Journal PAPERS

Barozzini, C, Colcombet, Parys, Cost Automata, Safe Schemes, and Downward Closures, forthcoming, 2023

C, Lasota, Piórkowski, Determinisability of register and timed automata, LMCS, 2022 [doi]

C, Lasota, Reachability relations of timed pushdown automata, JCSS, 2021 [doi][arxiv]

C, Lasota, Lazic, Mazowiecki, Binary Reachability of Timed-register Pushdown Automata and Branching Vector Addition Systems, ACM TOCL, 2019 [link]

C, Mayr, Efficient reduction of nondeterministic automata with application to language inclusion testing, LMCS, 2019 [link]

Abdulla, C, Mayr, Sandberg, Stochastic Parity Games on Lossy Channel Systems, LMCS, 2014 [arxiv]

Conference papers

Balaji, C, Nosan,  Shirmohammadi, Worrell, Multiplicity Problems on Algebraic Series and Context-Free Grammars, LICS'23 [arxiv]

C, Donten-Bury, Mazowiecki, Pilipczuk, On Rational Recursive Sequences, STACS'23 [arxiv]

C, Skrzypczak, Deterministic and Game Separability for Regular Languages of Infinite Trees, ICALP'21 [arxiv][doi][pdf][youtube]

Barloy, C, Bidimensional linear recursive sequences and universality of unambiguous register automata, STACS'21 [arxiv][doi][pdf]

C, Lasota, Piórkowski, Determinisability of one-clock timed automata, CONCUR'20 [arxiv]

C, On the complexity of the universality and inclusion problems for unambiguous context-free grammars, VPT'20 [arxiv]

Barozzini, C, Colcombet, Parys, Cost Automata, Safe Schemes, and Downward Closures, ICALP'20 (best paper award) [arxiv]

C, Lasota, Piórkowski, Timed games and deterministic separability, ICALP'20 [arxiv]

C, Hofman, Totzke, Timed Basic Parallel Processes, CONCUR'19 [pdf] [arxiv]

C, Lasota, Binary Reachability of Timed Pushdown Automata via Quantifier Elimination and Cyclic Order Atoms, ICALP'18 [arxiv]

C, Czerwiński,  Lasota,  Paperman, Regular Separability of Parikh Automata, ICALP'17 [pdf] [arxiv]

C,  Lasota, Lazić, Mazowiecki, Timed pushdown automata and branching vector addition systems, LICS'17 [pdf]

C, Czerwinski,  Lasota,  Paperman, Separability of Reachability Sets of Vector Addition Systems, STACS'17 [pdf] [arxiv]

Brenguier, C, Hunter, Pérez, Randour, Raskin, Sankur, Sassolas, Non-Zero Sum Games for Reactive Synthesis, LATA'16 [pdf] [arxiv]

C, Parys,  Salvati, Walukiewicz, The Diagonal Problem for Higher-Order Recursion Schemes is Decidable, LICS'16 [pdf] [arxiv]

C, Lasota, Reachability Analysis of First-order Definable Pushdown Systems, CSL'15 [pdf] [arxiv]

C, Parys, Salvati, Walukiewicz, Ordered Tree-Pushdown Systems, FSTTCS'15 [pdf] [arxiv]

C, Raskin, Multidimensional beyond Worst-Case and Almost-Sure Problems for Mean-Payoff Objectives, LICS'15 [pdf] [arxiv]

C, Lasota, Timed Pushdown Automata Revisited, LICS'15 [pdf] [arxiv]

C, Herbreteau, Sutre, Decidable Topologies for Communicating Automata with FIFO and Bag Channels, CONCUR'14 [pdf] [hal]

C, Herbreteau, Stainer, Sutre, Reachability of Communicating Timed Processes, FOSSACS'13 [pdf] [arxiv]

C, Mayr, Advanced automata minimization, POPL'13 [pdf] [arxiv]

Abdulla, C, Mayr, Sandberg, Stochastic Parity Games on Lossy Channel Systems, QEST'13 [pdf] [arxiv]

Abdulla, Chen, C, Holík, Hong, Mayr, Vojnar, Advanced Ramsey-Based Büchi Automata Inclusion Testing, CONCUR'11 [pdf]

C, Büchi Automata Can Have Smaller Quotients, ICALP'11 [pdf] [arxiv]

Abdulla, Chen, C, Holík, Hong, Mayr, Vojnar, Simulation Subsumption in Ramsey-Based Büchi Automata Universality and Inclusion Testing, CAV'10 [pdf]

C, Mayr, Multipebble Simulations for Alternating Automata - (Extended Abstract), CONCUR'10 [pdf]


C, Decidability of Timed Communicating Automata [arxiv]

PhD thesis

Generalized simulation relations with applications in automata theory, University of Edinburgh, 2012 [pdf]