
Kaleo Event

LPC Youth Membership Class

Saturday, February 24, 2024 11:30 a - 3 p

Join your Encounter friends for a deep dive in to your faith.  Grow in your faith! Students who participate have the option of joining LPC as a full member. Lunch included!

In Kaleo we'll learn more about God’s call (“Kaleo”) on our live to love, follow and serve Jesus and  We will learn what it means to follow the call of Christ and why your membership in LPC should matter to you. 

If you grew up at LPC, you’re not automatically a member of LPC! You might not know this but teens aren’t automatically members of LPC. At our church we want everyone to make a conscious choice to be members of our congregation family - So even if your parents are members you’ve got to make a choice to join LPC on your own.