
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Thijssen, Lex. 2023. “Regional ethnic concentrations and ethnic discrimination in hiring: field experimental evidence from the Netherlands”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49(9):2434–2453. (link)
Thijssen, Lex, Frank van Tubergen, Marcel Coenders, Robert Hellpap, and Suzanne Jak. 2022. “Discrimination of Black and Muslim Minority Groups in Western Societies: Evidence From a Meta-Analysis of Field Experiments.” International Migration Review  56(3):843–880. (link)
Thijssen, Lex, Marcel Coenders, and Bram Lancee. 2021. “Is There Evidence for Statistical Discrimination against Ethnic Minorities in Hiring? Evidence from a cross-national field experiment”. Social Science Research 93:102482. (link)
Thijssen, Lex, Marcel Coenders, and Bram Lancee. 2021. “Ethnic Discrimination in the Dutch Labor Market: Differences Between Ethnic Minority Groups and the Role of Personal Information About Job Applicants—Evidence from a Field Experiment”. Journal of International Migration and Integration 22(3):1125–1150. (link)
Thijssen, Lex, Bram Lancee, Susanne Veit, and Ruta Yemane. 2021. “Discrimination against Turkish Minorities in Germany and the Netherlands: Field Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Diagnostic Information on Labour Market Outcomes.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47(6):1222–1239. (link)
Ramos, María, Lex Thijssen, and Marcel Coenders. 2021. “Labour Market Discrimination against Moroccan Minorities in the Netherlands and Spain: A Cross-National and Cross-Regional Comparison.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47(6): 1261-1284. (link)
Veit, Susanne and Lex Thijssen. 2021. “Almost Identical but Still Treated Differently: Hiring Discrimination against Foreign-Born and Domestic-Born Minorities.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47(6):1285–1304. (link)
Thijssen, Lex, Marcel Coenders, and Bram Lancee. 2019. “Etnische Discriminatie Op de Nederlandse Arbeidsmarkt: Verschillen Tussen Etnische Groepen En de Rol van Beschikbare Informatie over Sollicitanten.” Mens & Maatschappij 94(2):141–176. (link) -> Prize of the Dutch Sociological Association (NSV) for best Dutch article 2021 (awarded once in two years) 
Thijssen, Lex and Maarten H. J. Wolbers. 2016. “Determinants of Intergenerational Downward Mobility in the Netherlands.” Social Indicators Research 128(3):995–1010. (link)
Raaijmakers, Niels, Lex Thijssen, Maurice Gesthuizen, and Maarten H. J. Wolbers. 2015. “Achterstanden van Niet-Westerse Immigranten Op de Arbeidsmarkt Onder Hoger Opgeleide Toetreders.” Mens & Maatschappij 90(1):73–102. (link)
Thijssen, Lex and Maarten H. J. Wolbers. 2014. “Intergenerationele Sociale Daling in Nederland.” Tijdschrift Voor Arbeidsvraagstukken 30(3):260–80. (link)


Thijssen, Lex. 2020. Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Western Labor Markets: Evidence from Field Experiments. Utrecht: ICS-dissertation. (link)
Promotor: Prof. dr. Frank van Tubergen (Utrecht University)
Daily supervisors: Dr. Marcel Coenders (Utrecht University | The Netherlands Institute for Social Research) & Dr. Bram Lancee (University of Amsterdam) 
Please find below the Synthesis and Dutch Summary | Nederlandse samenvatting

Reports & Contributions to Books

de Bakker, Erik, Lex Thijssen, and Wil Portegijs. 2023. Samenleving in Beweging: Diversiteit En Sociale Cohesie Nader Beschouwd. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. (link)

Thijssen, Lex. 2023. ‘Werkt het Nederlandse koloniale en trans-Atlantische slavernijverleden door in hedendaagse discriminatie en racisme op de arbeidsmarkt?’ Pp. 63–71 in Doorwerkingen van slavernijverleden. Meervoudige perspectieven op de relatie tussen verleden en heden. Den Haag: Staatscommissie tegen discriminatie en racisme. (link)

Essay Doorwerking Slavernijverleden - online appendix.docx

Thijssen, Lex. 2023. ‘Hoe denken werkgevers over diversiteit, inclusie en discriminatie?’ Pp. 103–19 in Arbeidsmarkt in kaart: Werkgevers – editie 4. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. (link)

Hoefman, Renske, Maja Djundeva, Marcel Coenders, Sander Kunst, and Lex Thijssen. 2023. Solidariteit over landsgrenzen heen tijdens de coronapandemie. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. (link)

Thijssen, Lex and Turkenburg, Monique. 2021. SCP-signalement: Samenleven in verscheidenheid (Dossier formatie). Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. (link)
Djundeva, Maja, Willem Huijnk, Lex Thijssen, and Emily Miltenburg. 2021. “De Arbeidsmarktpositie van Mensen Met Een Migratieachtergrond.” Pp. 143–98 in Kwesties voor het kiezen 2021, edited by L. van Noije, D. Verbeek-Oudijk, and J. de Haan. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. (link)
CPB/SCP. 2020. Kansrijk Armoedebeleid. Den Haag: Centraal Planbureau | Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. (link)
Thijssen, Lex. 2016. Taste-Based versus Statistical Discrimination: Placing the Debate into Context - Deliverable 3.2 (WP3). Utrecht: Utrecht University | Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets (GEMM).
Thijssen2016 - D3.2.pdf
Thijssen, Lex and Maarten H. J. Wolbers. 2015. “Intergenerationele Sociale Daling Verklaard.” Pp. 183–200 in Opleiding als sociale scheidslijn. Een nieuw perspectief op een oude kloof, edited by M. de Lange, J. Tolsma, and M. H. J. Wolbers. Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant.

Data collection

Lancee, Bram, Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, Marcel Coenders, Valentina Di Stasio, Mariña Fernández Reino, Anthony F. Heath, Ruud Koopmans, Edvard N. Larsen, Javier G. Polavieja, María Ramos, Lex Thijssen, Susanne Veit, Ruta Yemane, and Dieuwke Zwier. 2019. The GEMM Study: A Cross-National Harmonized Field Experiment on Labour Market Discrimination: Technical Report. University of Amsterdam, University of Oslo, University of Utrecht, Charles III University of Madrid, WZB Berlin Social Science Center. (link)
Lancee, Bram, Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, Marcel Coenders, Valentina Di Stasio, Mariña Fernández Reino, Anthony F. Heath, Ruud Koopmans, Edvard N. Larsen, Javier G. Polavieja, María Ramos, Hannah Soiné, Lex Thijssen, Susanne Veit, and Ruta Yemane. 2019. The GEMM Study: A Cross-National Harmonized Field Experiment on Labour Market Discrimination: Codebook. University of Amsterdam, University of Oslo, University of Utrecht, Charles III University of Madrid, WZB Berlin Social Science Center. (link)