Darwin Marketing Consultant

The Local Pack is the top three localized results in a Google search term. It occurs on desktop, smartphone and also in maps, although in maps you are presented more than three results. Those top three rankings are certainly exceptionally coveted. Many people do not choose "more places" or scroll very far on phone, therefore the higher your service profile can appear the better.

How does Google settle upon exactly who ranks in the number one Local Pack? While some of Google's algorithm is a secret, SEO professionals virtually all concede that it boils down to the big four:

- GMB Listing

- Consumer reviews

- Back links

- Citations

Over the past period, Petes Digital Media who are Marketing Consultants in the Darwin region, have discovered that Google My Business has come to be a bigger search engine ranking factor for Local area Small business, espically when it comes to the Google 3-Pack.

Google My Business indicators, such as area, categories, keyword phrases within company titles, etc. are currently constituting as much as a twenty-five percent of the ranking cues for the Google 3-Pack. Which shows that even though other things like links as well as web site design are certainly still significant, a small business' Google My Business listing is just about as important or even MORE important than all other positioning factors.

Recent research has shown that businesses shown on the first web page of Google get pretty much 95% of all website visitor traffic ...

... and also a massive 67% of that web traffic goes to the leading 5 listings on this page.

That indicates if your business is not shown in those results, you're practically invisible to online buyers looking to purchase your products or services.

Discover how Petes Digital Media can easily assist with your Local Business Listing and secure you a lot more buyers.

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