Associate Professor in Business Law

University of Lorraine, France

External Research Fellow, Maastricht European Private Law Institute, University of Maastricht

Co-head of the Research Department “International, European and Comparative Law”, Institut François Gény, University of Lorraine

ORCID: 0000-0001-9111-0966

LLM International Business Law (Manchester), MSc International Finance (Westminster), PhD Financial Law (Strasbourg).

I teach mainly French, European and Comparative Business Law. My research focus is on comparative financial and banking law, as well as corporate law with a use of interdisciplinary and empirical legal methodology. 


Research Publications

 A. Monographs 

Domina M., Doing Business in France, Thomson Reuters (London) leaflet series (e-book), 2022, 180 pages.

Domina-Repiquet, M., Fonds d’investissement alternatifs : droits anglais, français et luxembourgeois, Larcier, 2021, 258 pages.

B. Articles 

Domina M., “Regulating commercial influence on social networks à la française: the impact on financial markets”, Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation, 2024, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 160-165.

Domina M., “Reforming EU and UK long-term investment funds: Brexit, Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine”, Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation, 2024, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 75-77.

Domina M., “Développements intéressants en droit de la gestion collective au Royaume-Uni: le Long Term Asset Fund», Banque et Droit, n° 212, 2023, pp. 4-6.

Domina M., “Book Review. A. Seretakis: Regulating Hedge Funds in the EU. Wolters Kluwer, 2022. ISBN 978-94-035-3512-8”, European Company Law, no. 5, 2023, pp. 1-3.

Domina M., “Finfluencers and their role in retail investment”, Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation, 2023, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 181-186.

Domina M., “Shall we play? Use of gamification techniques in investment services”, European Company Law, no.2, 2023, pp. 1-4.

Domina M., “The critical analysis of the sustainable corporate governance obligation under French law”, Journal of Business Law, 2022, issue 8, pp. 668-681.

Domina M. « Un pouvoir discrétionnaire en tant que moyen de prévenir les crises financières »  dans La Discrétion : Actes Du Colloque Des Doctorants Et Jeunes Docteurs De L'école Doctorale 101, 12 Décembre 2019, Mare & Martin, publié en novembre 2022, pp. 219 – 242.

Domina M., « Les FIA et leur rôle dans le financement de l'économie ukrainienne après la guerre », Revue Banque et Droit, n° 203, 2022, pp. 11-13.

Domina M., “PSI et Brexit: what’s next?”, Revue de droit bancaire et financier, n° 3 Mai- Juin, 2022, article n° 24

Domina M., “Brexit and systemic risks: should we worry?”, European Company Law, vol. 19, no. 3, 2022, pp. 82-86

Domina M., “The broadening “soft law” powers of the European Banking Authority”, European Company Law, vol. 19, no. 1, 2022, pp. 22-26.

Domina M., “French Financial Markets Authority: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? », Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation, vol. 37, no. 3, 2022, pp. 123-128

Domina M., “Regulatory discretion in financial markets law: an effective remedy against financial crises?”, European Company Law, Vol. 18, no. 6, 2021, pp. 184-188

Domina M., “Rethinking the classification of investors in collective portfolio management: towards a recognition of semi-professional investors?”, Journal of Business Law, issue 6, 2021, pp. 498-514

Domina-Repiquet M., “The regime of depositary under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive 2011: French and Luxembourg perspectives”, European Company Law, vol. 18, no. 2, 2021, pp. 60-67

Domina-Repiquet M., “The role of corporate governance in the protection of the alternative investment fund’s investors”, Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation, Vol. 35, no. 5, 2021, pp. 219 – 222

Domina-Repiquet M., “Report from France: Extraordinary Measures for Extraordinary Circumstances: French Approach to Dealing with COVID-19”, European Company Law, Vol. 17, no. 5, 2020, pp.  201–205

Domina-Repiquet M., “The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive, Ten Years After”, European Company Law, Volume 17, n° 4, 2020, pp. 108-114

Domina-Repiquet M., « Les modèles européens du limited partnership : droit anglais, droit luxembourgeois et droit français », (2020) Revue Banque & Droit, n° 192, Juillet-Août, pp. 14 - 17

Domina-Repiquet M., “EU law (MiFID II) and effective regulation: a step towards financial stability?” (2019) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, Vol. 26 (3), pp. 833-848

Domina-Repiquet M., “Report from France. Law Pacte 2019: a successful modernization of company law?” (2019) 16 European Company Law, Volume 30, Issue 5, pp. 167-170

Domina Repiquet M., “Reconsidering directors’ duties: a view over La Manche”, (2019) International Company and Commercial Law Review, Issue 10 , pp. 525- 532

Domina-Repiquet M., “Report from France. Freedom of expression in commercial law: freedom of its own right or just an exception?” (2019) 16 European Company Law, Issue 4, pp. 130-132

Domina-Repiquet M., “A fresh perspective on hedge funds : exploring new opportunities post-Brexit”, (2018) Business Law Review, Volume 39, Issue 3, pp. 71-78

Domina-Repiquet M., “Report from United Kingdom: UK Private Fund Limited Partnership 2017 – preserving UK reputation post-Brexit ?”, (2018) European Company Law, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp. 97-100

Domina-Repiquet M., “Is that a tax-transparent fund I see? On the perks of being a fund investor in Luxembourg, France and the United Kingdom”, (2018) IBFD Derivatives & Financial Instruments, No. 2, Volume 20, March/April, pp. 1-6

Domina-Repiquet M., “Report from Luxembourg : New Alternative Investment Funds Regulation in Luxembourg – Basis for an Attractive Domicile in the Post-Brexit Era?”   (2018) European Company Law, Volume 15, no. 1, pp. 25-29

Domina-Repiquet M., “Solving Methodological Enigma: Intervention of the European Central Bank under the Single Supervisory Mechanism”, in Dialogues Mulhousiens, n° 3, Intervention (s), Journées Doctorales Humanités 2018, January 2019, pp. 93 – 101

Domina-Repiquet M., “A failed attempt to protect hedge fund investors? An inquiry into the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive”, Liberty Student Law Review, Vol. 12, Issue 3, 2018, pp. 497 – 516

Domina M., « Droit des marchés financiers : développements intéressants en droit luxembourgeois », Institute Suisse du Droit comparé (ISDC) Newsletter, May 2018, n° 46, p. 18

Domina- Repiquet, M., “Regulatory Competition in European Partnership Law: A Case of Alternative Investment Funds”, Amsterdam Law Forum, v. 10, n. 1, April 2018, pp. 4-22


Conference Presentations

“Rethinking corporate social responsibility in the times of geopolitical uncertainty”, Law in an Age of Permacrisis, 24th International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law Annual Round Table, Keele University,  17 July 2024

“Why interdisciplinary research matters in law schools: a case study of financial markets law”, Satisfying Stakeholders in Legal Education, Nottingham Law School,  Nottingham,  25 June 2024

“Critical Perspectives on the Common Market: A Case for EU Single Market for Financial Services”, Europe Twenty Years After the 2004 Enlargement of the EU : Vices, Virtues, and Future Challenges, Nomos: Centre for International Research on Law, Culture and Power, Krakow, Poland, 7 June 2024

“Rethinking corporate social responsibility in times of geopolitical uncertainty”, Liverpool John Moores University Postrgraduate Conference, Liverpool, 3 June 2024

“Corporate social responsibility and animal welfare: view from the other side of La Manche”, UK Animal Law Conference 2024, Birmingham, 29-30 May 2024

“Priority Question of Constitutionality under French law and Environmental Law”, International Society of Public Law: British-Irish Chapter. Techniques of Constitutional Regulation,  LSE Law School, London, 21 May 2024

“What Role Does Corporate Social Responsibility Play in the Protection of Environment? The French Law Perspective”, Law and the Environment Conference 2024, University College Cork, 25 April 2024

“On the need to regulate the use of gamification techniques in investment services”, Multidisciplinary Conference. Developing a Framework for Human Interactions with Cyber- Physical Systems: The Dynamics of Risk and Trust, University of Glasgow, 16 April 2024

« Gamification in financial services: manipulation of investors ? », International Empirical Legal Studies Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 25 September 2023 

« ELTIF versus LTAF : EU and UK structures for long-term funds», Conference for practitioners “Towards the modernization of the Luxembourg fund industry”, Bonn Steichen & Partners, Luxembourg, 20 September 2023

« Droit des marchés financiers et plateformes : quels risques pour les investisseurs ? », Colloque « Les plateformes numériques. Approche transversale », Université de Lorraine, Nancy, 30 mars 2023.

“On the use of soft law in banking and financial law”, Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, London, 8 September 2022

“Social networks and investors”, International Empirical Legal Studies Conference, Amsterdam, 2 September 2022

“How to rebuild Ukrainian economy after war? Some thoughts on the role of EuSEF, EuVECA and ELTIF”, EBI Summer School, Milan 14 July 2022

« Soft law powers of the EBA: do means justify the result? », EBI 4th Young Researchers Group Annual Conference, Frankfurt, 25th February 2022

« The harmonization of the French Financial Markets Authority », Conference “Specialised Courts. Closing the justice gap in investor protection”, Vienna, 10 December 2021

« Classification of investors in EU financial markets law », EBI Summer School, 20 July 2021

« Duty of care under the AIFMD », EBI Summer School, Milan, 22 July 2019

« Financer l’Union européenne à l’heure du Brexit : une quête [réussie] de l’argent des investisseurs ? », 7e conférence des jeunes chercheurs en droit fiscal et en droit des finances publiques, Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne, 12 June 2019

« Une entreprise et un environnement : une amitié parfaite ? », Colloque « Environnement », Université de Strasbourg, 6 June 2019

Discutant, «Employment Law in Group Companies», Seminar of Young Researchers, Université de Strasbourg, 19 May2019

« La liberté d’expression en droit des affaires : une liberté de plein droit ou une simple dérogation ? », Colloque sur les droits de l’homme, Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, Strasbourg, 27 April 2019

« Le sort des fonds d’investissement alternatifs », Colloque « Le sort des contrats bancaires et financiers conclus avant le Brexit », Université de Strasbourg, 1 March 2019

« Protection of investors », Journée doctorale Maison française d’Oxford, Université d’Oxford, 20 November 2018

« Protection des investisseurs en tant que capitalistes en Europe », Faire usage de Marx aujourd’hui, Rencontres pluridisciplinaires à l’occasion du bicentenaire de K. Marx [1818-2018], Université de Strasbourg, 23 October 2018

« Liability of alternative investment fund managers in Europe», IOSCO and the New International financial architecture: what role for ISOCO in the development and implementation of cross-border regulation and equivalence?», Seminar for PhD Students and early career researchers and academics, University of Luxembourg, 4 October 2018

« Does EU law serve as an appropriate instrument for preventing financial disruption ?», Grande Conférence Sciences Po « Droit et Disruption», Science Po, Paris, 20 June 2018

« Solving Methodological Enigma: Intervention of the European Central Bank under the Single Supervisory Mechanism», Journées doctorales des humanités – Interventions, Université de Mulhouse, 30 May 2018

«Alternative Investment Funds in Europe», Research Seminar for the Institute for Financial Law, Radboud University Nijmegen, Pays-Bas, 27 March 2018

« Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive : public – private law divide»,  Conférence des jeunes chercheurs, Institut suisse de droit comparé, Lausanne, Suisse, 30 January 2018