beautiful was the fact that everyone was there for a singular purpose, to better themselves and to create a better future for their families, communities and country. Everyone helping each other regardless of their race, colour, religion it really felt like a family.

I think anyone that’s looking for a new experience, regardless of if you are interested in Anti-poaching, being a specialist operative or whatever else courses MDA offers, if you want to learn about yourself or about what your limits are do a month or more at MDA and you will leave with a better understanding of yourself and what you are capable of.

I’d like extend my gratitude to the Staff at MDA that went out of their way to accommodate my dietary and spiritual needs, I’ve worked with many organisations and I’ve never experienced any that have taken so much care of me, for that I would like to thank Aunty Amareza and Uncle Barney.

Finally I’d like to thank all my fellow squad mates, without you guys my experience wouldn’t have been anything close to as awesome as it was, you helped me fit in and get used to the routines taught me about your cultures and languages and took interest in mine, at MDA you make friendships for life. Another one 😉

Military Style Training and Education – 13 July 2018

At Milites Dei Academy (MDA), students stay at the academy while studying. MDA, furthermore, specializes in educating students in a military-style environment. This means that daily the student will participate in expertly guided military simulated activities, training and education, such as:

  • Flag Rise;
  • Drill;
  • Physical Exercises;
  • Close Quarter Combat;
  • Military Style Skills Subjects (i.e.: Map Work, Fire and Movement; Ambushing, etc.);
  • Gym;
  • Bungalow Inspections; and
  • Special Projects.

The above is to name a few activities. Most importantly, students add most valuable lessons and virtues to their personal skills sets, and again to name a few – precision, honour, patience, decision-making and toughness.

The type of student that finishes their studies at this exclusive academy, is equipped to face any challenge that might face them in their future life.

CONTACT MDA FOR THE PRICES OF EACH COURSE AND THE APPLICATION FORMS: Mobile: +27 81 478 8018 / 0817040276 / 0812342310 Tel: +27 13 749 0004 E-mail:

You can also look at the various posts, photos and albums to see what happens at this exclusive military style academy on Facebook:

Patience in a Military Style School – 13 July 2019

The dictionary explains that patience means “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

Campbell (2015) writes in the magazine Entrepreneur that “We’re told from a very early age that patience is a virtue. However, very few of us are ever really shown or taught how to be patient. Patience is not something we have; it is something we consciously do. Patience is like any other hard-earned discipline: The more we practice it, the more patient we become…To be successful, we need patience when it comes to employee relations, business negotiations and communications, as well as achievement of the strategic goals we’ve set. Further, we have to remain calm amid the big and small twists and turns that come with life. It is only through being patient that we can truly learn from the curveballs which get thrown in our path.” [Read more on].

At Milites Dei Academy, students learn tactical patience which basically means to act at the right moment. If you do not practice tactical patience, a criminal might elude you or you might hurt yourself or get injured. Furthermore it means that you must critically sum up a situation first before acting. This also links with decision-making, thus patiently first analysing what any action will result in before blindly going or taking action into that decision.

To summarise, be tolerant, take some time to think, and do not impatiently just go ahead into something that might result in a serious mistake.

CONTACT US FOR THE PRICES OF EACH COURSE AND THE APPLICATION FORMS: Mobile: +27 81 478 8018 / 0817040276 / 0812342310 Tel: +27 13 749 0004 E-mail:

You can also visit the MDA Facebook on:


Bradberry (2015) explains: “There’s an old saying: “Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions,” and it definitely rings true. Successful people recognize and understand their emotions (including their intensity and impact on behavior) so that they are able to look at decisions as objectively and rationally as possible.” [Read more on].

Morin (2016) in Psychology Today writes: “Ever look back at a terrible decision you’ve made and wonder, “What was I thinking?” Well, there’s actually a chance you weren’t thinking. Instead, you may have acting on emotion, not logic.” [ Read more on].

Frick (2018) noted that “To make a good decision, you need to have a sense of two things: how different choices change the likelihood of different outcomes and how desirable each of those outcomes is.” [Read more on].

At Milites Dei Academy (MDA) the virtues of honour, precision and toughness helps students to stay in control of emotions so that bad decisions do not result in something terrible. The academy’s Code of Conduct also guides the student to follow structure and discipline. A bad decision is normally made in a mille-second and could result in an injury or worse. At MDA which is first and foremost an academy for teaching and learning, this skill is practiced daily.

CONTACT US FOR THE PRICES OF EACH COURSE AND THE APPLICATION FORMS: Mobile: +27 81 478 8018 / 0817040276 / 0812342310 Tel: +27 13 749 0004 E-mail:

You can also look at the Facebook Page of MDA:

Drill and Discipline – 17 July 2019

Vexen writes “Many civilians and military folk like to consider discipline to be the primary role of drill. Parades, it is frequently said, are a display of discipline and in training it forms a method of instilling discipline that can be visually and physically tested. It is a widely recognize method by which you break the will of untrained civilians so that they obey orders in situations where there is no time for a debate, doubt or delay. ” Also see

At Milites Dei Academy, students regularly parades in public to display the academy as a highly trained, disciplined, and professional force.

Registration for Second Semester Now Open. Students Must Enroll from 1 July – 15 July 2018 to Secure a Space for 2018 and 2019. CONTACT US FOR THE PRICES OF EACH COURSE AND THE APPLICATION FORMS: Mobile: +27 81 478 8018 / 0817040276 / 0812342310 Tel: +27 13 749 0004 E-mail: Also see the many activities of students on Facebook:

Become One of a Selected Few – 6 July 2018

Milites Dei Academy has now opened it doors so that more people can become one of a selected few by providing more affordable courses that range from one day, two weeks to 6 weeks. This is still within the structure of military style discipline and routine. The Three Months Specialist Operative and Special Forces Ranger Courses remain the most popular, and note, accommodation and meals are included in the prices of all the courses on offer, even the one day courses. Milites Dei Academy focus on:

“Highly Trained Military Precision, Honourable and Tough Students to become Staff Overseeing their Customers’ Needs by Creating Advanced Comprehensive Security Solutions”.

MDA takes only a few students at a time because of the exclusiveness and to assist each student to develop themselves to their ultimate best and also to assist each student to be a success after studies. The academy is almost fully booked up to January 2019. Thus, if you are success driven and have a passion for military style precision, honour and toughness, please do not hesitate…NOW IS YOUR CHANCE.

Registration for Second Semester is Now Open. Register to Secure Your Space. Students Must Enrol and Return the Registration Forms from Now to 15 July 2018. Thereafter it might be too late.



+27 81 478 8018 Amareza / 0817040276 Linette / 0812342310 Victoria.

Office: +27 13 749 0004 E-mail:

Also see the various photos and albums of what awaits you at MDA on the Facebook Page:

Strong, Intelligent and Disciplined – 29 July 2019

Being strong, intelligent and disciplined at Milites Dei Academy are created through the following daily military style education and training activities:

  • PT and Gym as well as challenges such as long distances to walk, tracking and the famous “dirties”;
  • The vast number of skills and accredited qualifications that presents knowledge to students; and
  • Daily routine helps students to do everything with precision, honour and a sense of urgency.

You may ask yourself, why does Milites Dei Academy do this? The answer is quite simply, namely to give students the means to have a successful future. People that comes from a military style background are not only preferred by any industry but they are also brave and honourable.

The previous blog talks about famous and successful people that came from military style schools. Some of the reasons why these individuals are so successful is because they tend to have persistence, they never give up, they approach everything with precision, they have many solutions for challenges and they have discipline.

You can also visit the Milites Dei Academy Facebook for more about what happens at this exclusive academy:

Famous People and Military Style Education – 22 June 2018

The meaning of military style education for Milites Dei Academy (MDA) is threefold, namely:

i) To up-skill those individuals that are already in the industry both private security and military by adding various civil accredited qualifications.

ii) To offer a gap year to students before they continue studies at universities with the added benefit that these students will for the rest of their life have a good military style basis.

iii) To offer an opportunity to people that always wanted action and a readiness for anything that life presents to them and note that MDA teaches students how to survive, be strong, fit, etc.

All three of the focus areas above instil precision, honour and toughness in the student and thus, this type of person will approach everything in life from that perspective. Consequently, such a person becomes a major asset for any company or organisation in any industry. Businesses have respect for individuals that comes from a military school.

Over the years, there have been many famous people who went to a military school and celebrities who went to military school did so for a variety of reasons. Some famous military school alumni went on to have successful acting careers while other famous people who went to military school are athletes. A few celebrity military school alumni even went in to politics. [Also, refer to].

Donald Trump was once a cadet at the New York Military Academy. He first entered the school at the age of 13. Owen Wilson attended the New Mexico Military Institute. JD Salinger reportedly used his time at Valley Forge Military Academy as inspiration for his book, The Catcher in the Rye. Broadway composer Stephen Sondheim attended New York Military Academy. Ward Burton graduated from Hargrave Military Academy as a first lieutenant. Conrad Hilton attended Goss Military Institute and New Mexico. In an interview, Larry Fitzgerald said:

“I was a piss-poor student in high school. Didn’t apply myself at all. Very average. Just did enough to get by. Thought I was going to be able to just slide by on good looks and charm, which didn’t work. That’s what landed me at Valley Forge Military Academy.”

In the United Kingdom, another long list of famous people attended military schools such as senior generals (Sir Archibald Nye and Gary Coward), famous musicians (Henry Lazarus), sportsmen (Maurice Colclough), many leading academic scientists (Professors Paul Shaw, Timothy Foster and Mark Gardiner) and clergymen (James Jones and Bill Ind) and a long list of decorated armed forces personnel.

Thus, way wait enroll now at Milites Dei Academy.

Also look at the MDA Facebook page for what awaits you when you enrol at this exclusive military style academy:


This time of the year is the best time to study at Milites Dei Academy (MDA) because of the weather. The weather is ideal, not too cold and not too hot.

In addition, this is the last semester of the year.

Change your life now at this exclusive military style academy. MDA focusses on each individual to make a success of each student’s life.

Furthermore, action and excitement awaits you. You will not only test your own limits but learn and practice everyday. Most importantly, MDA is both PSIRA as well as SASSETA registered. Therefore, you can rest assure that accredited qualifications are included in your course at MDA.

The picture in this blog shows what awaits you.

You can also look on the academy’s Facebook page to see for yourself that this academy is the best and is truly exclusive:

CONTACT US FOR THE PRICES OF EACH COURSE AND THE APPLICATION FORMS: Mobile: +27 81 478 8018 / 0817040276 / 0812342310 Tel/Fax: +27 13 749 0004 E-mail:

At Milites Dei Academy Five Courses on Offer – 15 May 2018

No.1 Risk Solutions Operative…the student also earns a salary for 12 months.

No2. Three Months Specialist Operative…again the student earns a salary for three months.

No3. One month Anti-Poaching Special Forces Ranger.

No4. National Certificate: General Security Practices, over contact sessions of 2/3 days for 9 months or 4 contact sessions of 5 days.

No5. FETC: Specialist Security Practices, over contact sessions of 2/3 days for 9 months or 4 contact sessions of 5 days.

In all the courses accommodation, meals and uniform are included and MDA actively assists each successful student to find employment after studies.

You can also make your studies affordable through a study loan.

Once you complete, you get the opportunity to work in the following fields: Cruise Ships, CPO, VIP Protection, Private Investigation, Undercover Agent, Trackers, Security in Mines, CIT, Anti-Poaching Special Force Ranger and Specialist Operative.

Registration for the second semester is now officially open. Change your life now.

Feel free to contact MDA and also look at the many activities of students while studying on the following Facebook Pages:

SASSETA Accredited Courses – 23 April 2018

Milites Dei Academy has new accredited courses on offer. These courses are ideal for people working in the security industry or just employed at the moment but who is thinking of changing their careers. Thus, you can keep your job and still study at MDA.

The courses are presented in contact sessions. The courses are also fully accredited at SASSETA. The two qualifications are:

  • National Certificate: General Security Practices, Total Credits 124, Qualification Code 58577
  • Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC): Specialist Security Practices, Total Credits 137, Qualification Code 57713

This courses are approached from a military style perspective. Thus, when you study, you will stay in accommodation with meals per day and uniform included. With that we incorporate the MDA military style training, where you will be a part of the flag rise, morning exercises as well as drilling and practical military style skills. This in return, allows you to boost your experience and expertise so that you become a security official that operates with military precision, honour and toughness.

Both the qualifications will lead to exciting opportunities within the security industry in South Africa as well as promotion opportunities.

You can also look at the MDA Facebook Page for pictures of students that was at MDA and is still completing their courses:


Milites Dei Academy is proud to announce that the academy has received SASSETA Accreditation. The accreditation number of MDA at SASSETA is 171999692736. Also see

To be accredited by SASSETA means that MDA must adhere to the quality provision of skills development and qualifications for South African citizens in the safety and security environment.

It is thus the aim of MDA to do exactly that. To offer Military Style Education and Training so that students after completing there studies can be employed in the upmarket private security industry.

Students are taught to complete all tasks and subjects with military style precision, honour and toughness. See the Facebook pages for more detail at:


MDA offers three courses that links with the courses below, namely:

  • One-month anti-poaching special forces ranger;
  • Three-months specialist operative; and
  • One-year risk solutions operative.

The year course is a very comprehensive course.

Within the SASSETA accreditation, MDA can offer the following full qualifications:

58577 - National Certificate: General Security Practices

57713 - Further Education and Training Certificate: Specialist Security Practices

Precision Honour Toughness – 13 February 2018

At Milites Dei Academy students are motivated to strive towards the perfection of three creeds, namely precision, honour and toughness.

  1. Precision The quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate. For example “The deal was planned and executed with military precision”.


exactness, exactitude, accuracy, accurateness, correctness, preciseness, clarity, clearness, distinctness; faithfulness, fidelity; care, carefulness, meticulousness, scrupulousness, punctiliousness, particularity, methodicalness, perfection, rigour, rigorousness, nicety

“A technique which examines and identifies each and everything with the highest level of precision”.

  1. Honour High respect; great esteem. For example “You are an honour to our profession”.


distinction, privilege, glory, tribute, kudos, cachet, prestige, fame, renown, merit, credit, importance, illustriousness, notability; respect, esteem, approbation

The quality of knowing and doing what is morally right. For example “I must as a matter of honour avoid any taint of dishonesty”.


integrity, honourableness, honesty, uprightness, ethics, morals, morality, principle, (high) principles, righteousness, rectitude, nobility, high-mindedness, right-mindedness, noble-mindedness; virtue, goodness, decency, probity, scrupulousness, worthiness, worth, fairness, justness, justice, truthfulness, trustworthiness, reliability, dependability, faithfulness, fidelity

  1. Toughness Strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling.


durable, strong, resilient, resistant, sturdy, rugged, firm, solid, substantial, sound, stout, indestructible, unbreakable, hard, rigid, stiff, inflexible, toughened; hard-wearing, long-lasting, heavy-duty, well built, made to last

Able to endure hardship or pain. For example “We had a vasbyt for 13 days in a row”.


resilient, strong, hardy, gritty, determined, resolute, dogged, stalwart; rugged, fit, robust, powerful, red-blooded, doughty; hardened, cynical, hard-bitten; informal hard, (as) tough as old boots

o Having the confidence and determination to cope in difficult situations.

o Difficult and requiring determination or effort.


arduous, onerous, difficult, demanding, hard, heavy, taxing, burdensome, tiring, exhausting, punishing, wearying, fatiguing, laborious, strenuous, exacting, troublesome, formidable, stressful, Herculean

Demonstrating a strict and uncompromising approach. For example “Police have been getting tough with criminals”.


strict, stern, severe, hard, harsh, firm, hard-hitting, adamant, inflexible, unyielding, unbending, uncompromising, unsentimental, unsympathetic; merciless, ruthless, callous, hard-hearted, uncaring, cold, cool, stony, stony-hearted, flinty; informal hard-nosed, hard-boiled; informal badass.

All in A Day at Milites Dei Academy – 12 February 2018

The pictures below shows all that can happen in a day at Milites Dei Academy. ”All in a Day” means that students are prepared every day within a variety of skills and accredited courses to operate as specialist operatives.

Everything that the student masters at MDA put them into a special class of individuals. Milites Dei Academy students are highly sought after in the upmarket security industry because they do everything they participate in with military precision.

Milites Dei Academy provides Military Style Education and Training that are:

  • Elite;
  • Extraordinary; and
  • Exclusive.

Milites Dei Academy students walk out of the MDA as full-rounded, focused, mature, strong and equipped individuals that understands routine, discipline, structure, tradition and fitness. They are ‘beyonders’.

If you want to become part of this special group of individuals, contact us at

Milites Dei Academy

PSIRA No. 2758028

PHYSICAL ADDRESS – Part 51 Peebles, White River, 1240

POSTAL ADDRESS – Postnet Suite # 396, Private Bag X 9910, White River, 1240

TELEPHONE AND FAX – Mobile: 0814788018, Fax: +27 13 749 0004





Camouflage and Deception in Water as part of the Military Style Education and Training at Milites Dei Academy – 28 December 2017

Camouflage in water is an important skill at Milites Dei Academy. The reason is that security operatives need new ways of taking criminals to task. Criminals need to be surprised in an attempt to either gather evidence and/or make an arrest.

The French slang word camouflage came into common English usage during World War I when the concept of visual deception developed into an essential part of modern military tactics. In that war, long-range artillery and observation from the air combined to expand the field of fire, and camouflage was widely used to decrease the danger of being targeted or to enable surprise. As such, military camouflage is a form of military deception.

Camouflage was first practiced in simple form in the mid 18th century by jäger- or rifle units. Their tasks required them to be inconspicuous, and they were issued green and later other drab colour uniforms.

The Milites Dei Academy (MDA) Students had to practice using camouflage and then create the deception that there is no person in the foliage and/or water.

Deception, the employment of trickery or guile, is equal parts art and science. It is typically defined as “causing another to believe what is not true; to mislead or ensnare” (Webster’s, 1999).

Thus, when looking at the photographs below, one easily believe that you just see water or just see foliage, yet a student is actually just well-camouflaged and concealed.

Also see the MDA Facebook page for more exciting and absolutely brilliant skills included in the courses on offer.

Military Style Education High Lights - 27 December 2017

Students are already working when study the military style education and training at Milites Dei Academy. The programme, although at a slower pace during the December season, continues and students still have to prepare for inspection, explore the area and complete surveillance exercises.

Yet, at least a x-mas dinner was served to staff and students. The lunch was short for some as they soon had to leave to commence with the risk solution jobs at luxury lodges.

See all the Facebook posts of the MDA student activities at

See pictures below of some of the activities during December 2017.

Specialist Operative – 20 December 2017

The question that might confront you is “What is a Specialist Operative?” In an attempt to answer that question, Milites Dei Academy, recently received a comment from an ex-SANDF rifleman. He started participating as a student at MDA and some weeks into the training he stated that the course content is that of the special forces. One would consider his comment authentic, because after all, he was many years in the SANDF.

This statement is supported by the comments of the business owner ..if he comes out of Milites Dei Academy you have just got yourself a real man fully trained soldier thank you…” See the previous blog on the MDA website, at

The fact of the matter is that at MDA, students gain the skills of 30 different military style competencies and to name a few:

  • Camouflage and concealment;
  • Map work and route referencing;
  • Surveillance;
  • Tracking;
  • Fire and movement;
  • Survival; and
  • The list goes on.

Noteworthy, is the fact that the private up market security industry needs a new kind of employee because crime not only in South Africa but the whole world is extreme. Security, in this sense need a specialist operative and the scope for work after studying at MDA is diverse and in need of these skills.

MDA would like to refer prospective students to all the previous blogs written but below find a few blogs that explains the specialist training, look at the following links:

PSIRA Accredited – 18 December 2017

(MDSS) Milites Dei Security Services (Pty) Ltd is now accredited with PSIRA. See the certificate below. Thus, when students study the military style education and training, they also receive a salary per month. MDSS is also trading as Milites Dei Academy.

Furthermore, students at MDA really impresses the industry. Recently, a business owner made the following remark about the MDA training:

It all about making boys in to men REAL MEN”.

The business owner continues by stating that “…yes I’ve seen your men at work .real men real security south Africa there are just to many security company’s that hires guards with no training and that’s were. The problems starts ..armed respond company should by law send there new applicant to Milites Dei Academy for full training ..people must learn if the men have a badge of your training academy on there chest…Now you have real security ..look I know what I’m talking about I use to work in Midrand in 1992 ..we were told to hire anybody off the street and give them a uniform cheap labour …its still done to this day I was area manager for a big company …I have checked you guys out ..and I would recommend any company in south Africa …please see what you hire before he comes on your property ..if he comes out of Milites Dei Academy you have just got yourself a real man fully trained soldier thank you…”

Also see all the posts about what MDA do while studying and note all pictures are of real students while participating at

Employment for the Extraordinary – 5 December 2017

Employment was yet again secured for one of Milites Dei Academy’s (MDA) extraordinary students. He starts today, 5 December 2017, as a Counter Poaching Ranger. Wildlife Management Services contacted MDA yesterday, secured a visit to the academy and arrived at 7h00 on 5 Dec 2017. After conversations with staff and students, they decided to immediately employ one of the students. This is not the first time that something like this happens.

The industry is highly impressed with Milites Dei Academy students because of the various skills and qualifications students collect in the three months at MDA.

You can also look at the Milites Dei Academy Facebook posts to see what students gain from the academy on

The pictures above show the MDA student with the owners of this company as well as the MDA Captain saluting a farewell.

Working and Studying at Milites Dei Academy – 29 Novemeber 2017

The title of working and studying is a quite controversial debate and/or argument in South African Education. The debate evolves around the question ‘Is South African Education Institutions preparing students for unemployment?’ In addition, there have been many arguments about students that needs to hit the road running when finished with studies.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible for education businesses to engage in the luxury of students working and studying. The reason is two-fold, namely, firstly, classes are theoretical in nature and take much time to accomplish and secondly, these businesses cannot afford employing students. In the last instance, education businesses opt for contacting other businesses to employ these students which in effect leads to the fact that students loose class time.

At Milites Dei Academy, through the newly registered leg, namely, Milites Dei Security Services (Pty) Ltd., students study and work while earning a salary. The student is thus, officially an employee, registered at SARS, UIF and have a salary slip as proof.

This last matter is also a controversial issue because most students when they leave a university of college are ask by the employer…‘Do you have work experience?’ One can only answer that question by saying I have salary slips from Milites Dei Security Services, I have a SARS number, and I am registered for UIF.’

Women in Combat – 24 November 2017

In an very interesting article on it is explained about the numerous women who stood out in history in combat ‘On a regular basis, readers will write in saying their family, friends, or colleagues are convinced women aren’t fit for combat…. women have been doing this for literally all of recorded history. In the same article see the list of women in combat roles going back to 1500 BCE. If someone starts on a “women can’t be in the military” rant, print this list out and start hitting them with it until they stop moving.’

Wikipedia indicates, and may I add, with excellent references, about women in combat and the Military. See more on

Despite various roles in the armies of past societies, the role of women in the military, particularly in combat, is controversial and it is only recently that women have begun to be given a more prominent role in contemporary armed forces. As increasing numbers of countries begin to expand the role of women in their militaries, the debate continues.

A 2008 study by Jennifer M. Silva, a sociologist of culture and inequality (her goal is to investigate the relationship between systems of inequality), found that the female cadets saw military training as an “opportunity to be strong, assertive and skilful”. See more on

Bella is the first woman that enrolled at Milites Dei Academy and after asking her how she finds her studies she explained that she is very chilled with the guys here but she contribute that to the fact that she only has brothers and a lot of male friends. She also say that the guys at Milites Dei Academy is very respectful towards her and that they do not discriminate against her at all.

Below, a few photos of Bella in action at Milites Dei Academy.

If you go through the Facebook Post, you will see a few posts about Bella. She is doing very well and serves as an example to all the ladies that is joining on 3 Dec 2017 or 8 Jan 2018. See

Values at Milites Dei Academy – 17 November 2017

Milites Dei Academy teaches students the following values: Integrity: Ethical Security Conduct, Fairness, Transparency; Excellence: Accountability, Professionalism, Performance; Accessibility: Respect, Academic Commitment, Skills Development and Employability.

Values according to business experts means the important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. Values have major influence on a person’s behaviour and attitude and serve as broad guidelines in all situations. Some common business values are fairness, innovation and community involvement. See more on:

It is only when all people in a business and in this instance, Milites Dei Academy staff and students, keep to the values that a visit from a regulatory authority will turn out a success.

Students prepared by spring cleaning bungalows and training grounds, staff got all paper work, offices, and classes in order and PSIRA was received with a impressive drill exercise under the auspices of Sam Sali (Gunnery Sergeant Drill and Fire Arms / Head Student Instructor Drill).

WELL DONE TO EVERYONE at Milites Dei Academy, Mr Rudzani from PSIRA was very impressed with what he saw…

See more detail about this exclusive academy on:

Exclusive Private Military Style Education – 14 November 2017

The aim of Milites Dei Academy is to stay exclusive. The dictionary defines exclusive as: EXCLUSIVE



adjective: exclusive

  1. excluding or not admitting other things.

“an exclusive focus on success and making money”


complete, full, entire, whole, total, absolute;

to the exclusion of everything else

“his exclusive concern with himself”



    • unable to exist or be true if something else exists or is true.

“mutually exclusive options”


incompatible, irreconcilable

“mutually exclusive alternatives”

    • (of terms) excluding all but what is specified.


not including, excluding, leaving out, omitting, excepting, with the omission/exception of, except for, not counting, leaving aside, barring

“prices are exclusive of VAT and delivery”


inclusive of

  1. restricted to the person, group, or area concerned.

“the couple had exclusive possession of the flat”


sole, undivided, unshared, unique, only, individual, personal, private, single, especial; dedicated

“I have reserved a room for your exclusive use”

    • (of an item or story) not published or broadcast elsewhere.

“an exclusive interview”

    • (of a commodity) not obtainable elsewhere.
  1. catering for or available to only a few, select customers; high class and expensive.

“one of Britain’s most exclusive clubs”


select, chic, high-class, elite, fashionable, stylish, elegant, choice, special, premier, grade A; More expensive; restrictive, restricted, limited, private, closed, cliquish, cliquey, clannish, snobbish; upmarket;

high-toned, upscale;

informal posh, ritzy, classy, upper-crust, top-drawer, top-people’s;

rare discriminative

“one of Britain’s most exclusive clubs”



  1. not including.

“prices are exclusive of VAT”


noun: exclusive; plural noun: exclusives

  1. an item or story published or broadcast by only one source.


scoop, exposé, revelation, special, inside story;


“the magazine’s six-page exclusive”

That means that students at Milites Dei Academy, firstly, learn different skills for the upmarket private security industry. Secondly, certain characteristics are instilled in each student such as discipline, structure, responsibility and self-sufficiency.

The themes that emerge because of the education and training at this exclusive academy are:

  • Class,
  • Elitism,
  • Traditional values, and
  • Brilliance.

The effect of the above-mentioned is highly motivated, successful and employable people.

The Best Military Style Academy – 11 November 2017

Milites Dei Academy is the best military style academy because we are serious about education. The instructors have fast experience and together in total they have 70 years experience of training young people to become successful for employment.

Education is expensive and hence it is important to make sure you pay for education that prepares you for employment and not unemployment. Most importantly, the qualifications and skills learned at Milites Dei Academy are THE BEST because of the following:

  • Dynamic;
  • Real-life;
  • Intelligent; and
  • Elite and Extraordinary.

MDA staff and head student trainers teach students to think out of the box.

When students leave the academy they are get employed as security on ships, in anti-poaching units, as private investigators, for farm security, in armed reaction, as security at grand lodges, etc.

When a MDA student goes for an interview, the job is guaranteed theirs because MDA students are clever and extremely impressive, fit, strong, and good mannered. MDA students are excellent recruits.

Also see the fb page at

Your Life in the Grown-Up World – 2017 Matriculants – 8 November 2017

Your life in the grown-up world will start soon and you are obviously already thinking about how you are going to earn your own income. The fact in life is that there are really a lot of jobs available but all the best of these jobs will ask you about your qualifications and experience. This is where the secret of earning good money comes in because with good qualifications, you can earn more than the average person with only a matric.

If you are not going on holiday, already start classes on 3 December 2017 or otherwise secure your space for 8 January 2018 by paying the deposit.

If you want to earn a living and a good salary by doing any or all of the following, Milites Dei Academy is the place for you: expert security operators, such as investigators, farm security, on ships, anti-poaching, they keep companies’ goods safe in troubled areas, and they can track the spoor of intruders.

Obviously, this is an action-filled career that will await you, but in the process you will become strong and fit. In addition, you will be able to face any challenge that comes your way.

If by this time you did not get into an university and you consider doing a gap year, you should seriously consider the three months training military style training at MDA. It will change your life and again you will be prepared to face anything and everything in life after MDA.

Milites Dei Academy is outside White River, Mpumalanga (close to the Kruger National Park) and students stay in residence when they study. You will see us on Google Maps…just type in Milites Dei Academy. Students come from all over SA. So you just need to travel to Nelspruit or White River or KMI and there the instructors will pick you up and take you to the academy. Or you can come with your own car.

Well Done, you are almost finished with the life as a school goer!!! Milites Dei Academy wishes you all the best of good luck for the remaining exams to be written.

You will find more detail on the MDA Facebook at –


‘The trouble with this is you don’t know what’s coming. And so you’ll spend your entire life preparing for various things, and not really be ready…Another way of preparing is learning some skills that will have you ready for just about anything that might come.’ (Read more at

At Milites Dei Academy, students are not only prepared to get employed, but also to get a survival kit of living. Basically this means that even though you are prepared for anything and everything in life, you are also highly employable because the fact of the matter is that people prefer to employ people that comes from a military style background.

Bahram Akradi (2015) states that ‘Nobody knows what the future will hold. So put your focus on the strengths that will serve you well in any reality. We live in strange and exciting times. Over the past few millennia, the rate of change has been steadily (and some would say exponentially) increasing. Humans are now seeing more significant cultural, technological, and environmental shifts occurring in the span of five years than we used to see over the course of five decades, or even five centuries.’ (Read more at

At Milites Dei Academy it is not only about being ready for change but also to be strong, by understanding how far you can stretch your own limits, and to know how to endure to the bitter end.

The picture below show students during “vasbyt” / endurance still smiling during and after 13 days of little sleep and much mental and physical challenges. What is most remarkable is the fact that after three months at the academy, students are ready for anything and everything.

You can find more evidence of the extraordinary accomplishments of the Milites Dei Academy students at:

If it’s to be, it’s up to me - 26 October 2017

If you were always interested in action, to be ready for everything, to be strong, to be able to face any challenge and become what you always dreamed of. Also, do not wait – enrol now and by 2018, your life is changed and you can start in a high income career in the private upmarket security industry.

Robert H. Schuller (1998) explains that “Sometimes we are our own worst enemies, putting roadblocks of negative thinking in the path of life.” Find more about the author and book at:

A poem by Abraham, L, illustrates this saying in detail; THE POEM is also available at,_its_up_to_me_189602

If it’s to be, it’s up to me, determination fuel with faith,

A strong desire. Not just the thoughts of good intentions alone,

Put actions in place, and follow through to the end.

Think not of the impossible until you’ve tried,

What’s the worst that can happen anyway?

When you’re trust is in God, and situations in disarray.

In ordinary circumstances one would have quit and call it a day.

Nothing comes easy; life isn’t a bed of roses, the truth everyone should hear,

I believe in miracles, and dreams can come true. Not only a matter of the heart,

But a strong desire to achieve, and be committed to the end.

If it’s to be it’s up to me SMART is a good place to start.

S – pecific

M- easurable

A – ttainable

R – ealistic

T- imely

Smart is the word a road map our guide, a good place to begin,

But we all must do our part.

The point that we are trying to make here is that it is up to you and you only to change your life. Also look at the Milites Dei Academy Facebook Page at:

Tough, Hard and Fun – 19 October 2017

The three months course at Milites Dei Academy is “Tough, Hard and Fun”. Looking at the faces of the students in the pictures below you will notice how they enjoy their studies.

To take a weapon from a criminal is tough and hard but with practice comes perfection. Obviously, to have your whole room pulled is a bit disappointing but it is all about developing an eye for detail, cleanliness, neatness and eventual perfection. To tackle your buddy in the mud always turn into great fun.

Herewith are a few comments from present students…note it is written in verbatim:

“I love Milites Dei Academy cause they treat us like family and fellow students love each other”.

“I’ve learnt a lot and have become very proficient for the security industry”.

“I like how the board himself are organised. I like how the system are created & the information & skills we receive. I like the friendly & good hearts of the Buys Instructors”.

“MDA made me realize my capabilities and taught me the essentials of military and security operations”.

“I like the way all the guys forms a brother ship and most of us gets along, the PT really helped me to build body and I am almost at my goal”.

“I really love everything we learn and experience at Milites Dei”.

“Yesterday’s presentation about politics, every citizen needs to be exposed to such truth. While we ox killing our fellow citizens (boere), while the enemy is getting improved!”

“Excellence in military training and fitness encouragement and motivation to excell in all aspects of security.”

I love MDA – it helped me a lot in every way – emotionally, physically, mentally. I’ve learned to think out of the box. I was a Jojo Tank when I came here but now my physique is on flick (proper)”.

Security On a Luxury Cruise Ship – 9 October 2017

Earn a good salary while exploring the world on luxury cruise ships. Milites Dei Academy is truly grateful that some of our successful ex-students are employed on luxury cruise ships.

To work on a luxury cruise ship is like working is a five star hotel and you are surrounded by luxury 24/7. Some of the ex-students are working as security on the MSC Cruises which ‘…is a Swiss-based, privately-owned company. From a fleet of three classic vessels in 2003, the family-run line is one of the fastest growing cruise lines in the industry, boasting 12 magnificent, ultramodern ships with the addition of two more vessels in 2017. The Mediterranean heritage that is MSC Cruises is evident in the construction philosophy and elegant design of each of the ships in this contemporary fleet, reflecting the highest standards of quality. The fleet cruises year-round in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean as well as seasonally in Northern Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, South America, South Africa and Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Oman. In keeping with the company’s commitment to providing absolutely authentic cruise vacations, MSC Cruises has introduced Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve- an exclusive Bahamian marine reserve, offering some of the finest beaches in the world, amid an array of Caribbean-inspired experiences. Regardless of which MSC Cruise ship you sail, you will experience a world of elegance and wonder that is unparalleled.’


Also, see more about what Milites Dei Academy Students Learn While Studying at

The pictures below was taken by some of these ex-students and it is clearly a fantastic opportunity for them to see the world.

Ambush Exercises – 6 October 2017

At Milites Dei Academy students learn (as part of the military style teaching and learning) through ambush exercises how to engage with criminals whether it will be to function in an anti-poaching unit or for farm security or when working in high criminal invested areas. Farmers and farming communities, for instance are at the mercy of criminals. However, security companies can make a difference and so can farmers and the communities in their areas as well.

According to Ryan Evans, ambush is one of the many techniques learned at Milites Dei Academy and it is based on the following basics: “Ambushes are classified by category – hasty or deliberate…A platoon or squad conducts a hasty ambush when it makes visual contact with an enemy force and has time to establish an ambush without being detected. The actions for a hasty ambush must be well rehearsed so that soldiers know what to do on the leader’s signal. They must also know what action to take if detected before they are ready to initiate the ambush” (Field Manual 7-8 – Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad).” Read more on

Find more about what students learn at Milites Dei Academy on:

The True Value of Education – 3 October 2017

Milites Dei Academy owners believe that the true value of education should be employment. In addition, it becomes more than just employment.

Students can learn things on their own, but then they would not connect the dots when they do not know what they do not know. On the other hand, at Milites Dei Academy students learn to do and therefore classes are practical so that all subjects are practised into their muscle memory. By using education, we teach students to use their mind and bodies so that each exercise becomes like tying a shoe, which with time becomes an automatically generated muscle memory process. This free up their minds in the end so that they can creatively handle any new question that comes at them.

Martin Meyer, a Milites Dei Academy Student that recently finished his studies wrote the following in an open letter on Facebook ‘Where do I start??? 3 months ago I started to better myself in a way I didn’t think was possible, but I was wrong. I started with a 2 month course at Milites Dei Academy. I started without knowing where the road will lead me, or how it will end, will I make it, will I prove myself worthy to be part of something more powerful, something better something bigger then just myself. I did not believe in myself at that point, because of every time I have failed in the past, but the Academy proved me wrong, after my 1st month I was called into the office thinking I failed in a way, but it was to congratulate me for my commitment, they showed me I have what it takes to be the best, to be better, to be more powerful not just in myself, but in everything I do and i got a third month gift from the Academy. They showed me I am worthy of becoming a winner that I am a leader and i can overcome my fears and my failures. I am proud to say that I am part of a family that will do anything in there power to help and to see you succeed. To make a success of yourself. I am a proud student – instructor (major) of MILITES DEI ACADEMY. My Heart broke when I had to say farewell to my friends but not only my friends but to my brothers! We will strive for greatness, and we are CREATING BRILLIANCE! Know your training. And remember why you are pushing yourself…be proud of what you have become! I just want to say thank you for showing me the path of success and the power that I have because of what the Academy learned me.

Great and unforgettable memories. We are born to be greater then greatness. Great brother of mine told me, “do what you need to do so that you can do what you want to do.”‘

A few hours after the above comment, Martin wrote ‘Just got good news, I have to be in Cape Town on the 9th for the final interview and on the 10th I start with the SOB training…can’t wait…very excited and very proud…Will keep the Academy up to date with the progress.’

Milites Dei Academy owners are humbled by this letter but at the same time also very grateful and proud because that is the exactly what it wants to achieve for each and every student.

You can also look at all the academy’s Facebook posts on:

Mud Bath At Milites Dei Academy – 23 September 2017

OK…it is not exactly the same, but the mud bath at Milites Dei Academy does have certain benefits. Although, at first, students do not look forward to this prospect but once taking part it becomes quite an enjoyable spectacle.

Baths at Roman Spa writes the following benefits of a mud bath:

“1) Puts a little adventure in your life. 2) Relieves muscle and joint aches and pains. -The deep heat from the mud …. 3) Relaxation like you have never felt. – The warm, soft mixture of the mud “feels awesome” and allows your body to let go. 4) Takes the stress off your body. – You are completely suspended, no pressure on your body … 5) Detoxifies your body. – The earth heals you in these treatments by drawing out the toxins and impurities from your body. 6) Softens Skin … 7) Improves Circulation … invigorate your circulation. 8) Balances pH Levels … 9) Silences the outside world …”


You can find much more of the activities you will be exposed to when studying at Milites Dei Academy on our Facebook Posts:

The Art of Staying Hidden and Concealed – 20 September 2017

When Milites Dei Academy students try to camouflage in order to stay hidden, they are taught that the colours of their camouflage should be the same as the surroundings and that is true for day- and night conditions.

Orlando Wilson (July 29, 2016) writes that ‘Modern humans are positively disadvantaged when surviving in and moving on foot in rural and wilderness areas…When moving you must do so quietly and regularly stop to look, listen and smell for any indication of people. If you identify people in your proximity are you going to take cover, evade or ambush?’

Wilson continues by advising that ‘..You need to learn to treat the night and darkness as your friend, darkness affords you cover. Many people are afraid of being in the dark especially in rural areas or derelict buildings; you should use this to your advantage. If you are moving you should always try to stay in the shadows, if you get caught in a beam of light or car headlights you should freeze, the chances are that you will remain unnoticed. You must have your immediate reaction drills for encountering a person, being caught in light or hostile fire at the forefront of your mind. Being caught off guard will get you captured or killed.


The students posed for a night photo with a flash light but they were actually excellently concealed with the sand of a small open hill…so they became part (colour and texture) of the environment. See the picture below.

During day, students use fresh foliage to again blend into the environment so that they are artfully concealed.

Students enjoy it thoroughly when studying at Milites Dei Academy. You can also visit the Milites Dei Academy Facebook posts to see all the interesting projects students are exposed to on:

Survival Training – 19 September 2019

At Milites Dei Academy students have to build shelters in the bush and as evident from the pictures below they get very creative. They also skilfully constructed a bush oven.

According to Boys’ Life Magazine, “Being prepared to survive in the outdoors starts with knowing what to be prepared for. You can live days without water and weeks without food. People who don’t survive in the outdoors most often die from losing their body heat, not necessarily from starvation or dehydration. You need to be able to start a fire. And perhaps most importantly, you need to be able to build a shelter to stave off wind, rain and snow, and to keep your body heat trapped where it belongs: near your body.” Read more on

More specifically, survival skills are techniques that a person may use in order to sustain life in any type of natural environment. These techniques are meant to provide basic necessities for human life which include water, food, and shelter. The skills also support proper knowledge and interactions with animals and plants to promote the sustaining of life over a period of time. Survival skills are often basic ideas and abilities that ancients invented and used themselves for thousands of years. Outdoor activities such as hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, fishing, and hunting all require basic wilderness survival skills, especially in handling emergency situations. Bush craft and primitive living are most often self-implemented, but require many of the same skills.The students also learn how to make a bush stove, referred to as the Dakota Fire Hole. The pictures below also show a delicious chicken being cooked. The chicken was acquired from a good Samaritan on a neighbouring farm.

The Milites Dei Academy Facebook Page shows students participating and successfully completing training at the academy:

“Vasbyt” at Milites Dei Academy – 18 September 2017

At Milites Dei Academy, the Vasbyt starts with 13 days of intense exercises. The last day is a test of direction and endurance that lasts for 24 hours.

SADF writes …‘”Vasbyt”, that little Afrikaans word that captures the emotional, physical and psychological effort and strain a student experiences while completing this tough phase. Pushing oneself to the limit, and then still a little further is what Vasbyt is all about…In the process of doing the seemingly impossible, every student gains a tremendous amount of self confidence. Not only does Vasbyt give the student insight into himself… It is a different student that comes out on the other side of a successfully completed Vasbyt exercise.’ Read more on

You will find more information on the Milites Dei Academy Facebook Page. Look specifically at all the posts and there are many:

Actively Assist You to Find a Job – 13 September 2017

The Three Months Military Style Basics at MDA focus on providing accredited PSIRA qualifications (10) through our accredited supplier AIM Training Academy as well as accredited Four (4) Fire Arm Types Competencies, also through AIM. Then we add on the 32 Military Style Job Skills Modules and 10 Management Style Job Skills Modules together with a CV, Professional Portfolios and Assist you to Find Employment.

The focus of Milites Dei Academy is three-fold:

  1. Assist students to get accredited PSIRA and SASSETA qualifications through our accredited supplier, namely AIM Training Academy in White River;
  2. Milites Dei Academy impart 42 job skills applications; and
  3. Actively help you to get employed.

Many training companies promise to assist with employment but they are not able to really do it. At Milites Dei Academy, we have many students that can testify to this and these students are employed at the moment.

Once you have the Three Months Course under the belt you can continue to more specialised qualifications such as Close Protection or Diving or Drone Licenced Pilot or STCW. We will link you up with suppliers for these qualifications as well.

You can also look at all our Facebook Posts to see how students learn and develop at Milites Dei Academy :

The Photo Below Shows Medic our Head Student Instructor with his students, neatly dressed in the Milites Dei Academy Uniform. “Medic” see to it that that all students performs daily duties and that they keep to the routine. ” Medic” is also a qualified diver, diver medic and ambulance medic. The second photo below also shows a few of his expertise…

Fire and Movement – 24 June 2017

Students at Milites Dei Academy participate in fire and movement exercises. They have to walk down a valley at the academy and then fire and move in formations up the hill.

The Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus was likely the first to use the tactic in wartime, in the Thirty Years’ War against his Habsburg opponents.

Fire and Movement became particularly important when more and more rifled muskets and breech-loading weapons, later followed by machine guns, were fielded on the battlefields of the 19th century. The increased accuracy, range and rate of fire translated into more firepower, allowing smaller units to operate more independently. This marked the transition from First to Second-generation warfare that saw the increasing application of Fire and Movement on the tactical level.

During the First Boer War, it was a standard Boer tactic, and contributed to a series of victories, culminating at the Battle of Majuba Hill.

According to Stephen Biddle, the effective use of fire and movement was the key to ending the stalemates on the lines of the Western Front during the final months of World War I. Since that time, he argues, mastery of fire and movement has been one of the central components of successful military tactics in modern land warfare.

Also see the Milites Dei Academy Facebook Page

Creating Brilliance – 25 March 2017

The meaning of brilliance….genius, prowess, mastery, skill, talent, ability, artistry, expertise, adeptness, aptitude, skilfulness, virtuosity, flair, finesse, panache, deftness, excellence, power, greatness, distinction; intelligence, cleverness, wisdom, sagacity, intellect, and wit.

At Milites Dei Academy, instructors help you to create the above regarding the following competence:

  • Military Style;
  • Management; and
  • Operative.

Look at all the Milites Dei Academy Posts on Facebook

Why Milites Dei Academy? - 19 March 2017

We offer the following to our students:

  • 55+ modules;
  • you stay in a bungalow;
  • three meals included;
  • all books;
  • all exams;
  • uniform;
  • military style gear;
  • gym and equipment for fitness;
  • cv and portfolio;
  • work experience; and
  • employment in the industry.

We think we are better than any other training company in this field because of the above and the following:

  • Milites Dei Academy (MDA) students already find a job after the three months basics as expert security operators, such as anti-poaching, they keep companies’ goods safe in troubled areas, and they can track the spoor of intruders. The list goes on. After the electives the student can continue in one or more of the following – on goods vessels on sea, they fly drones to identify security risks, they keep VIPs and dignitaries safe, they keep tourists on ships safe, they use dogs to identify bombs and drugs, they identify evidence at crime scenes, they keep oil rigs safe and they jump out of aeroplanes to pursue criminals and I can go on and on.
  • MDA have a 1083ha training area in nature outside White River in Peebles – you can see the map on our Facebook;
  • MDA have a urban tactical shooting range on the academy premises and 2 accredited shooting ranges in Peebles one with an underground bunker system;
  • MDA are situated within a nature conservancy;
  • MDA have a helicopter landing area on the academy premises;
  • MDA instructors have together more than 100 years experience in education;
  • MDA is a partner with Global Security Centre (Europe) and Israeli Protect – see the link
  • MDA’s courses does not take a full year because after the three months basics you can choose a field that you are really good in, will give you a high income and which will make you a specialist in that area;
  • MDA instructors personally guide each student to be successful so that no-one falls out of the course; the student becomes part of a caring family;
  • MDA fitness is extreme and each student is coached from whatever level of present fitness (for example, one of our present students was totally unfit and could not run a 2.4 but he is after 2 months on par and we are now working on this muscle tone and six pack);
  • MDA students are rewarded for hard work (with a rank) after each month of studying;
  • MDA will assist you for 2 years after training to find a high income job…and again assist if you maybe are not satisfied within a certain job;
  • MDA has a brother system whereby the new student is linked with a successful student at the academy and a student already working in the field;
  • MDA also is very serious about giving students academic depth, although our courses are only 20% theory, see ALL the website blogs
  • You can also see on the MDA Facebook all the posts that will testify of the professional approach we take and each post is of our own students that completed a specific course (practical and real-life exercises makes 80% of the MDA courses); and
  • Already in the three months basics the student are placed in businesses in our area for real-life work experience.

Lastly, I would motivate as follows:

  • A picture speaks a thousand words” so compare us from all the pictures and posts on our fb page and website with other training businesses.

AUTHOR: Amareza Buys, Education Specialist, Milites Dei Academy

Extraordinary Elite Military Style Education – 11 March 2017

Extraordinary means: very unusual or remarkable – remarkable, exceptional, amazing, astonishing, astounding, marvellous, wonderful, sensational, stunning, incredible, unbelievable, miraculous, phenomenal, prodigious, and spectacular.

Elite means: the choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons.

You deserve this type of military style education. See our blogs and Facebook page to familiarise yourself with the extraordinary and elite skills you will receive when studying at Milites Dei Academy –

Contact us today if you want to come and study with us WhatsApp 0814788018 or Every day is an enrolment day at Milites Dei academy.

The Discipline of Drill – 28 February 2017

Vexen Crabtree writes that the discipline of drill has many functions, herewith a few examples.

  • In a tactical situation, on sentry, you must remain completely quiet and motionless in order to minimize the chances of being seen or heard. A recruit who has mastered hundreds of hours of drill, in the cold and in uncomfortable positions, will also be a master of his own body in such tactical situations.
  • When a recruit moves on to skill at arms training the casual motionless and calmness, despite discomfort, is an essential ability of a good shot. If a recruit is not used to ignoring the minor discomforts of a held position, their minds will be distracted and their firing will be less accurate.
  • Many civilians and military folk like to consider discipline to be the primary role of drill. Parades, it is frequently said, are a display of discipline and in training it forms a method of instilling discipline that can be visually and physically tested.

Also read

Extraordinary Specialised Education – 25 February 2017

Milites Dei Academy offer students extraordinary military style training. If you take into consideration the number of skills and qualifications that you will acquire as well as the money that you can make after your studies, there is no better place to enroll.cIn addition, you will also become extremely fit.

Most importantly, companies are fighting over our students to employ them because their portfolios stands far above others in the industry.

You will become one of the few in the private specialist security operative industry. You will become extraordinary.

Look at all the blogs here on the Milites Dei Academy Website as well as all the Facebook posts –

Fire and Movement Formations – 22 February 2017

At Milites Dei Academy students do not only learn Fire and Movement (F&M)tactics but also F&M Formations. The photograph below show students practicing these skills.

Fire and movement formations are arrangements of elements and soldiers in relation to each other. Squads use formations for control flexibility and security. Leaders choose formations based on their analysis of the factors of METTT-TC. Leaders are up front in formations. This allows the fire team leader to lead by example, “Follow me and do as I do.” All soldiers in the team must be able to see their leader (read more on

METTT- TC according to P&S means:

  • Mission
  • Enemy
  • Terrain and Weather
  • Troops and Support Available
  • Time Available
  • Civil Considerations


Photographers Craving Action and Danger – 20 February 2017

Prospects explains that “Working conditions for photographers … in certain fields of photography, such as documentary, work may also be dangerous, particularly when on assignment in war zones or unstable countries” (read more

Photography in dangerous areas is exhilarating, to say the least. Plus, it’s unlikely there will ever be a shortage of work (and not all assignments put you in harm’s way).

If you are interested to learn more, contact us – / 081 478 8018.

Also, see the Milites Dei Academy Facebook Page:

Security and Drones – 15 February 2017

In today’s world, civil security is of major importance. In protecting the public from threats such as piracy, terrorist attacks and crimes, drone support is a decisive advantage. Just note, one needs to understand the security industry first before being able to spot security threats.

Milites Dei Academy now offers students a drone licence as an specialist elective after completing the three months basics course.

Drone Futures explains as follows:

“…Why not make $100.000 a year … piloting an aerial vehicle … Some companies are already hiring drone pilots and drone engineers, and offering up to $50 per hour. Besides that, you can become a freelance drone pilot and work independently as a security contractor.”

Read more:

Enrol now for the 6 March 2017 intake. Contact or 081 478 8018.

STEALH – 13 February 2017

The abilities of ninja to remain unseen and undetected have acquired a nearly legendary status in popular media. Originally taught with two of the traditional 18 disciplines of ninjutsu, the stealth techniques of ninjutsu derive from “shinobi-iri,” the art of stealth and entering and “intonjutsu,” the study of escape and concealment’ (to read more visit

Student “Wolf” teaches other students at Milites Dei Academy to move without being detected. The Ghillie suite is used within greenery and bushy areas. In addition, no matter what clothing or appearance, a specialist will be able to disappear in surroundings (around the shadowy corners of buildings, behind trees, concrete areas at night). Most importantly, is to take out the enemy or intruder with hand-2-hand combat.

Hand-2-Hand Combat – 12 February 2017

“You have to realize that most conflicts, confrontations and even life or death situations happen at close quarters. Military organizations recognize the benefits of H2H combat and they even have it incorporated into their training.” You can read more on

Milites Dei Academy students practice H2H daily because practice makes perfect. H2H becomes second nature for our students. It also increase fitness levels and endurance.

This link what the philosopher Aristotle said: “You are what you repeatedly do, therefore excellence is not an act but a habit.”

Private Security Operative – 10 February 2017

The following facts about the job and income of a private security operative:

Job Title: Security Operative

Office: Across the globe

Description: Perform security for money

Certifications/Education: Military or law enforcement background

Necessary Skills: Military skills, physically fit

Potential Employers: Private Companies

Pay: $500 to $1000 per day or over $100,000 per year

Security contractors, perform security and intelligence across the globe for money.

Strength and Character – 7 February 2017

A study by Ole Boe, Henning Bang, Fredrik A. Nilsen identified ‘…character strengths that are the most important for military officers and their leadership. These were in ranked order: Leadership, integrity, persistence, bravery, open-mindedness, fairness, citizenship, self-regulation, love of learning, social intelligence, perspective and creativity’ (also read

Milites Dei Academy starts with character and strength and develops that into brain brilliance, endurance and 59 more modules. These modules and fitness prepares students for high income careers as specialist security operatives.

Also see Facebook:

Female Body Guards – 30 January 2017

‘People have very stereotypical views of women and the opportunities open to us in this part of the world. But the doors have long been open, it’s just whether we chose to step through them’ (Read more:

This is an open invite to the ladies to not stand back and step through the door by enrolling at Milites Dei Academy. A great career as a female specialist operator awaits you.

Private Security SPECIALIST Operative Industry – 25 January 2017

Globally there is a big demand for private security operators. If one looks at anti-piracy, for instance, Sustainable Security explains “By 2012, some 60% of cargo ships employed armed guards. Hiring the guards is not cheap—costing ship owners about $60,000 for a four-person team to accompany travel through the Gulf of Aden. On the other hand, the evidence suggests that no ship protected by private armed guards has been the victim of a successful pirate attack” (also read

Not Going to University? – 23 January 2017

It is expensive to study and universities do not have enough space for all the students in South Africa. It also takes a long time to finish one’s studies when studying at a university or college. In addition, “The truth of the matter is we have a million students, so we are spending money on students who do not finish, and we keep accepting new students into the system, instead of having them come out, and that is where the dilemma is,” Lehohla said (also read

At Milites Dei Academy, we pledge the following to you:

  • We Offer 25+ Accredited Qualifications
  • We Help you to Get Extremely Fit
  • We Help you Get a High Income Job
  • We Help you to Succeed the 1st Time
  • The Courses are Filled with Action
  • The Courses are Short and Focused
  • The Courses are Practical
  • You Become Part of a Caring Family

All the above are included so that you can be ready for the Specialist Security Operative Industry.

If You Can or If You Can’t – 23 January 2017

Henry Ford’s famous quote “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you are right”. This is most certainly true for students training at Milites Dei Academy. Students just completed Seven Days Intense Survival and all made it because they were trained to prepare their minds with an attitude of “surrender is not an option”, that they can succeed and that they can make it.

Interestingly, John Leach writes that when in survival the individual will “experience an assortment of thoughts and emotions. These can work for you, or they can work to your downfall. Fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, guilt, depression, and loneliness are all possible reactions to the many stresses common to survival. These reactions, when controlled in a healthy way, help to increase the likelihood of surviving” ( also read

Students are closely monitored and the majority went through all the emotions and were able to control their own fears, anxiety, anger, frustration, guilt, depression, and loneliness.


Spesialis Sekuriteits-Operateur – 8 January 2017

Jy is nou klaar met skool, dalk nou jou matriek klaar gemaak in 2016 of dalk is jy al ‘n tydjie uit die skool uit en dalk het jy nie ‘n matriek nie. Dit alles maak nie saak nie want Milites Dei Akademie se enigste vereiste is dat jy moet klaar wees met skool en ouer as 17 jaar moet wees. Die feit is as jy van aksie hou en graag mense en hul goedere wil beskerm, dan is die Elite Akademie die plek vir jou.

Learn.Org verduidelik dat “A security specialist can be defined as anyone that specializes in the security of people, assets, etc….. You could choose to specialize in physical security, personal security, or cyber security. In some cases, you might take on a career that encompasses all three areas” (lees ook

In die Spesialis Sekuriteits-Operateur industrie is daar ‘n groot navraag juis omdat, nie net SA nie, maar die hele wêreld gekonfronteer word met veiligheidskwessies. Die artikel bo wys dat ‘n mens ‘n gemiddelde salaris van R800 000 per jaar kan verdien (dit is maar net so R67 000 pm).

Jy kan ook verder kyk na ons Facebookblad om te sien in watter mate is Milites Dei Akademie ernstig oor die opleiding van studente vir die industrie (sien ook

First Group of 2017 Students

This Elite Academy pledges the following to their students and sponsors:

  • Each student will be supported to succeed in each accredited and skills course enrolled for
  • Each student will be guided and formed to become their own ultimate best (physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and socially)
  • Each student will be developed as a highly employable individual

Verander Jou Lewe 27 December 2016

Mark Waldman en Andrew Newberg het ’n boek geskryf, Words can change your brain. Die skrywers meen dat wanneer jy negatiewe dinge sê of daarna luister, dit jou negatief beinvloed…dit kan jou angstiger, meer geïrriteerd en agterdogtiger maak (sien ook

Milites Dei Academy is die Elite Akademie waar jy jou lewe kan verander. As jy droom oor ‘n goeie en positiewe toekoms met genoeg geld dan klop jy nou aan die regte deur. Jy is al een wat jou lewe kan verander maar ons help jou met uitsluitlik dit terwyl jy by ons studeer. Nie net is dit militêre styl opleiding nie maar die uiteinde is dat ons jou help om ‘n werk te kry. Jy gaan nou geld uitlê vir kwalifikasies maar jy gaan dit vir die res van jou lewe oor en oor terug maak.

Ons bied vir jou meer as 25 geakkrediteerde kwalifikasies om die droom te bewaarheid asook positiewe emotionele brein briljansie.

Kyk ook na ons Facebook publikasies (kyk na almal) om te sien wat wag vir jou wanneer jy by die Elite Eenheid inskryf –

Changing your Life – 27 December 2016

Life Hack writes the following about Changing your Life: “Spend some time trying to sort out what is important in your life and why is it important. What is it that you want to achieve in your life? What are your dreams? What makes your happy? Your meaning in life gives you purpose and sets the direction of how you want to live your life. Without meaning you will spend the rest of your life wandering through life aimlessly with no direction, focus, or purpose” (also read

Milites Dei Academy is the place you need to be if you like action and challenges and if you want to make a future income from this.

We offer military style teaching and learning while getting accredited qualifications.

Look at our Facebook publications (all of it) to see what awaits you when you enrol at this Elite Academy –

Rural Surveillance – 24 December 2016

Students that study at Milites Dei Academy will, during rural surveillance, conceal themselves into an area surrounding a specific object of observation. This object could be the home of a subject, such as a farm, estate, public entry point or piece of land. The students remain hidden until they have gained relevant video or photographic evidence of the object.

Finish with School – Join Up – 13 December 2016

Milites Dei Academy’s military style education embraces structure, team work, and a solid focus on self-discipline. We focus on hard work, persistence and stamina. Added on, are various comprehensive accredited qualifications and education in the specialist security industry. Academic training and good results are primary objectives of Milites Dei Academy. The programme is not just exclusive for men either. Also, see our Facebook with numerous pictures of student activities and successes –


Choose Carefully – 9 December 2016

To study is expensive, especially when you want good qualifications and possibly future employment. However, you need to make sure when you chose a training provider, that this provider will give you what they promised.

Also, cheaper is not necessarily bad, as long as the provider deliver. On the other hand, extremely expensive is also not necessarily bad. Most importantly, you need to ask yourself why would one organisation be so much more expensive than their competitors.

Be careful of providers that makes it impossible for 80% of their students to complete their qualifications (10 students will start the course with you and 2 will complete it). In some instances, some providers let you walk out with a skills that is not recognised as well as zero accredited qualifications.

In fact, students fall out and loose all the money they invested. To add to this, you feel bad because you failed and cannot find proper employment and even more terrible, you sit with enormous debt that must be paid monthly.

Milites Dei Academy persistently train a student until he/she is competent. We deliver on all our promises.

Urban Tactical Movement – 30 November 2016 explains that “While operating in urban areas, the major offensive collective tasks at platoon and squad level are attacking and clearing buildings. This involves isolating the objective, suppressing the threat, advancing the assault element, assaulting the building, clearing the building, and consolidating and reorganizing the force. Regardless of the type of urban area or the structural characteristics, there are six interrelated requirements for attacking a defended building:

  • Isolation of the building or objective.
  • Supporting fires.
  • Tactical movement
  • Breaching.
  • Assaulting.
  • Reorganization”.

To read more visit:

Students at Milites Dei Academy practice urban tactical movement techniques to perfection at our indoor tactical shooting facility. This prepares students for armed assailant assault in an urban environment.

mportance of Accredited Qualifications - 30 April 2019

When deciding to get qualifications and skills it is always of the utmost importance to be sure that the qualifications are accredited. Needless to state, accredited qualifications is only available from accredited training providers.

The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is a statutory body, regulated in terms of the National Qualifications Framework Act No. 67 of 2008, thus SAQA ensure that all qualifications are aligned to international and national standards. On the SAQA website one will find everything about education in South Africa from basic education to higher education. [Also refer to].

The functions of SAQA, and the ambit of its authority, are set out in Section 13 of the National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008. The National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008 provides for the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The NQF is a comprehensive system, approved by the Minister of Higher Education and Training, for the classification, registration and publication of articulated and quality-assured national qualifications and part-qualifications. The NQF is organised as a series of levels of learning achievement, arranged in ascending order from one to ten.

Milites Dei Academy is accredited by both PSIRA and SASSETA. PSIRA is the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority and SASSETA is the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority. Both these bodies also have to adhere to the stipulations of the NQF and SAQA. The Mandate of PSIRA derives from the Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001.

PSIRA explains that 'The primary objective of the Authority is to regulate the private security industry and to exercise effective control over the practice of the occupation of security service provider in the public and national interest and in the interest of the private security industry itself'. [Also refer to].

SASSETA explains 'SASSETA promotes a culture of ongoing learning, which facilitates opportunities of skills transfer and development for all South Africans in the safety and security sector seeking recognised industry qualifications.' [Also refer to].

Gloria Castrillón, executive manager: quality assurance and regulatory affairs of Milpark Business School, explains in BizCommunity (2013):

'In other countries where an NQF is in place (for example, in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and most Scandinavian countries), the authorities will assess a South African qualification on the NQF against a qualification on their own NQF and determine whether they are equivalent or not. In this way, qualifications registered on the SA NQF are portable (from country to country) and transferable (from institution to institution)...In countries that do not have an NQF, the process is similar, although it may be more complex. This is the case in the US, which does not have an NQF, but does have equivalent authorities in place in the various states or groups of states to determine whether a qualification from outside the US is similar to those inside the US...' [Also refer to].



PSIRA No. 2758028

PSIRA Training Centre No. T1564

SASSETA Accreditation No. 171999692736

PHYSICAL ADDRESS Part 51 Peebles; White River; 1240

POSTAL ADDRESS Postnet Suite # 396; Private Bag X 9910 White River 1240

Achieve Career Excellence at Milites Dei Academy – 12 March 2019

Lowvelder Newspaper (2019) writes “Milites Dei Academy (MDA) specialises in educating students in a military-style environment. This enables the students to work in Anti-Poaching as well as Cruise- and Cargo ships as security or in Private Investigations and the Specialised Private security industry…Students are required to live at the academy while completing their studies. On a daily basis, students will participate in expertly guided military simulated activities, training and education. They will learn to master bungalow inspections, a drill routine, raising the flag, physical exercises, close quarter combat and many military style skills subjects such as map work, fire and movement and ambushing.” [You can read more on]


  • One Year Risk Solutions Specialist Operative (Vast number of qualifications included VIP, SWAT, Diving, Parachuting, Dog Handling, PSIRA, Etc.)
  • Three Months Specialist Operative (PSIRA, Fire Arms, Military Style, Business, Etc.); This is the most popular course because it leads to good employment
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Specialist Security Practices (Suitable for people already in the security industry that wants to progress into supervisory positions and it is a part-time course)
  • National Certificate: General Security Practices (Suitable for people already working in security but who does not have a grade12; also it is a part-time option.)
  • One Month Anti-Poaching Special Forces Ranger (If you love wildlife and love to protect animals at game lodges and reserves.)
  • PSIRA Grades E to A, CIT, Armed Response, Hotel – and Retail Security, Private Investigations, Etc.

You can also look at the promotional video on

You can also look at the Facebook Page on

Milites Dei Academy – The Safest Place to Be – 26 February 2019

Milites Dei Academy is probably the safest place you can be…because students are taught to keep senior citizens, babies and children safe…society in general.

Staff and students must adhere to the legal requirements of the Private Security Regulatory Authority of South Africa (PSIRA). PSIRA explains that “The Mandate of PSIRA derives from the Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001. The primary objective of the Authority is to regulate the private security industry and to exercise effective control over the practice of the occupation of security service provider in the public and national interest and in the interest of the private security industry itself.” [Read more on]

Thus, staff are officers of the law because they are registered with PSIRA. The PSIRA Act continues “A security service provider may not act in any manner that threatens or poses an unreasonable risk to the public order or safety.’ PSIRA is very specific about this and explains “Every security service provider must endeavour to prevent crime, effectively protect persons and property and refrain from conducting himself or herself in a manner which will or may in any manner whatsoever further or encourage the commission of an offence or which may unlawfully endanger the safety or security of any person or property.” [See]

Students obtain their PSIRA status within the 1st month of studies.

PSIRA is very specific to the adherence of officers regarding crime, narcotics, and all unlawful practices. Hence at Milites Dei Academy, none such activities are allowed and staff and students are guided by this daily.

Furthermore, staff and students are guided by an internal Code of Conduct and Creed. A section from the Milites Dei Academy Creed states: “…Safety is my way of life. Nothing is worth its compromise. No fight is so important, no actions is so essential, and no activity that pressing…All shall look to me for the standard of Precision-Honour-Toughness…Always will I keep myself mentally alert, substance free, physically fit, and morally straight. I represent the image of Milites Dei Academy. I cannot lose the confidence entrusted in me as a Person and I will not tolerate those who do…Professionalism is my trademark…”

In conclusion, at the academy, you will find staff and students with honesty, integrity and they serve as proud examples of fair and just behaviour. They are the proud bearers of PSIRA’s Mandate.

These same students are employed by the security industry and thus they just continue to protect, serve and abide as ethical members of society…looking after young and old…after all members of society.

Critical Mission: Taking Out Snares – 12 November 208

On Sunday 10 October 2018, staff at Milites Dei Academy saw a beautiful Rooiduiker or Red Duiker, scientifically known as Cephalophus Natalensis. The Red Duiker is smaller than the Common Duiker. Standing, it is 420mm at the shoulders and has a mass of 12 Kg. The upper parts are a deep chestnut-red and the lower parts of the flanks and under parts are a pale chestnut colour. The nape and throat turn ash-grey as the animal ages. Both sexes carry short, straight horns. The horns have coarse basal rings and longitudinal striations, but are smooth towards the tips. In South Africa the Red Duiker is classified as rare.

Students, thus, had the mission to track the animal’s spoor in an attempt to also find snares so that the animal do not get hunted by poachers. The picture above shows how small the spoor is. Farmers Weekly ( explains that “tracking is the art of following a spoor, which may include tracks, scents, blood spatter, scat and broken foliage.”

Fight for Rhinos writes “Patience and a eye for detail is required not only to find this spoor but also to find snares. Poaching, an ongoing global threat to wildlife, usually brings to mind bad guys with guns and machetes intent on stealing rhino horns and elephant tusks. But another poaching method, silent, yet just as deadly are snares. Relatively easy to come by telephone or cable wire is used to trap whatever comes into its path. While some animals caught in snares will end up in the cooking pot, as many as an estimated 90% will be left to rot in the bush -Nick Tucker: Horror of Snares, Africa Geographic”. [Read more on].

At Milites Dei Academy, students learn this skill and much more. Once qualified they are able to get a job in any of the following fields:

  • On cruise ships, private yachts and cargo ships;
  • As private investigators;
  • Anti-poaching units;
  • Security at mines, lodges and 5-star hotels;
  • Farm security;
  • Under-cover agents;
  • Assets in transit;
  • At big international security companies based in SA and Africa;
  • As trackers;
  • Students can also start their own security companies and complete freelance risk solutions.

You can also see in picture format (and 1000’s of pictures) on the Facebook Page what students learn and master at this exclusive Military Style Academy that offers Education, Training and Accredited Qualifications:

Life Changing Experiences 18 October 2018

Success Magazine explains (2018) “If you desire something greater for yourself, don’t put off your plans to change until some later date.“

Do it now, enroll now at Milites Dei Academy. At the academy your life will change. You will become strong, tough and precise.

Open the doors to your success through military style training and accredited qualifications.

The qualifications and skills that you will obtain at MDA will lead you into a very exiting career as a specialist operative. An added benefit is that you earn a salary while you study the three months course at MDA. Already after the three months, students are actively assisted to find employment in the following areas:

· On cruise ships, private yachts and cargo ships;

· As private investigators;

· Anti-poaching units;

· Security at mines, lodges and 5-star hotels;

· Farm security;

· Under-cover agents;

· Assets in transit;

· At big international security companies based in SA and Africa;

· As trackers;

· Start your own security company; and complete freelance risk solutions.

You can also visit the Facebook page on

The Place – 25 August 2018

The Place or the area of Milites Dei Academy is very special because of the following reasons:

  1. It is in a big conservancy called Jock of the Bushveld;
  2. A Jock of the Bushveld Statue is situated on the academy premises and a Historical Society recently visited the academy – see the photograph below;
  3. The academy is situated on a 84 hectare property;
  4. The students do training in the Peebles Valley which is more than 8000 hectare;
  5. Various farm dams are available;
  6. There are two accredited shooting ranges.
  7. The academy is surrounded by various macadamia farmers, such as Khuvuka, Mukwa and Deon Kotzee;
  8. Close to the academy, guests can find various guest houses such as Loerieskloof Boskamp, Near2Numbi, Petra Luxury Lodge and Conference Centre, umSisi House; and Mukwa Farm.
  9. Part of the valley are various community outreach companies such as Hands at Work, African School of Missions (ASM) and Petra; and
  10. A macadamia processing plant, called Khuvuka Max.

Khuvuka Max is an on farm Macadamia Processing Facility in the well developed macadamia production region of South Africa: Mpumalanga. Khuvuka translated from SiSwati means “awakening” or “rising up”. Macs is a household abbreviation for macadamias and we chose to attach to our brand the homophone abbreviation; Max (pushing the limits), to indicate the energy and effort we muster in bringing about something new and exciting to the market of macadamias, and the development thereof. We are not just another “Mac” – we do things differently than most “Macs”. [Read more on].

The Joe Winter Memorial Shooting Range was built and is operated by Ryan Winter who has a strong background in Law enforcement and the security milieu in South Africa. The range has been constructed in accordance with the specifications & standards set by the NRCS (previously SABS). They cater for responsible, licenced fire arms owners and provide a venue where they can enjoy using their firearms at a recreational level. There is a 25 meter handgun/shotgun range, a 100m rifle range, a 200 meter sighting range and a sporting clay pigeon range. They are in the process of constructing a second handgun / small-arms range for the security companies and trainers out there who need an accredited range on which their students can be put through their paces. [Read more on].

ASM has 30 years training experience to get YOU into the mission field of your choice, whether it be a foreign country or your own community and workplace. ASM graduates have served in over 55 countries and many visit ASM regularly to share their experience with students. [Read more on].

Hands at Work, envision the local Church in Africa effectively caring for the dying, orphaned children and widows, and unified in this mission with the Church outside Africa. Their mission is to, through relationship with the local Church in Africa, challenge, encourage, develop and support the ministry of servant hood among those in need in their community through holistic care. They believe the Biblical mandate to care for the dying, widows and orphaned is not only for the Church in Africa, but also elsewhere. Hands at Work will be a prophetic voice to churches outside Africa, challenging them to fulfil their mandate. [Read more on].

Loerieskloof Boskamp is a self-catering facility set in a beautiful bush camp surrounded with wildlife. [Read more on].

Mukwa (Wild Teak) “Pterocarpus Angolensis” native to Southern Africa and Mukwa is situated in the heart of the “Jock of the Bushveld” nature conservancy within 20 minutes from the famous Kruger National Park, Numbi Gate, in Mpumalanga. Only 23km from the new Kruger Park International Airport and 18km from the town of White River, Mukwa Farm Lodge offers the ideal location to experience the beautiful and exciting Lowveld of South Africa. [Read more on].

Petra Mountain Retreat and Conference Centre is a Christian resort nestled on the ridge of Legogote Mountain in the scenic Mpumalanga Lowveld. We offer the perfect retreat for individuals who want to escape the pressure of everyday life; relax, unwind and take the time to cultivate your relationship with God.

Petra’s unique position, tranquil setting and spectacular views make it the ideal place to refresh the body and uplift the spirit. A place of Christian worship and prayer, Petra provides church groups and ministry teams with the ideal venue for Christian Retreats and the opportunity to engage with one another and with God. Although primarily a Christian centre, it also provides an ideal stop over for the many tourists who visit our beautiful part of God’s creation, and is a short 15 minute drive from the Kruger Park. [Read more on].

Near2Numbi – Founded in 1985 the establishment is a delightful fusion of a hospitality establishment cum theological college whose vision it is “to equip Christ-followers to take the gospel to the nations”. N2N also serves as a ‘base of operations’ for many church groups, outreach programmes and Biblical training programmes run by prominent international ministry groups such as The Emmaus Walk Group, World Outreach, Trinity College USA and others. [Read more on].

umSisi House is set in 60 hectares of pristine bush, within the Jock of the Bushveld Conservancy, umSisi House is strategically located in the Peebles Valley between the town of White River and the Numbi Gate entrance to the southern Kruger National Park (20 minutes away). Here we offer a personal service that only a small, privately owned and managed, five-star, country house villa and gourmet getaway can provide. umSisi House is the perfect destination for groups of friends and family wishing to visit South Africa’s Kruger Lowveld region, the Panorama Route and enjoy the many adventure activities available in the immediate area. The house only caters for private groups (between 2 and 10 people) on an exclusive-use basis offering a choice of rates to include dinner, bed and breakfast, fully inclusive or self-catering. [Read more on].

Milites Dei Academy is outside White River, Mpumalanga (close to the Kruger National Park) in Jock of the Bushveld Conservancy and students stay in residence when they study. You will see us on Google Maps…just type in Milites Dei Academy. Students come from all over SA. So you just need to travel to Nelspruit or White River or Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport and there the instructors will pick you up and take you to the academy. Alternatively, you can come with your own car or parents/family can drop the student. The Map available on 25°11’36.2″S 31°03’27.8″E.

You can also visit the Milites Dei Academy Facebook Page on

A Reflection from Dubai by Asad Khan an ex-Milites Dei Student – 2 August 2018

Asad enrolled at the academy and for the staff and students Asad is a remarkable young man. The letter below is written by Asad and the letter is a testimonial of Asad’s abilities and strengths.

My Experience at MDA:

If I had to describe my experience at MDA in one word, I would say it was Incredible! It’s been just over a week since I left the camp and I still feel so attached to the place, the people and the routines.

Over the past 12 months I’ve travelled to Asia, Europe and Africa on a quest to broaden my understanding of wildlife conservation, from rescuing and rehabilitating Seals in the Netherlands to working with various Primates in Thailand. I’ve walked through marshlands, mangrove swamps, ancient rainforests, vast deserts and through the African bush trying to figure out what the most efficient way to protect our wildlife would be.

One common problem kept reoccurring. The human-animal conflict.

By definition the Human-Animal conflict is ‘any interaction between animals and humans that causes harm, whether it is to the human (and their resources) or the animal (and their habitat).

From my observation and research its usually the animals that get the short end of the stick in these exchanges. The more I delved into the human animal conflict the more I heard about poaching and the more I understood the implications of what poaching actually meant.

While on this journey I got accepted to a Masters course in Wildlife Conservation and Drone Technology at Liverpool John Moores University. With my mind on poaching I realised that’s what I wanted my main focus to be on so I scoured the internet looking for anywhere I could go and learn more about poaching and what is being done to stop it and that’s when I came across the Milites Dei Anti-poaching Special forces course. I immediately emailed Amareza and she responded just as quick, I had a few questions and concerns which she helped clarify and before I knew it I was sat in the back of a bakkie (pickup truck) making my way up a dirt road to the Academy.

I could go on about what we did all day at MDA or how it was challenging but that isn’t the point of this post, I want to share what I left MDA with.

For one, a huge misconception I had about ‘discipline’ and ‘freedom’ was cleared up; Let me explain, Inspection was the worst part of the day for me, I saw no point in arranging my cutlery on my bed in a certain OCD-esque manner day after day but it was something we had to do everyday regardless. What that instills in you is a sense of ‘you got to do what you got to do’ (for a lack of a better way of phrasing that) now small chores around the house which I would ponder over and would usually put off till later, I do them immediately and that in turn gives me a sense of freedom as its another small thing that I don’t have to worry about anymore.

I learnt how to push my limits at MDA. I thought I was pushing myself previously but I learnt I could push myself a lot further and deal with things in a better manner, I don’t just mean physically but mentally too, It is hard to explain in words but there is a certain calm you reach after you pass your threshold its an almost meditative state.

I could go on about all the things I learnt about my self while I was at MDA but I’m going to skip to my favourite part about the Academy; The people, I got to experience pretty much every culture of South Africa under one roof and what made the experience even more beautiful was the fact that everyone was there for a singular purpose, to better themselves and to create a better future for their families, communities and country. Everyone helping each other regardless of their race, colour, religion it really felt like a family.

I think anyone that’s looking for a new experience, regardless of if you are interested in Anti-poaching, being a specialist operative or whatever else courses MDA offers, if you want to learn about yourself or about what your limits are do a month or more at MDA and you will leave with a better understanding of yourself and what you are capable of.

I’d like extend my gratitude to the Staff at MDA that went out of their way to accommodate my dietary and spiritual needs, I’ve worked with many organisations and I’ve never experienced any that have taken so much care of me, for that I would like to thank Aunty Amareza and Uncle Barney.

Finally I’d like to thank all my fellow squad mates, without you guys my experience wouldn’t have been anything close to as awesome as it was, you helped me fit in and get used to the routines taught me about your cultures and languages and took interest in mine, at MDA you make friendships for life. Another one 😉

Military Style Training and Education – 13 July 2018

At Milites Dei Academy (MDA), students stay at the academy while studying. MDA, furthermore, specializes in educating students in a military-style environment. This means that daily the student will participate in expertly guided military simulated activities, training and education, such as:

  • Flag Rise;
  • Drill;
  • Physical Exercises;
  • Close Quarter Combat;
  • Military Style Skills Subjects (i.e.: Map Work, Fire and Movement; Ambushing, etc.);
  • Gym;
  • Bungalow Inspections; and
  • Special Projects.

The above is to name a few activities. Most importantly, students add most valuable lessons and virtues to their personal skills sets, and again to name a few – precision, honour, patience, decision-making and toughness.

The type of student that finishes their studies at this exclusive academy, is equipped to face any challenge that might face them in their future life.

CONTACT MDA FOR THE PRICES OF EACH COURSE AND THE APPLICATION FORMS: Mobile: +27 81 478 8018 / 0817040276 / 0812342310 Tel: +27 13 749 0004 E-mail:

You can also look at the various posts, photos and albums to see what happens at this exclusive military style academy on Facebook:

Patience in a Military Style School – 13 July 2019

The dictionary explains that patience means “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

Campbell (2015) writes in the magazine Entrepreneur that “We’re told from a very early age that patience is a virtue. However, very few of us are ever really shown or taught how to be patient. Patience is not something we have; it is something we consciously do. Patience is like any other hard-earned discipline: The more we practice it, the more patient we become…To be successful, we need patience when it comes to employee relations, business negotiations and communications, as well as achievement of the strategic goals we’ve set. Further, we have to remain calm amid the big and small twists and turns that come with life. It is only through being patient that we can truly learn from the curveballs which get thrown in our path.” [Read more on].

At Milites Dei Academy, students learn tactical patience which basically means to act at the right moment. If you do not practice tactical patience, a criminal might elude you or you might hurt yourself or get injured. Furthermore it means that you must critically sum up a situation first before acting. This also links with decision-making, thus patiently first analysing what any action will result in before blindly going or taking action into that decision.

To summarise, be tolerant, take some time to think, and do not impatiently just go ahead into something that might result in a serious mistake.

CONTACT US FOR THE PRICES OF EACH COURSE AND THE APPLICATION FORMS: Mobile: +27 81 478 8018 / 0817040276 / 0812342310 Tel: +27 13 749 0004 E-mail:

You can also visit the MDA Facebook on:


Bradberry (2015) explains: “There’s an old saying: “Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions,” and it definitely rings true. Successful people recognize and understand their emotions (including their intensity and impact on behavior) so that they are able to look at decisions as objectively and rationally as possible.” [Read more on].

Morin (2016) in Psychology Today writes: “Ever look back at a terrible decision you’ve made and wonder, “What was I thinking?” Well, there’s actually a chance you weren’t thinking. Instead, you may have acting on emotion, not logic.” [ Read more on].

Frick (2018) noted that “To make a good decision, you need to have a sense of two things: how different choices change the likelihood of different outcomes and how desirable each of those outcomes is.” [Read more on].

At Milites Dei Academy (MDA) the virtues of honour, precision and toughness helps students to stay in control of emotions so that bad decisions do not result in something terrible. The academy’s Code of Conduct also guides the student to follow structure and discipline. A bad decision is normally made in a mille-second and could result in an injury or worse. At MDA which is first and foremost an academy for teaching and learning, this skill is practiced daily.

CONTACT US FOR THE PRICES OF EACH COURSE AND THE APPLICATION FORMS: Mobile: +27 81 478 8018 / 0817040276 / 0812342310 Tel: +27 13 749 0004 E-mail:

You can also look at the Facebook Page of MDA:

Drill and Discipline – 17 July 2019

Vexen writes “Many civilians and military folk like to consider discipline to be the primary role of drill. Parades, it is frequently said, are a display of discipline and in training it forms a method of instilling discipline that can be visually and physically tested. It is a widely recognize method by which you break the will of untrained civilians so that they obey orders in situations where there is no time for a debate, doubt or delay. ” Also see

At Milites Dei Academy, students regularly parades in public to display the academy as a highly trained, disciplined, and professional force.

Registration for Second Semester Now Open. Students Must Enroll from 1 July – 15 July 2018 to Secure a Space for 2018 and 2019. CONTACT US FOR THE PRICES OF EACH COURSE AND THE APPLICATION FORMS: Mobile: +27 81 478 8018 / 0817040276 / 0812342310 Tel: +27 13 749 0004 E-mail: Also see the many activities of students on Facebook:

Become One of a Selected Few – 6 July 2018

Milites Dei Academy has now opened it doors so that more people can become one of a selected few by providing more affordable courses that range from one day, two weeks to 6 weeks. This is still within the structure of military style discipline and routine. The Three Months Specialist Operative and Special Forces Ranger Courses remain the most popular, and note, accommodation and meals are included in the prices of all the courses on offer, even the one day courses. Milites Dei Academy focus on:

“Highly Trained Military Precision, Honourable and Tough Students to become Staff Overseeing their Customers’ Needs by Creating Advanced Comprehensive Security Solutions”.

MDA takes only a few students at a time because of the exclusiveness and to assist each student to develop themselves to their ultimate best and also to assist each student to be a success after studies. The academy is almost fully booked up to January 2019. Thus, if you are success driven and have a passion for military style precision, honour and toughness, please do not hesitate…NOW IS YOUR CHANCE.

Registration for Second Semester is Now Open. Register to Secure Your Space. Students Must Enrol and Return the Registration Forms from Now to 15 July 2018. Thereafter it might be too late.



+27 81 478 8018 Amareza / 0817040276 Linette / 0812342310 Victoria.

Office: +27 13 749 0004 E-mail:

Also see the various photos and albums of what awaits you at MDA on the Facebook Page:

Strong, Intelligent and Disciplined – 29 July 2019

Being strong, intelligent and disciplined at Milites Dei Academy are created through the following daily military style education and training activities:

  • PT and Gym as well as challenges such as long distances to walk, tracking and the famous “dirties”;
  • The vast number of skills and accredited qualifications that presents knowledge to students; and
  • Daily routine helps students to do everything with precision, honour and a sense of urgency.

You may ask yourself, why does Milites Dei Academy do this? The answer is quite simply, namely to give students the means to have a successful future. People that comes from a military style background are not only preferred by any industry but they are also brave and honourable.

The previous blog talks about famous and successful people that came from military style schools. Some of the reasons why these individuals are so successful is because they tend to have persistence, they never give up, they approach everything with precision, they have many solutions for challenges and they have discipline.

You can also visit the Milites Dei Academy Facebook for more about what happens at this exclusive academy:

Famous People and Military Style Education – 22 June 2018

The meaning of military style education for Milites Dei Academy (MDA) is threefold, namely:

i) To up-skill those individuals that are already in the industry both private security and military by adding various civil accredited qualifications.

ii) To offer a gap year to students before they continue studies at universities with the added benefit that these students will for the rest of their life have a good military style basis.

iii) To offer an opportunity to people that always wanted action and a readiness for anything that life presents to them and note that MDA teaches students how to survive, be strong, fit, etc.

All three of the focus areas above instil precision, honour and toughness in the student and thus, this type of person will approach everything in life from that perspective. Consequently, such a person becomes a major asset for any company or organisation in any industry. Businesses have respect for individuals that comes from a military school.

Over the years, there have been many famous people who went to a military school and celebrities who went to military school did so for a variety of reasons. Some famous military school alumni went on to have successful acting careers while other famous people who went to military school are athletes. A few celebrity military school alumni even went in to politics. [Also, refer to].

Donald Trump was once a cadet at the New York Military Academy. He first entered the school at the age of 13. Owen Wilson attended the New Mexico Military Institute. JD Salinger reportedly used his time at Valley Forge Military Academy as inspiration for his book, The Catcher in the Rye. Broadway composer Stephen Sondheim attended New York Military Academy. Ward Burton graduated from Hargrave Military Academy as a first lieutenant. Conrad Hilton attended Goss Military Institute and New Mexico. In an interview, Larry Fitzgerald said:

“I was a piss-poor student in high school. Didn’t apply myself at all. Very average. Just did enough to get by. Thought I was going to be able to just slide by on good looks and charm, which didn’t work. That’s what landed me at Valley Forge Military Academy.”

In the United Kingdom, another long list of famous people attended military schools such as senior generals (Sir Archibald Nye and Gary Coward), famous musicians (Henry Lazarus), sportsmen (Maurice Colclough), many leading academic scientists (Professors Paul Shaw, Timothy Foster and Mark Gardiner) and clergymen (James Jones and Bill Ind) and a long list of decorated armed forces personnel.

Thus, way wait enroll now at Milites Dei Academy.

Also look at the MDA Facebook page for what awaits you when you enrol at this exclusive military style academy:


This time of the year is the best time to study at Milites Dei Academy (MDA) because of the weather. The weather is ideal, not too cold and not too hot.

In addition, this is the last semester of the year.

Change your life now at this exclusive military style academy. MDA focusses on each individual to make a success of each student’s life.

Furthermore, action and excitement awaits you. You will not only test your own limits but learn and practice everyday. Most importantly, MDA is both PSIRA as well as SASSETA registered. Therefore, you can rest assure that accredited qualifications are included in your course at MDA.

The picture in this blog shows what awaits you.

You can also look on the academy’s Facebook page to see for yourself that this academy is the best and is truly exclusive:

CONTACT US FOR THE PRICES OF EACH COURSE AND THE APPLICATION FORMS: Mobile: +27 81 478 8018 / 0817040276 / 0812342310 Tel/Fax: +27 13 749 0004 E-mail:

At Milites Dei Academy Five Courses on Offer – 15 May 2018

No.1 Risk Solutions Operative…the student also earns a salary for 12 months.

No2. Three Months Specialist Operative…again the student earns a salary for three months.

No3. One month Anti-Poaching Special Forces Ranger.

No4. National Certificate: General Security Practices, over contact sessions of 2/3 days for 9 months or 4 contact sessions of 5 days.

No5. FETC: Specialist Security Practices, over contact sessions of 2/3 days for 9 months or 4 contact sessions of 5 days.

In all the courses accommodation, meals and uniform are included and MDA actively assists each successful student to find employment after studies.

You can also make your studies affordable through a study loan.

Once you complete, you get the opportunity to work in the following fields: Cruise Ships, CPO, VIP Protection, Private Investigation, Undercover Agent, Trackers, Security in Mines, CIT, Anti-Poaching Special Force Ranger and Specialist Operative.

Registration for the second semester is now officially open. Change your life now.

Feel free to contact MDA and also look at the many activities of students while studying on the following Facebook Pages:

SASSETA Accredited Courses – 23 April 2018

Milites Dei Academy has new accredited courses on offer. These courses are ideal for people working in the security industry or just employed at the moment but who is thinking of changing their careers. Thus, you can keep your job and still study at MDA.

The courses are presented in contact sessions. The courses are also fully accredited at SASSETA. The two qualifications are:

  • National Certificate: General Security Practices, Total Credits 124, Qualification Code 58577
  • Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC): Specialist Security Practices, Total Credits 137, Qualification Code 57713

This courses are approached from a military style perspective. Thus, when you study, you will stay in accommodation with meals per day and uniform included. With that we incorporate the MDA military style training, where you will be a part of the flag rise, morning exercises as well as drilling and practical military style skills. This in return, allows you to boost your experience and expertise so that you become a security official that operates with military precision, honour and toughness.

Both the qualifications will lead to exciting opportunities within the security industry in South Africa as well as promotion opportunities.

You can also look at the MDA Facebook Page for pictures of students that was at MDA and is still completing their courses:


Milites Dei Academy is proud to announce that the academy has received SASSETA Accreditation. The accreditation number of MDA at SASSETA is 171999692736. Also see

To be accredited by SASSETA means that MDA must adhere to the quality provision of skills development and qualifications for South African citizens in the safety and security environment.

It is thus the aim of MDA to do exactly that. To offer Military Style Education and Training so that students after completing there studies can be employed in the upmarket private security industry.

Students are taught to complete all tasks and subjects with military style precision, honour and toughness. See the Facebook pages for more detail at:


MDA offers three courses that links with the courses below, namely:

  • One-month anti-poaching special forces ranger;
  • Three-months specialist operative; and
  • One-year risk solutions operative.

The year course is a very comprehensive course.

Within the SASSETA accreditation, MDA can offer the following full qualifications:


Qualification Code

Qualification Description

Total Credits

58577 - National Certificate: General Security Practices

57713 - Further Education and Training Certificate: Specialist Security Practices

Precision Honour Toughness – 13 February 2018

At Milites Dei Academy students are motivated to strive towards the perfection of three creeds, namely precision, honour and toughness.

  1. Precision The quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate. For example “The deal was planned and executed with military precision”.


exactness, exactitude, accuracy, accurateness, correctness, preciseness, clarity, clearness, distinctness; faithfulness, fidelity; care, carefulness, meticulousness, scrupulousness, punctiliousness, particularity, methodicalness, perfection, rigour, rigorousness, nicety

“A technique which examines and identifies each and everything with the highest level of precision”.

  1. Honour High respect; great esteem. For example “You are an honour to our profession”.


distinction, privilege, glory, tribute, kudos, cachet, prestige, fame, renown, merit, credit, importance, illustriousness, notability; respect, esteem, approbation

The quality of knowing and doing what is morally right. For example “I must as a matter of honour avoid any taint of dishonesty”.


integrity, honourableness, honesty, uprightness, ethics, morals, morality, principle, (high) principles, righteousness, rectitude, nobility, high-mindedness, right-mindedness, noble-mindedness; virtue, goodness, decency, probity, scrupulousness, worthiness, worth, fairness, justness, justice, truthfulness, trustworthiness, reliability, dependability, faithfulness, fidelity

  1. Toughness Strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling.


durable, strong, resilient, resistant, sturdy, rugged, firm, solid, substantial, sound, stout, indestructible, unbreakable, hard, rigid, stiff, inflexible, toughened; hard-wearing, long-lasting, heavy-duty, well built, made to last

Able to endure hardship or pain. For example “We had a vasbyt for 13 days in a row”.


resilient, strong, hardy, gritty, determined, resolute, dogged, stalwart; rugged, fit, robust, powerful, red-blooded, doughty; hardened, cynical, hard-bitten; informal hard, (as) tough as old boots

o Having the confidence and determination to cope in difficult situations.

o Difficult and requiring determination or effort.


arduous, onerous, difficult, demanding, hard, heavy, taxing, burdensome, tiring, exhausting, punishing, wearying, fatiguing, laborious, strenuous, exacting, troublesome, formidable, stressful, Herculean

Demonstrating a strict and uncompromising approach. For example “Police have been getting tough with criminals”.


strict, stern, severe, hard, harsh, firm, hard-hitting, adamant, inflexible, unyielding, unbending, uncompromising, unsentimental, unsympathetic; merciless, ruthless, callous, hard-hearted, uncaring, cold, cool, stony, stony-hearted, flinty; informal hard-nosed, hard-boiled; informal badass

All in A Day at Milites Dei Academy – 12 February 2018

The pictures below shows all that can happen in a day at Milites Dei Academy. ”All in a Day” means that students are prepared every day within a variety of skills and accredited courses to operate as specialist operatives.

Everything that the student masters at MDA put them into a special class of individuals. Milites Dei Academy students are highly sought after in the upmarket security industry because they do everything they participate in with military precision.

Milites Dei Academy provides Military Style Education and Training that are:

  • Elite;
  • Extraordinary; and
  • Exclusive.

Milites Dei Academy students walk out of the MDA as full-rounded, focused, mature, strong and equipped individuals that understands routine, discipline, structure, tradition and fitness. They are ‘beyonders’.

If you want to become part of this special group of individuals, contact us at

Milites Dei Academy

PSIRA No. 2758028

PHYSICAL ADDRESS – Part 51 Peebles, White River, 1240

POSTAL ADDRESS – Postnet Suite # 396, Private Bag X 9910, White River, 1240

TELEPHONE AND FAX – Mobile: 0814788018, Fax: +27 13 749 0004





Camouflage and Deception in Water as part of the Military Style Education and Training at Milites Dei Academy – 28 December 2017

Camouflage in water is an important skill at Milites Dei Academy. The reason is that security operatives need new ways of taking criminals to task. Criminals need to be surprised in an attempt to either gather evidence and/or make an arrest.

The French slang word camouflage came into common English usage during World War I when the concept of visual deception developed into an essential part of modern military tactics. In that war, long-range artillery and observation from the air combined to expand the field of fire, and camouflage was widely used to decrease the danger of being targeted or to enable surprise. As such, military camouflage is a form of military deception.

Camouflage was first practiced in simple form in the mid 18th century by jäger- or rifle units. Their tasks required them to be inconspicuous, and they were issued green and later other drab colour uniforms.

The Milites Dei Academy (MDA) Students had to practice using camouflage and then create the deception that there is no person in the foliage and/or water.

Deception, the employment of trickery or guile, is equal parts art and science. It is typically defined as “causing another to believe what is not true; to mislead or ensnare” (Webster’s, 1999).

Thus, when looking at the photographs below, one easily believe that you just see water or just see foliage, yet a student is actually just well-camouflaged and concealed.

Also see the MDA Facebook page for more exciting and absolutely brilliant skills included in the courses on offer.

Military Style Education High Lights - 27 December 2017

Students are already working when study the military style education and training at Milites Dei Academy. The programme, although at a slower pace during the December season, continues and students still have to prepare for inspection, explore the area and complete surveillance exercises.

Yet, at least a x-mas dinner was served to staff and students. The lunch was short for some as they soon had to leave to commence with the risk solution jobs at luxury lodges.

See all the Facebook posts of the MDA student activities at

See pictures below of some of the activities during December 2017.

Specialist Operative – 20 December 2017

The question that might confront you is “What is a Specialist Operative?” In an attempt to answer that question, Milites Dei Academy, recently received a comment from an ex-SANDF rifleman. He started participating as a student at MDA and some weeks into the training he stated that the course content is that of the special forces. One would consider his comment authentic, because after all, he was many years in the SANDF.

This statement is supported by the comments of the business owner ..if he comes out of Milites Dei Academy you have just got yourself a real man fully trained soldier thank you…” See the previous blog on the MDA website, at

The fact of the matter is that at MDA, students gain the skills of 30 different military style competencies and to name a few:

  • Camouflage and concealment;
  • Map work and route referencing;
  • Surveillance;
  • Tracking;
  • Fire and movement;
  • Survival; and
  • The list goes on.

Noteworthy, is the fact that the private up market security industry needs a new kind of employee because crime not only in South Africa but the whole world is extreme. Security, in this sense need a specialist operative and the scope for work after studying at MDA is diverse and in need of these skills.

MDA would like to refer prospective students to all the previous blogs written but below find a few blogs that explains the specialist training, look at the following links:

PSIRA Accredited – 18 December 2017

(MDSS) Milites Dei Security Services (Pty) Ltd is now accredited with PSIRA. See the certificate below. Thus, when students study the military style education and training, they also receive a salary per month. MDSS is also trading as Milites Dei Academy.

Furthermore, students at MDA really impresses the industry. Recently, a business owner made the following remark about the MDA training:

It all about making boys in to men REAL MEN”.

The business owner continues by stating that “…yes I’ve seen your men at work .real men real security south Africa there are just to many security company’s that hires guards with no training and that’s were. The problems starts ..armed respond company should by law send there new applicant to Milites Dei Academy for full training ..people must learn if the men have a badge of your training academy on there chest…Now you have real security ..look I know what I’m talking about I use to work in Midrand in 1992 ..we were told to hire anybody off the street and give them a uniform cheap labour …its still done to this day I was area manager for a big company …I have checked you guys out ..and I would recommend any company in south Africa …please see what you hire before he comes on your property ..if he comes out of Milites Dei Academy you have just got yourself a real man fully trained soldier thank you…”

Also see all the posts about what MDA do while studying and note all pictures are of real students while participating at

Employment for the Extraordinary – 5 December 2017

Employment was yet again secured for one of Milites Dei Academy’s (MDA) extraordinary students. He starts today, 5 December 2017, as a Counter Poaching Ranger. Wildlife Management Services contacted MDA yesterday, secured a visit to the academy and arrived at 7h00 on 5 Dec 2017. After conversations with staff and students, they decided to immediately employ one of the students. This is not the first time that something like this happens.

The industry is highly impressed with Milites Dei Academy students because of the various skills and qualifications students collect in the three months at MDA.

You can also look at the Milites Dei Academy Facebook posts to see what students gain from the academy on

The pictures above show the MDA student with the owners of this company as well as the MDA Captain saluting a farewell.

Working and Studying at Milites Dei Academy – 29 Novemeber 2017

The title of working and studying is a quite controversial debate and/or argument in South African Education. The debate evolves around the question ‘Is South African Education Institutions preparing students for unemployment?’ In addition, there have been many arguments about students that needs to hit the road running when finished with studies.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible for education businesses to engage in the luxury of students working and studying. The reason is two-fold, namely, firstly, classes are theoretical in nature and take much time to accomplish and secondly, these businesses cannot afford employing students. In the last instance, education businesses opt for contacting other businesses to employ these students which in effect leads to the fact that students loose class time.

At Milites Dei Academy, through the newly registered leg, namely, Milites Dei Security Services (Pty) Ltd., students study and work while earning a salary. The student is thus, officially an employee, registered at SARS, UIF and have a salary slip as proof.

This last matter is also a controversial issue because most students when they leave a university of college are ask by the employer…‘Do you have work experience?’ One can only answer that question by saying I have salary slips from Milites Dei Security Services, I have a SARS number, and I am registered for UIF.’

Women in Combat – 24 November 2017

In an very interesting article on it is explained about the numerous women who stood out in history in combat ‘On a regular basis, readers will write in saying their family, friends, or colleagues are convinced women aren’t fit for combat…. women have been doing this for literally all of recorded history. In the same article see the list of women in combat roles going back to 1500 BCE. If someone starts on a “women can’t be in the military” rant, print this list out and start hitting them with it until they stop moving.’

Wikipedia indicates, and may I add, with excellent references, about women in combat and the Military. See more on

Despite various roles in the armies of past societies, the role of women in the military, particularly in combat, is controversial and it is only recently that women have begun to be given a more prominent role in contemporary armed forces. As increasing numbers of countries begin to expand the role of women in their militaries, the debate continues.

A 2008 study by Jennifer M. Silva, a sociologist of culture and inequality (her goal is to investigate the relationship between systems of inequality), found that the female cadets saw military training as an “opportunity to be strong, assertive and skilful”. See more on

Bella is the first woman that enrolled at Milites Dei Academy and after asking her how she finds her studies she explained that she is very chilled with the guys here but she contribute that to the fact that she only has brothers and a lot of male friends. She also say that the guys at Milites Dei Academy is very respectful towards her and that they do not discriminate against her at all.

Below, a few photos of Bella in action at Milites Dei Academy.

If you go through the Facebook Post, you will see a few posts about Bella. She is doing very well and serves as an example to all the ladies that is joining on 3 Dec 2017 or 8 Jan 2018. See

Values at Milites Dei Academy – 17 November 2017

Milites Dei Academy teaches students the following values: Integrity: Ethical Security Conduct, Fairness, Transparency; Excellence: Accountability, Professionalism, Performance; Accessibility: Respect, Academic Commitment, Skills Development and Employability.

Values according to business experts means the important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. Values have major influence on a person’s behaviour and attitude and serve as broad guidelines in all situations. Some common business values are fairness, innovation and community involvement. See more on:

It is only when all people in a business and in this instance, Milites Dei Academy staff and students, keep to the values that a visit from a regulatory authority will turn out a success.

Students prepared by spring cleaning bungalows and training grounds, staff got all paper work, offices, and classes in order and PSIRA was received with a impressive drill exercise under the auspices of Sam Sali (Gunnery Sergeant Drill and Fire Arms / Head Student Instructor Drill).

WELL DONE TO EVERYONE at Milites Dei Academy, Mr Rudzani from PSIRA was very impressed with what he saw…

See more detail about this exclusive academy on:

Exclusive Private Military Style Education – 14 November 2017

The aim of Milites Dei Academy is to stay exclusive. The dictionary defines exclusive as: EXCLUSIVE



adjective: exclusive

  1. excluding or not admitting other things.

“an exclusive focus on success and making money”


complete, full, entire, whole, total, absolute;

to the exclusion of everything else

“his exclusive concern with himself”



    • unable to exist or be true if something else exists or is true.

“mutually exclusive options”


incompatible, irreconcilable

“mutually exclusive alternatives”

    • (of terms) excluding all but what is specified.


not including, excluding, leaving out, omitting, excepting, with the omission/exception of, except for, not counting, leaving aside, barring

“prices are exclusive of VAT and delivery”


inclusive of

  1. restricted to the person, group, or area concerned.

“the couple had exclusive possession of the flat”


sole, undivided, unshared, unique, only, individual, personal, private, single, especial; dedicated

“I have reserved a room for your exclusive use”

    • (of an item or story) not published or broadcast elsewhere.

“an exclusive interview”

    • (of a commodity) not obtainable elsewhere.
  1. catering for or available to only a few, select customers; high class and expensive.

“one of Britain’s most exclusive clubs”


select, chic, high-class, elite, fashionable, stylish, elegant, choice, special, premier, grade A; More expensive; restrictive, restricted, limited, private, closed, cliquish, cliquey, clannish, snobbish; upmarket;

high-toned, upscale;

informal posh, ritzy, classy, upper-crust, top-drawer, top-people’s;

rare discriminative

“one of Britain’s most exclusive clubs”



  1. not including.

“prices are exclusive of VAT”


noun: exclusive; plural noun: exclusives

  1. an item or story published or broadcast by only one source.


scoop, exposé, revelation, special, inside story;


“the magazine’s six-page exclusive”

That means that students at Milites Dei Academy, firstly, learn different skills for the upmarket private security industry. Secondly, certain characteristics are instilled in each student such as discipline, structure, responsibility and self-sufficiency.

The themes that emerge because of the education and training at this exclusive academy are:

  • Class,
  • Elitism,
  • Traditional values, and
  • Brilliance.

The effect of the above-mentioned is highly motivated, successful and employable people.

The Best Military Style Academy – 11 November 2017

Milites Dei Academy is the best military style academy because we are serious about education. The instructors have fast experience and together in total they have 70 years experience of training young people to become successful for employment.

Education is expensive and hence it is important to make sure you pay for education that prepares you for employment and not unemployment. Most importantly, the qualifications and skills learned at Milites Dei Academy are THE BEST because of the following:

  • Dynamic;
  • Real-life;
  • Intelligent; and
  • Elite and Extraordinary.

MDA staff and head student trainers teach students to think out of the box.

When students leave the academy they are get employed as security on ships, in anti-poaching units, as private investigators, for farm security, in armed reaction, as security at grand lodges, etc.

When a MDA student goes for an interview, the job is guaranteed theirs because MDA students are clever and extremely impressive, fit, strong, and good mannered. MDA students are excellent recruits.

Also see the fb page at

Your Life in the Grown-Up World – 2017 Matriculants – 8 November 2017

Your life in the grown-up world will start soon and you are obviously already thinking about how you are going to earn your own income. The fact in life is that there are really a lot of jobs available but all the best of these jobs will ask you about your qualifications and experience. This is where the secret of earning good money comes in because with good qualifications, you can earn more than the average person with only a matric.

If you are not going on holiday, already start classes on 3 December 2017 or otherwise secure your space for 8 January 2018 by paying the deposit.

If you want to earn a living and a good salary by doing any or all of the following, Milites Dei Academy is the place for you: expert security operators, such as investigators, farm security, on ships, anti-poaching, they keep companies’ goods safe in troubled areas, and they can track the spoor of intruders.

Obviously, this is an action-filled career that will await you, but in the process you will become strong and fit. In addition, you will be able to face any challenge that comes your way.

If by this time you did not get into an university and you consider doing a gap year, you should seriously consider the three months training military style training at MDA. It will change your life and again you will be prepared to face anything and everything in life after MDA.

Milites Dei Academy is outside White River, Mpumalanga (close to the Kruger National Park) and students stay in residence when they study. You will see us on Google Maps…just type in Milites Dei Academy. Students come from all over SA. So you just need to travel to Nelspruit or White River or KMI and there the instructors will pick you up and take you to the academy. Or you can come with your own car.

Well Done, you are almost finished with the life as a school goer!!! Milites Dei Academy wishes you all the best of good luck for the remaining exams to be written.

You will find more detail on the MDA Facebook at –


‘The trouble with this is you don’t know what’s coming. And so you’ll spend your entire life preparing for various things, and not really be ready…Another way of preparing is learning some skills that will have you ready for just about anything that might come.’ (Read more at

At Milites Dei Academy, students are not only prepared to get employed, but also to get a survival kit of living. Basically this means that even though you are prepared for anything and everything in life, you are also highly employable because the fact of the matter is that people prefer to employ people that comes from a military style background.

Bahram Akradi (2015) states that ‘Nobody knows what the future will hold. So put your focus on the strengths that will serve you well in any reality. We live in strange and exciting times. Over the past few millennia, the rate of change has been steadily (and some would say exponentially) increasing. Humans are now seeing more significant cultural, technological, and environmental shifts occurring in the span of five years than we used to see over the course of five decades, or even five centuries.’ (Read more at

At Milites Dei Academy it is not only about being ready for change but also to be strong, by understanding how far you can stretch your own limits, and to know how to endure to the bitter end.

The picture below show students during “vasbyt” / endurance still smiling during and after 13 days of little sleep and much mental and physical challenges. What is most remarkable is the fact that after three months at the academy, students are ready for anything and everything.

You can find more evidence of the extraordinary accomplishments of the Milites Dei Academy students at:

If it’s to be, it’s up to me - 26 October 2017

If you were always interested in action, to be ready for everything, to be strong, to be able to face any challenge and become what you always dreamed of. Also, do not wait – enrol now and by 2018, your life is changed and you can start in a high income career in the private upmarket security industry.

Robert H. Schuller (1998) explains that “Sometimes we are our own worst enemies, putting roadblocks of negative thinking in the path of life.” Find more about the author and book at:

A poem by Abraham, L, illustrates this saying in detail; THE POEM is also available at,_its_up_to_me_189602

If it’s to be, it’s up to me, determination fuel with faith,

A strong desire. Not just the thoughts of good intentions alone,

Put actions in place, and follow through to the end.

Think not of the impossible until you’ve tried,

What’s the worst that can happen anyway?

When you’re trust is in God, and situations in disarray.

In ordinary circumstances one would have quit and call it a day.

Nothing comes easy; life isn’t a bed of roses, the truth everyone should hear,

I believe in miracles, and dreams can come true. Not only a matter of the heart,

But a strong desire to achieve, and be committed to the end.

If it’s to be it’s up to me SMART is a good place to start.

S – pecific

M- easurable

A – ttainable

R – ealistic

T- imely

Smart is the word a road map our guide, a good place to begin,

But we all must do our part.

The point that we are trying to make here is that it is up to you and you only to change your life. Also look at the Milites Dei Academy Facebook Page at:

Tough, Hard and Fun – 19 October 2017

The three months course at Milites Dei Academy is “Tough, Hard and Fun”. Looking at the faces of the students in the pictures below you will notice how they enjoy their studies.

To take a weapon from a criminal is tough and hard but with practice comes perfection. Obviously, to have your whole room pulled is a bit disappointing but it is all about developing an eye for detail, cleanliness, neatness and eventual perfection. To tackle your buddy in the mud always turn into great fun.

Herewith are a few comments from present students…note it is written in verbatim:

“I love Milites Dei Academy cause they treat us like family and fellow students love each other”.

“I’ve learnt a lot and have become very proficient for the security industry”.

“I like how the board himself are organised. I like how the system are created & the information & skills we receive. I like the friendly & good hearts of the Buys Instructors”.

“MDA made me realize my capabilities and taught me the essentials of military and security operations”.

“I like the way all the guys forms a brother ship and most of us gets along, the PT really helped me to build body and I am almost at my goal”.

“I really love everything we learn and experience at Milites Dei”.

“Yesterday’s presentation about politics, every citizen needs to be exposed to such truth. While we ox killing our fellow citizens (boere), while the enemy is getting improved!”

“Excellence in military training and fitness encouragement and motivation to excell in all aspects of security.”

I love MDA – it helped me a lot in every way – emotionally, physically, mentally. I’ve learned to think out of the box. I was a Jojo Tank when I came here but now my physique is on flick (proper)”.

Security On a Luxury Cruise Ship – 9 October 2017

Earn a good salary while exploring the world on luxury cruise ships. Milites Dei Academy is truly grateful that some of our successful ex-students are employed on luxury cruise ships.

To work on a luxury cruise ship is like working is a five star hotel and you are surrounded by luxury 24/7. Some of the ex-students are working as security on the MSC Cruises which ‘…is a Swiss-based, privately-owned company. From a fleet of three classic vessels in 2003, the family-run line is one of the fastest growing cruise lines in the industry, boasting 12 magnificent, ultramodern ships with the addition of two more vessels in 2017. The Mediterranean heritage that is MSC Cruises is evident in the construction philosophy and elegant design of each of the ships in this contemporary fleet, reflecting the highest standards of quality. The fleet cruises year-round in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean as well as seasonally in Northern Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, South America, South Africa and Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Oman. In keeping with the company’s commitment to providing absolutely authentic cruise vacations, MSC Cruises has introduced Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve- an exclusive Bahamian marine reserve, offering some of the finest beaches in the world, amid an array of Caribbean-inspired experiences. Regardless of which MSC Cruise ship you sail, you will experience a world of elegance and wonder that is unparalleled.’


Also, see more about what Milites Dei Academy Students Learn While Studying at

The pictures below was taken by some of these ex-students and it is clearly a fantastic opportunity for them to see the world.

Ambush Exercises – 6 October 2017

At Milites Dei Academy students learn (as part of the military style teaching and learning) through ambush exercises how to engage with criminals whether it will be to function in an anti-poaching unit or for farm security or when working in high criminal invested areas. Farmers and farming communities, for instance are at the mercy of criminals. However, security companies can make a difference and so can farmers and the communities in their areas as well.

According to Ryan Evans, ambush is one of the many techniques learned at Milites Dei Academy and it is based on the following basics: “Ambushes are classified by category – hasty or deliberate…A platoon or squad conducts a hasty ambush when it makes visual contact with an enemy force and has time to establish an ambush without being detected. The actions for a hasty ambush must be well rehearsed so that soldiers know what to do on the leader’s signal. They must also know what action to take if detected before they are ready to initiate the ambush” (Field Manual 7-8 – Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad).” Read more on

Find more about what students learn at Milites Dei Academy on:

The True Value of Education – 3 October 2017

Milites Dei Academy owners believe that the true value of education should be employment. In addition, it becomes more than just employment.

Students can learn things on their own, but then they would not connect the dots when they do not know what they do not know. On the other hand, at Milites Dei Academy students learn to do and therefore classes are practical so that all subjects are practised into their muscle memory. By using education, we teach students to use their mind and bodies so that each exercise becomes like tying a shoe, which with time becomes an automatically generated muscle memory process. This free up their minds in the end so that they can creatively handle any new question that comes at them.

Martin Meyer, a Milites Dei Academy Student that recently finished his studies wrote the following in an open letter on Facebook ‘Where do I start??? 3 months ago I started to better myself in a way I didn’t think was possible, but I was wrong. I started with a 2 month course at Milites Dei Academy. I started without knowing where the road will lead me, or how it will end, will I make it, will I prove myself worthy to be part of something more powerful, something better something bigger then just myself. I did not believe in myself at that point, because of every time I have failed in the past, but the Academy proved me wrong, after my 1st month I was called into the office thinking I failed in a way, but it was to congratulate me for my commitment, they showed me I have what it takes to be the best, to be better, to be more powerful not just in myself, but in everything I do and i got a third month gift from the Academy. They showed me I am worthy of becoming a winner that I am a leader and i can overcome my fears and my failures. I am proud to say that I am part of a family that will do anything in there power to help and to see you succeed. To make a success of yourself. I am a proud student – instructor (major) of MILITES DEI ACADEMY. My Heart broke when I had to say farewell to my friends but not only my friends but to my brothers! We will strive for greatness, and we are CREATING BRILLIANCE! Know your training. And remember why you are pushing yourself…be proud of what you have become! I just want to say thank you for showing me the path of success and the power that I have because of what the Academy learned me.

Great and unforgettable memories. We are born to be greater then greatness. Great brother of mine told me, “do what you need to do so that you can do what you want to do.”‘

A few hours after the above comment, Martin wrote ‘Just got good news, I have to be in Cape Town on the 9th for the final interview and on the 10th I start with the SOB training…can’t wait…very excited and very proud…Will keep the Academy up to date with the progress.’

Milites Dei Academy owners are humbled by this letter but at the same time also very grateful and proud because that is the exactly what it wants to achieve for each and every student.

You can also look at all the academy’s Facebook posts on:

Mud Bath At Milites Dei Academy – 23 Septrember 2017

OK…it is not exactly the same, but the mud bath at Milites Dei Academy does have certain benefits. Although, at first, students do not look forward to this prospect but once taking part it becomes quite an enjoyable spectacle.

Baths at Roman Spa writes the following benefits of a mud bath:

“1) Puts a little adventure in your life. 2) Relieves muscle and joint aches and pains. -The deep heat from the mud …. 3) Relaxation like you have never felt. – The warm, soft mixture of the mud “feels awesome” and allows your body to let go. 4) Takes the stress off your body. – You are completely suspended, no pressure on your body … 5) Detoxifies your body. – The earth heals you in these treatments by drawing out the toxins and impurities from your body. 6) Softens Skin … 7) Improves Circulation … invigorate your circulation. 8) Balances pH Levels … 9) Silences the outside world …”


You can find much more of the activities you will be exposed to when studying at Milites Dei Academy on our Facebook Posts:

The Art of Staying Hidden and Concealed – 20 September 2017

When Milites Dei Academy students try to camouflage in order to stay hidden, they are taught that the colours of their camouflage should be the same as the surroundings and that is true for day- and night conditions.

Orlando Wilson (July 29, 2016) writes that ‘Modern humans are positively disadvantaged when surviving in and moving on foot in rural and wilderness areas…When moving you must do so quietly and regularly stop to look, listen and smell for any indication of people. If you identify people in your proximity are you going to take cover, evade or ambush?’

Wilson continues by advising that ‘..You need to learn to treat the night and darkness as your friend, darkness affords you cover. Many people are afraid of being in the dark especially in rural areas or derelict buildings; you should use this to your advantage. If you are moving you should always try to stay in the shadows, if you get caught in a beam of light or car headlights you should freeze, the chances are that you will remain unnoticed. You must have your immediate reaction drills for encountering a person, being caught in light or hostile fire at the forefront of your mind. Being caught off guard will get you captured or killed.


The students posed for a night photo with a flash light but they were actually excellently concealed with the sand of a small open hill…so they became part (colour and texture) of the environment. See the picture below.

During day, students use fresh foliage to again blend into the environment so that they are artfully concealed.

Students enjoy it thoroughly when studying at Milites Dei Academy. You can also visit the Milites Dei Academy Facebook posts to see all the interesting projects students are exposed to on:

Survival Training – 19 September 2019

At Milites Dei Academy students have to build shelters in the bush and as evident from the pictures below they get very creative. They also skilfully constructed a bush oven.

According to Boys’ Life Magazine, “Being prepared to survive in the outdoors starts with knowing what to be prepared for. You can live days without water and weeks without food. People who don’t survive in the outdoors most often die from losing their body heat, not necessarily from starvation or dehydration. You need to be able to start a fire. And perhaps most importantly, you need to be able to build a shelter to stave off wind, rain and snow, and to keep your body heat trapped where it belongs: near your body.” Read more on

More specifically, survival skills are techniques that a person may use in order to sustain life in any type of natural environment. These techniques are meant to provide basic necessities for human life which include water, food, and shelter. The skills also support proper knowledge and interactions with animals and plants to promote the sustaining of life over a period of time. Survival skills are often basic ideas and abilities that ancients invented and used themselves for thousands of years. Outdoor activities such as hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, fishing, and hunting all require basic wilderness survival skills, especially in handling emergency situations. Bush craft and primitive living are most often self-implemented, but require many of the same skills.The students also learn how to make a bush stove, referred to as the Dakota Fire Hole. The pictures below also show a delicious chicken being cooked. The chicken was acquired from a good Samaritan on a neighbouring farm.

The Milites Dei Academy Facebook Page shows students participating and successfully completing training at the academy:

“Vasbyt” at Milites Dei Academy – 18 September 2017

At Milites Dei Academy, the Vasbyt starts with 13 days of intense exercises. The last day is a test of direction and endurance that lasts for 24 hours.

SADF writes …‘”Vasbyt”, that little Afrikaans word that captures the emotional, physical and psychological effort and strain a student experiences while completing this tough phase. Pushing oneself to the limit, and then still a little further is what Vasbyt is all about…In the process of doing the seemingly impossible, every student gains a tremendous amount of self confidence. Not only does Vasbyt give the student insight into himself… It is a different student that comes out on the other side of a successfully completed Vasbyt exercise.’ Read more on

You will find more information on the Milites Dei Academy Facebook Page. Look specifically at all the posts and there are many:

Actively Assist You to Find a Job – 13 September 2017

The Three Months Military Style Basics at MDA focus on providing accredited PSIRA qualifications (10) through our accredited supplier AIM Training Academy as well as accredited Four (4) Fire Arm Types Competencies, also through AIM. Then we add on the 32 Military Style Job Skills Modules and 10 Management Style Job Skills Modules together with a CV, Professional Portfolios and Assist you to Find Employment.

The focus of Milites Dei Academy is three-fold:

  1. Assist students to get accredited PSIRA and SASSETA qualifications through our accredited supplier, namely AIM Training Academy in White River;
  2. Milites Dei Academy impart 42 job skills applications; and
  3. Actively help you to get employed.

Many training companies promise to assist with employment but they are not able to really do it. At Milites Dei Academy, we have many students that can testify to this and these students are employed at the moment.

Once you have the Three Months Course under the belt you can continue to more specialised qualifications such as Close Protection or Diving or Drone Licenced Pilot or STCW. We will link you up with suppliers for these qualifications as well.

You can also look at all our Facebook Posts to see how students learn and develop at Milites Dei Academy :

The Photo Below Shows Medic our Head Student Instructor with his students, neatly dressed in the Milites Dei Academy Uniform. “Medic” see to it that that all students performs daily duties and that they keep to the routine. ” Medic” is also a qualified diver, diver medic and ambulance medic. The second photo below also shows a few of his expertise…

Fire and Movement – 24 June 2017

Students at Milites Dei Academy participate in fire and movement exercises. They have to walk down a valley at the academy and then fire and move in formations up the hill.

The Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus was likely the first to use the tactic in wartime, in the Thirty Years’ War against his Habsburg opponents.

Fire and Movement became particularly important when more and more rifled muskets and breech-loading weapons, later followed by machine guns, were fielded on the battlefields of the 19th century. The increased accuracy, range and rate of fire translated into more firepower, allowing smaller units to operate more independently. This marked the transition from First to Second-generation warfare that saw the increasing application of Fire and Movement on the tactical level.

During the First Boer War, it was a standard Boer tactic, and contributed to a series of victories, culminating at the Battle of Majuba Hill.

According to Stephen Biddle, the effective use of fire and movement was the key to ending the stalemates on the lines of the Western Front during the final months of World War I. Since that time, he argues, mastery of fire and movement has been one of the central components of successful military tactics in modern land warfare.

Also see the Milites Dei Academy Facebook Page

Creating Brilliance – 25 March 2017

The meaning of brilliance….genius, prowess, mastery, skill, talent, ability, artistry, expertise, adeptness, aptitude, skilfulness, virtuosity, flair, finesse, panache, deftness, excellence, power, greatness, distinction; intelligence, cleverness, wisdom, sagacity, intellect, and wit.

At Milites Dei Academy, instructors help you to create the above regarding the following competence:

  • Military Style;
  • Management; and
  • Operative.

Look at all the Milites Dei Academy Posts on Facebook

Why Milites Dei Academy? 19 March 2017

We offer the following to our students:

  • 55+ modules;
  • you stay in a bungalow;
  • three meals included;
  • all books;
  • all exams;
  • uniform;
  • military style gear;
  • gym and equipment for fitness;
  • cv and portfolio;
  • work experience; and
  • employment in the industry.

We think we are better than any other training company in this field because of the above and the following:

  • Milites Dei Academy (MDA) students already find a job after the three months basics as expert security operators, such as anti-poaching, they keep companies’ goods safe in troubled areas, and they can track the spoor of intruders. The list goes on. After the electives the student can continue in one or more of the following – on goods vessels on sea, they fly drones to identify security risks, they keep VIPs and dignitaries safe, they keep tourists on ships safe, they use dogs to identify bombs and drugs, they identify evidence at crime scenes, they keep oil rigs safe and they jump out of aeroplanes to pursue criminals and I can go on and on.
  • MDA have a 1083ha training area in nature outside White River in Peebles – you can see the map on our Facebook;
  • MDA have a urban tactical shooting range on the academy premises and 2 accredited shooting ranges in Peebles one with an underground bunker system;
  • MDA are situated within a nature conservancy;
  • MDA have a helicopter landing area on the academy premises;
  • MDA instructors have together more than 100 years experience in education;
  • MDA is a partner with Global Security Centre (Europe) and Israeli Protect – see the link
  • MDA’s courses does not take a full year because after the three months basics you can choose a field that you are really good in, will give you a high income and which will make you a specialist in that area;
  • MDA instructors personally guide each student to be successful so that no-one falls out of the course; the student becomes part of a caring family;
  • MDA fitness is extreme and each student is coached from whatever level of present fitness (for example, one of our present students was totally unfit and could not run a 2.4 but he is after 2 months on par and we are now working on this muscle tone and six pack);
  • MDA students are rewarded for hard work (with a rank) after each month of studying;
  • MDA will assist you for 2 years after training to find a high income job…and again assist if you maybe are not satisfied within a certain job;
  • MDA has a brother system whereby the new student is linked with a successful student at the academy and a student already working in the field;
  • MDA also is very serious about giving students academic depth, although our courses are only 20% theory, see ALL the website blogs
  • You can also see on the MDA Facebook all the posts that will testify of the professional approach we take and each post is of our own students that completed a specific course (practical and real-life exercises makes 80% of the MDA courses); and
  • Already in the three months basics the student are placed in businesses in our area for real-life work experience.

Lastly, I would motivate as follows:

  • A picture speaks a thousand words” so compare us from all the pictures and posts on our fb page and website with other training businesses.

AUTHOR: Amareza Buys, Education Specialist, Milites Dei Academy

Extraordinary Elite Military Style Education – 11 March 2017

Extraordinary means: very unusual or remarkable – remarkable, exceptional, amazing, astonishing, astounding, marvellous, wonderful, sensational, stunning, incredible, unbelievable, miraculous, phenomenal, prodigious, and spectacular.

Elite means: the choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons.

You deserve this type of military style education. See our blogs and Facebook page to familiarise yourself with the extraordinary and elite skills you will receive when studying at Milites Dei Academy –

Contact us today if you want to come and study with us WhatsApp 0814788018 or Every day is an enrolment day at Milites Dei academy.

The Discipline of Drill – 28 February 2017

Vexen Crabtree writes that the discipline of drill has many functions, herewith a few examples.

  • In a tactical situation, on sentry, you must remain completely quiet and motionless in order to minimize the chances of being seen or heard. A recruit who has mastered hundreds of hours of drill, in the cold and in uncomfortable positions, will also be a master of his own body in such tactical situations.
  • When a recruit moves on to skill at arms training the casual motionless and calmness, despite discomfort, is an essential ability of a good shot. If a recruit is not used to ignoring the minor discomforts of a held position, their minds will be distracted and their firing will be less accurate.
  • Many civilians and military folk like to consider discipline to be the primary role of drill. Parades, it is frequently said, are a display of discipline and in training it forms a method of instilling discipline that can be visually and physically tested.

Also read

Extraordinary Specialised Education – 25 February 2017

Milites Dei Academy offer students extraordinary military style training. If you take into consideration the number of skills and qualifications that you will acquire as well as the money that you can make after your studies, there is no better place to enroll.cIn addition, you will also become extremely fit.

Most importantly, companies are fighting over our students to employ them because their portfolios stands far above others in the industry.

You will become one of the few in the private specialist security operative industry. You will become extraordinary.

Look at all the blogs here on the Milites Dei Academy Website as well as all the Facebook posts –

Fire and Movement Formations – 22 February 2017

At Milites Dei Academy students do not only learn Fire and Movement (F&M)tactics but also F&M Formations. The photograph below show students practicing these skills.

Fire and movement formations are arrangements of elements and soldiers in relation to each other. Squads use formations for control flexibility and security. Leaders choose formations based on their analysis of the factors of METTT-TC. Leaders are up front in formations. This allows the fire team leader to lead by example, “Follow me and do as I do.” All soldiers in the team must be able to see their leader (read more on

METTT- TC according to P&S means:

  • Mission
  • Enemy
  • Terrain and Weather
  • Troops and Support Available
  • Time Available
  • Civil Considerations


Photographers Craving Action and Danger – 20 February 2017

Prospects explains that “Working conditions for photographers … in certain fields of photography, such as documentary, work may also be dangerous, particularly when on assignment in war zones or unstable countries” (read more

Photography in dangerous areas is exhilarating, to say the least. Plus, it’s unlikely there will ever be a shortage of work (and not all assignments put you in harm’s way).

If you are interested to learn more, contact us – / 081 478 8018.

Also, see the Milites Dei Academy Facebook Page:

Security and Drones – 15 February 2017

In today’s world, civil security is of major importance. In protecting the public from threats such as piracy, terrorist attacks and crimes, drone support is a decisive advantage. Just note, one needs to understand the security industry first before being able to spot security threats.

Milites Dei Academy now offers students a drone licence as an specialist elective after completing the three months basics course.

Drone Futures explains as follows:

“…Why not make $100.000 a year … piloting an aerial vehicle … Some companies are already hiring drone pilots and drone engineers, and offering up to $50 per hour. Besides that, you can become a freelance drone pilot and work independently as a security contractor.”

Read more:

Enrol now for the 6 March 2017 intake. Contact or 081 478 8018.

STEALH – 13 February 2017

The abilities of ninja to remain unseen and undetected have acquired a nearly legendary status in popular media. Originally taught with two of the traditional 18 disciplines of ninjutsu, the stealth techniques of ninjutsu derive from “shinobi-iri,” the art of stealth and entering and “intonjutsu,” the study of escape and concealment’ (to read more visit

Student “Wolf” teaches other students at Milites Dei Academy to move without being detected. The Ghillie suite is used within greenery and bushy areas. In addition, no matter what clothing or appearance, a specialist will be able to disappear in surroundings (around the shadowy corners of buildings, behind trees, concrete areas at night). Most importantly, is to take out the enemy or intruder with hand-2-hand combat.

Hand-2-Hand Combat – 12 February 2017

“You have to realize that most conflicts, confrontations and even life or death situations happen at close quarters. Military organizations recognize the benefits of H2H combat and they even have it incorporated into their training.” You can read more on

Milites Dei Academy students practice H2H daily because practice makes perfect. H2H becomes second nature for our students. It also increase fitness levels and endurance.

This link what the philosopher Aristotle said: “You are what you repeatedly do, therefore excellence is not an act but a habit.”

Private Security Operative – 10 February 2017

The following facts about the job and income of a private security operative:

Job Title: Security Operative

Office: Across the globe

Description: Perform security for money

Certifications/Education: Military or law enforcement background

Necessary Skills: Military skills, physically fit

Potential Employers: Private Companies

Pay: $500 to $1000 per day or over $100,000 per year

Security contractors, perform security and intelligence across the globe for money.

Strength and Character – 7 February 2017

A study by Ole Boe, Henning Bang, Fredrik A. Nilsen identified ‘…character strengths that are the most important for military officers and their leadership. These were in ranked order: Leadership, integrity, persistence, bravery, open-mindedness, fairness, citizenship, self-regulation, love of learning, social intelligence, perspective and creativity’ (also read

Milites Dei Academy starts with character and strength and develops that into brain brilliance, endurance and 59 more modules. These modules and fitness prepares students for high income careers as specialist security operatives.

Also see Facebook:

Female Body Guards – 30 January 2017

‘People have very stereotypical views of women and the opportunities open to us in this part of the world. But the doors have long been open, it’s just whether we chose to step through them’ (Read more:

This is an open invite to the ladies to not stand back and step through the door by enrolling at Milites Dei Academy. A great career as a female specialist operator awaits you.

Private Security SPECIALIST Operative Industry – 25 January 2017

Globally there is a big demand for private security operators. If one looks at anti-piracy, for instance, Sustainable Security explains “By 2012, some 60% of cargo ships employed armed guards. Hiring the guards is not cheap—costing ship owners about $60,000 for a four-person team to accompany travel through the Gulf of Aden. On the other hand, the evidence suggests that no ship protected by private armed guards has been the victim of a successful pirate attack” (also read

Not Going to University? – 23 January 2017

It is expensive to study and universities do not have enough space for all the students in South Africa. It also takes a long time to finish one’s studies when studying at a university or college. In addition, “The truth of the matter is we have a million students, so we are spending money on students who do not finish, and we keep accepting new students into the system, instead of having them come out, and that is where the dilemma is,” Lehohla said (also read

At Milites Dei Academy, we pledge the following to you:

  • We Offer 25+ Accredited Qualifications
  • We Help you to Get Extremely Fit
  • We Help you Get a High Income Job
  • We Help you to Succeed the 1st Time
  • The Courses are Filled with Action
  • The Courses are Short and Focused
  • The Courses are Practical
  • You Become Part of a Caring Family

All the above are included so that you can be ready for the Specialist Security Operative Industry.

If You Can or If You Can’t – 23 January 2017

Henry Ford’s famous quote “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you are right”. This is most certainly true for students training at Milites Dei Academy. Students just completed Seven Days Intense Survival and all made it because they were trained to prepare their minds with an attitude of “surrender is not an option”, that they can succeed and that they can make it.

Interestingly, John Leach writes that when in survival the individual will “experience an assortment of thoughts and emotions. These can work for you, or they can work to your downfall. Fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, guilt, depression, and loneliness are all possible reactions to the many stresses common to survival. These reactions, when controlled in a healthy way, help to increase the likelihood of surviving” ( also read

Students are closely monitored and the majority went through all the emotions and were able to control their own fears, anxiety, anger, frustration, guilt, depression, and loneliness.


Spesialis Sekuriteits-Operateur – 8 January 2017

Jy is nou klaar met skool, dalk nou jou matriek klaar gemaak in 2016 of dalk is jy al ‘n tydjie uit die skool uit en dalk het jy nie ‘n matriek nie. Dit alles maak nie saak nie want Milites Dei Akademie se enigste vereiste is dat jy moet klaar wees met skool en ouer as 17 jaar moet wees. Die feit is as jy van aksie hou en graag mense en hul goedere wil beskerm, dan is die Elite Akademie die plek vir jou.

Learn.Org verduidelik dat “A security specialist can be defined as anyone that specializes in the security of people, assets, etc….. You could choose to specialize in physical security, personal security, or cyber security. In some cases, you might take on a career that encompasses all three areas” (lees ook

In die Spesialis Sekuriteits-Operateur industrie is daar ‘n groot navraag juis omdat, nie net SA nie, maar die hele wêreld gekonfronteer word met veiligheidskwessies. Die artikel bo wys dat ‘n mens ‘n gemiddelde salaris van R800 000 per jaar kan verdien (dit is maar net so R67 000 pm).

Jy kan ook verder kyk na ons Facebookblad om te sien in watter mate is Milites Dei Akademie ernstig oor die opleiding van studente vir die industrie (sien ook

First Group of 2017 Students

This Elite Academy pledges the following to their students and sponsors:

  • Each student will be supported to succeed in each accredited and skills course enrolled for
  • Each student will be guided and formed to become their own ultimate best (physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and socially)
  • Each student will be developed as a highly employable individual

Verander Jou Lewe 27 December 2016

Mark Waldman en Andrew Newberg het ’n boek geskryf, Words can change your brain. Die skrywers meen dat wanneer jy negatiewe dinge sê of daarna luister, dit jou negatief beinvloed…dit kan jou angstiger, meer geïrriteerd en agterdogtiger maak (sien ook

Milites Dei Academy is die Elite Akademie waar jy jou lewe kan verander. As jy droom oor ‘n goeie en positiewe toekoms met genoeg geld dan klop jy nou aan die regte deur. Jy is al een wat jou lewe kan verander maar ons help jou met uitsluitlik dit terwyl jy by ons studeer. Nie net is dit militêre styl opleiding nie maar die uiteinde is dat ons jou help om ‘n werk te kry. Jy gaan nou geld uitlê vir kwalifikasies maar jy gaan dit vir die res van jou lewe oor en oor terug maak.

Ons bied vir jou meer as 25 geakkrediteerde kwalifikasies om die droom te bewaarheid asook positiewe emotionele brein briljansie.

Kyk ook na ons Facebook publikasies (kyk na almal) om te sien wat wag vir jou wanneer jy by die Elite Eenheid inskryf –

Changing your Life – 27 December 2016

Life Hack writes the following about Changing your Life: “Spend some time trying to sort out what is important in your life and why is it important. What is it that you want to achieve in your life? What are your dreams? What makes your happy? Your meaning in life gives you purpose and sets the direction of how you want to live your life. Without meaning you will spend the rest of your life wandering through life aimlessly with no direction, focus, or purpose” (also read

Milites Dei Academy is the place you need to be if you like action and challenges and if you want to make a future income from this.

We offer military style teaching and learning while getting accredited qualifications.

Look at our Facebook publications (all of it) to see what awaits you when you enrol at this Elite Academy –

Rural Surveillance – 24 December 2016

Students that study at Milites Dei Academy will, during rural surveillance, conceal themselves into an area surrounding a specific object of observation. This object could be the home of a subject, such as a farm, estate, public entry point or piece of land. The students remain hidden until they have gained relevant video or photographic evidence of the object.

Finish with School – Join Up – 13 December 2016

Milites Dei Academy’s military style education embraces structure, team work, and a solid focus on self-discipline. We focus on hard work, persistence and stamina. Added on, are various comprehensive accredited qualifications and education in the specialist security industry. Academic training and good results are primary objectives of Milites Dei Academy. The programme is not just exclusive for men either. Also, see our Facebook with numerous pictures of student activities and successes –


Choose Carefully – 9 December 2016

To study is expensive, especially when you want good qualifications and possibly future employment. However, you need to make sure when you chose a training provider, that this provider will give you what they promised.

Also, cheaper is not necessarily bad, as long as the provider deliver. On the other hand, extremely expensive is also not necessarily bad. Most importantly, you need to ask yourself why would one organisation be so much more expensive than their competitors.

Be careful of providers that makes it impossible for 80% of their students to complete their qualifications (10 students will start the course with you and 2 will complete it). In some instances, some providers let you walk out with a skills that is not recognised as well as zero accredited qualifications.

In fact, students fall out and loose all the money they invested. To add to this, you feel bad because you failed and cannot find proper employment and even more terrible, you sit with enormous debt that must be paid monthly.

Milites Dei Academy persistently train a student until he/she is competent. We deliver on all our promises.

Urban Tactical Movement – 30 November 2016 explains that “While operating in urban areas, the major offensive collective tasks at platoon and squad level are attacking and clearing buildings. This involves isolating the objective, suppressing the threat, advancing the assault element, assaulting the building, clearing the building, and consolidating and reorganizing the force. Regardless of the type of urban area or the structural characteristics, there are six interrelated requirements for attacking a defended building:

  • Isolation of the building or objective.
  • Supporting fires.
  • Tactical movement
  • Breaching.
  • Assaulting.
  • Reorganization”.

To read more visit:

Students at Milites Dei Academy practice urban tactical movement techniques to perfection at our indoor tactical shooting facility. This prepares students for armed assailant assault in an urban environment.