Sliver of Change


Transformations, small ones, big ones, frightening ones, peaceful ones occur at every moment. Each morning things are never exactly the same as the day before. Transformations continually trace the spiritual journey from one place to another. To comprehend then point to the relationship between one moment and the next is the work of the author who ornaments our brains. 

Available for purchase at: 

Unsung Offerings


The natural world holds an infinite number of captivating unexamined aspects and tiny everyday vignettes often overlooked. It is the purpose of this collection to draw attention to a few of these so that readers may come away with a new sense of connection between the many seemingly disparate things in our living environment.

Available for purchase at: 

In Its Own Time


In Its Own Time is a collection of poems that looks at how time is a critical element in the alignment of factors that determine when and how events occur. Whether in an ICU unit, at the entrance to a swimming pool, in the muddle at a yard sale, or on the banks of a river bed, these poems examine the nuances of events that could easily go unnoticed.

Available for purchase at: