Miss Miller's Class

Our mission is to provide a quality and affordable education in a nurturing Christian environment to the Mauldin community and surrounding areas through the support of qualified and dedicated teachers.

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Contact me at cmiller@fbcmauldin.org

Welcome to fifth grade!

This year, we will hit the ground running! We have a lot of material to cover before middle school, but you can handle it. We will be praying for you and encouraging you as you work hard this year!

You can use this website to find information about our class! Here are some tips that may help you navigate it:

  • For math and history, visit Mrs. Chapman's website

  • The 'study' tab has an overview of the current week

  • If you would like further information about a certain subject, check the subpage for it by hovering over the 'study' menu

  • The weekly newsletter is sent home Friday afternoon. It is then posted on the 'newsletter' subpage under 'information'

  • The calendar, found under 'information', is updated with important dates. It has school-wide and class-specific information and is updated as needed.