Modular Forms, Arithmetic, and Women in Mathematics

Emory University, November 1-3, 2019


The goals of this conference include facilitating interaction between modular forms and arithmetic geometry researchers, providing graduate students with an opportunity to present their work, and strengthening networks for mathematicians from underrepresented groups including but not limited to women.

On the evening of the second day of the conference (November 2), we plan to have a reception with a public lecture by Professor Raman Parimala, followed by a showing of the CWM film “Journeys of Women in Mathematics.” Talks and registration will be held at Emory University's Mathematics and Science Center (rooms E208, W201, and the Atrium).

Poster by Shawn Wang (@shawn_ngngngng)

In cooperation with the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM).

This conference supports the Welcoming Environment Statement of the Association for Women in Mathematics.
