Bad Juju Magic | Get to Know the Difference

What is Bad Juju ? What is the difference between Bad Juju And Good Juju . What the meaning of Juju and What is The relationship . Find Out .

Bad Juju Spells

The purpose of bad juju spells is to remove unwanted energies from space, person or thing hence juju spells and rituals are often used to remove negative energies, spirits, or persons from our lives. Whether you are making room for healing, love or prosperity to occur, performing a banishing is a critical first step to any magical work you want to undertake even though a banishing can be performed simply to cleanse a space.

Bad Juju Cleansing

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Powerful Juju Spells

Powerful Bad Juju spells are spells that are written specifically to get rid of unwanted energy, person, entity or a situation that is causing harm to someone or your own self. They are a great method of spells removal and can be used for many things.

These Juju spells can be used on a space to free it of unwanted entities such as ghosts or other spirits. They can be used on a person to free them from addiction, sickness or negativity and also performed on objects.

Many objects retain connections to their prior owners or any of the energies that may have gotten attached to them over the years. Therefore, before charging an object with new energy, it is important to cleanse it first. A banishing that cleanses an object of unwanted energies is a cleansing, whereas a banishing that involves removing an unwanted spirit or entity from a person, is called an exorcism.

Bad Juju Spell Cleansing for home

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This is a spell to banish any unwanted influences in your home. It consists of an elemental banishing ritual, followed by a cleansing and purification of your home. This spell is an ideal way to prepare a new living space before you move in. It will take away any remnants of the old tenants that were there before you and let you move into a fresh, new space.

A Paper chain banishing spells

The concept of this banishing spell is very simple, but you can adapt it to be a more complex ritual if you want to. The main act of magic will be the crafting of a paper chain that represents the habit, situation, or relationship that you are looking to break free of and banish from your life.

Protection from bad juju and Banishing Spells

Protect yourself from negative influences and energy! Protective magic, exorcism, spirit and black magic liberation are among the most important services. Request for these customized banishing spells to free you from negative influences and create an energetic protective shield and personal protective amulets

There are many rituals and spells, which deal with protection against negative influences and energies. It cleans the spiritual space around you and expels unwanted entities, which could possibly harm you.