<AI System-on-Chip>

  • Designing System-on-Chips for accelerating AI algorithms such as Deep Learning, DNN, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Semantic Segmentation, Depth Extraction, Localization, etc.
  • SoC with high energy efficiency, high throughput, high performance
  • SoC with low latency, low power consumption
  • Applications: Autonomous Driving, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Head-Mounted Display, AR/VR, Smartphone, Machine Translation, Speech Recognition, Action Generation

<Neuromorphic Processor>

  • Designing processors for accelerating brain-inspired AI algorithms such as Spiking Neural Network, Ternary Neural Network, etc.
  • Analog-digital mixed-mode architecture
  • SoC with ultra low power consumption and maximized parallel computing
  • Applications: Always-on sensors, Surveillance Monitoring, Bio-sensor Back-end

Putting a brain into a machine

(Some of the images posted above were from Google)